Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2008 New Year's Wishes
The first is for me (Hey, I’m writing it, I get the first wish!) – I wish for a healthy New Year. I wish for the body that I want. I wish for peace of mind. I wish to stop worrying about what other people think of me and just be me. I wish for people to tell me the truth even if it hurts and I wish to be able to tell people what I really think without worrying if it will hurt their feelings or our friendship. I wish for more friendship, more love, and always more money. I wish that doing day care at home pays off and I’m able to stay home instead of going back to work in the corporate world. I wish for my husband to love me more. I wish for my kids to be healthy and happy. I wish for more patience to deal with both them and John. I wish for more energy and more willingness and less procrastination.
John - I wish him Health. I wish that he would see what he’s doing to himself. That he needs to take care of his blood pressure, his sleep apnea and his weight before it’s too late. I wish him Hope. Hope that his future will be better than it is now. Not necessarily perfect, but at least more comfortable. I wish him Romance. I wish that he would see that I’m doing this to my body for him as much as for me and I wish he would recognize it more and encourage me more. I want him to have a trophy wife (not that I’ll ever be that good looking). I wish him Love. I wish that he knew how much I loved him.
Nick - I wish him Calm. To be able to know when he’s loosing control and handle it. I know that’s a wish for the far future, but I hope one day it happens. I wish him Knowledge. I hope that everything he learns in school gets sucked into that brain of his and makes him smarter than we are so he can do more than we’ve done. And I wish him Fun. I wish that he is able to have Fun at least once every single day.
Calli - I wish her Health. I wish her not to have to struggle the way Nick is. I wish I could go back in time and change something I did so that neither of my children would have to face the battle this life is about to deal them. I wish her Patience. Patience to deal with a Mommy who isn’t always patient with her. I wish her Happiness in everything she does. I wish her all the jewelry, make-up and dresses her little closet can handle.
Mom – I wish you Health. I wish for all your aches and pains to go away. I wish for Youth. For you to feel as young as you are inside. I wish you Nature. For all of your surroundings to bloom and grow into the beauty of the earth. I wish you a Happy Life and Retirement.
Pop – I wish you Health as well. I wish for your diabetes to magically go away so you can have all the sweets you want! I wish for the pounds to magically go away so you can walk and run and dance the night away. I wish you Money so you and Mom can quit working and have fun in retirement.
Joanne – I wish you Health always. I wish for the MS to go away and leave you in peace. Or at least a progression so slow that it doesn’t fully hit till you’re 90 and have enjoyed your life. I wish you Peace. Peace of mind knowing that everything may not be the way you want it to be, but it is how it’s supposed to be. I wish you Grandma’s love. I wish you to be the wonderful, loving grandmother that our Grandma was to us.
Andrea – I wish you Sobriety. I wish for you to stay on this new path you are on. To stay clean and sober and to live your life like you should have done for the past 15 years. I wish you Love with your man. I wish you Peace with your kids. I wish you Joy with yourself.
John's Family - I wish you Joy. Joy in everything you do from big to small. To be happy with every meal, every conversation, every sunrise. To smile for no reason, to laugh because you smiled. To love each other every single day.
Faith & John - I wish you Happiness. I wish to see you more often. I wish for our girls to be closer. I wish for a full life for you. I’m also still wishing for a new niece or nephew. hee hee
Aunt Irene – I wish you Joy. I am so glad that we have the relationship that we do and I hope that it just gets stronger. I wish you Love. Love from your man, your kids, and your friends. I hope that your kids know what a great mother they have even when you’re being a mother. You’ve been through it all and I hope they can see that even though they may not like it, you do know what you’re talking about. I wish you Strength. Strength to be able to handle whatever else may come your way.
Laura – I love you girl! I wish you Love. Enough love to spread through that brood of yours. And so much love in return that your heart is overflowing every day. I wish you Health. I wish you Hope. I wish you Joy and I wish you lived closer to me! Thank you for coming back into my life and saving me from many a meltdown when it came to Nick.
Cassy and Casey – I wish you Everything. You are starting your lives together in a big way. I wish you Strength to deal with whatever may come. I wish you Love to pour over that precious new baby. I wish you Money to pour into that new house. I wish you Peace in your everyday. I wish you abounding Happiness for the rest of your lives. I also wish you Knowledge. Remember, you’re smarter than you think and you can do just about anything. Choose a path and follow it. It may fork, but it will only lead you to a better destination. I wish you Luck. The best of luck for everything you do.
The rest of my family - I wish you all Health, Happiness and Peace. I wish that you all enjoy your lives the way they are and strive to make them even better. I wish you all a wonderful New Year.
All my old Avis co-workers – I wish you Employment! I heard that they were outsourcing all of you and I hope that you all move on to bigger and better things. May you all get 6 figure jobs! Best of luck to all of you.
My Baby Board Girls - I wish you Love. I wish I hadn’t strayed so far away from all of you. Just remember, I think of you often and you’re always in my heart. You guys are great friends/sisters. I send all of you warm hugs and kisses!
Margaret – I wish you Success. Success in MK so great that you surpass Cindy. I wish you Love. You ooze love from every pour of your body everyday and I hope that you receive just as much back and then some. You are a wonderful person through and through and I hope you see all that you have and treasure it.
Donna – I wish you Peace. Peace from the world. I wish for them to find a cure for cancer, a cure for immune diseases, a cure for age so that you can have your family with you always. I wish you all the best in everything. Thank you for being there for me the past year. The job may not have worked out, but life is trying to find a way. I also wish you more phone calls and visits from me!
Rich & Kevin – I wish you Abundance. An abundance of everything. Love, Joy, Hope and Peace. May your love for each other grow each day. I wish you tolerance. Tolerance from others as well as from yourselves. I wish you every happiness. Thank you for being our friends even if we are a bit uncouth!
Lea & Tom – I wish you Pleasure. Pleasure taken from everything around you. Your kids, your spouse, your crazy lanky dog. I hope that we stay friends for a very long time. Thank you Lea for all your hard work. For your pressure to keep me on track. For helping me through this transformation. Without your daily push, I wouldn’t be where I am today. You get ALL the credit on this one. Thank your for being my work out buddy! Thank you for looking so damn good that it gives me motivation to look as good as you! I’m so glad our kids got put on the same team. It’s been a great few months and I hope it can be a lifetime friendship. Tom, thank you for your patience. I know dealing with the technically challenged can be hard! We promise to wait until next year to screw anything else up!
Michelle & Tim – I wish you Love. Love each other and your kids with your whole heart everyday. I wish you Real Estate. I wish for you to be able to sell your house and buy the one you’ve always dreamed of. I wish you Friendship. I wish for you to have more friends than you can handle and more joy than your heads can take. I wish you Success in business. I wish for Tim’s phone projects to sell a gazillion and for Shell’s cake business to take off. Imagine that new house with a separate commercial kitchen in it! I wish you Patience and Tolerance. Patience to deal and appreciate my kids for what they are even if they are a pain in the ass. More tolerance for them would mean more chances for us to have fun together. Thank you for being our friends. For being there for us and for caring enough to want to.
Mark, Kim, Allison, Eric and Liz – I wish you Success. Success in everything you do. Whether it be business, love, home, or life. I hope to see marriage in the future for all of you. I wish you Growth. Grow your love, grow your lives, grow you minds. I wish you Sight. See things that are around you that you may not have noticed. And try to see things in a new light. Your opinion from yesterday could be different today. I wish you Love. Love yourselves for who you are not what you think you should be.
To all of the other people I know - I wish you the joys of the holiday season. To remember the holidays are about giving, not getting. And not necessarily gifts you buy. Gifts of the heart. Gifts of Love, of Friendship, of Hope. It’s about family and friends. I wish each of you a Very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, prosperous New Year.
Monday, December 29, 2008
What a long week! I think Christmas is just like a wedding. You plan for months and months and it's over in one day! Kind of a let down.
The kids made out pretty good. Unfortunately, I think Nick did better than Calli. He got way more stuff to "play" with. Calli got mostly art stuff, which is what she loves, but I noticed that besides that, she really didn't get many actual toys.
I got John a zip up fleece which I really like on him and a GPS, which he is in love with! He was pissed off at first cause Mr. Genius decided to go shopping for me on Christmas Eve of all days, and unfortunately the mortgage had gone through and wiped out our account so there was no money to buy me anything. Hence, the PO'd behavior cause he got stuff and I didn't. He did get me a set up for my phone that lets you download music onto it which is really cool.
I think when it comes to the holidays, I'm more of a giver than a receiver. I love the look on people's faces when they open the gifts I gave them. I think that's way more fun. I like to try to find something they really want. I'm totally fine with getting nothing really. I have too much crap already. The only thing I would really "need" is clothes. But I wouldn't want someone to buy them since at this point my clothes are only fitting for about a month. That's just a waste. So everyone being happy on the holiday is present enough for me.
John took the kids to his parents in the afternoon and they got a ton more stuff there. Nick got an Ipod and digital camera. Calli got a barbie horse and carriage and a couple of dolls. She also got the Crayola magic paint brush thing which is totally cool! Fiber optics ROCK!
Oh, speaking of the brat! She begged me for this stupid swimming baby doll. It was like $35 which was ridiculous, but she really wanted it, so fine, I got it. We put the batteries in, started the tub put her in and boom, she swims, really cool right.. WRONG. "Mommy, how do you make her not swim? I just want to play with her". WHAT??? I could have bought a $5 doll to do that! Arg. Well, unless you take out the batteries, it can't be turned off. Plus, it's all motorized, so if you start moving her arms and legs around, it'll break. Great. That's freaking money down the drain. Hopefully she'll like it more in the summer when the baby's swimming in the pool. Freaking kids!
Their favorite gifts were of course on of the cheapest! I bought them each back packs that had tents, sleeping bags and camping stuff in them. I got them for $10! We set them up in the play room and that is where my kids have slept since Christmas. LOL
So after a two week break, I told Lea yesterday that enough was enough and we needed to get back to our workouts. I feel like crud! She should be coming over today. We're doing it here cause both the boys are off of school and we have more room to play here. Plus the brakes on the car need to be done really bad, so John said not to drive it.
We got most of the Christmas stuff down last night. Didn't have time to do everything because yesterday was Lea's kids birthday party. They're only a couple weeks apart, so they do a combined party. After the party we went back to their house to hang out. We got home around 7pm and I was just fed up with looking at the mess. So I just started pulling down boxes and taking everything apart. I know, I'm bah humbug, but I wanted my house back. The living room is all done except for the mantel. Today I'm starting on the kitchen that looks like a hurricane went through it. Then laundry, then bedrooms, then I'll tackle the play room. I probably wont get to the play room today, but it's on my list of things to do ASAP. I want to get it back to a usable state. Calli's stuff is all still in her bedroom from the summer. I'd love to get some of those storage shelves like Michelle has, but we're too broke right now. Eventually I guess. I just need to get it straightened out right now.
Ok, off to begin! Nick just unloaded the dishwasher (rock on!) so now I have to go fill it back up again (boo)
Have a day folks.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Well, it's Christmas Eve. And it's rainy and foggy out! NO!! what's up with that? If anything, it's supposed to snow, not rain. BLAH!! Mother Nature is not in the Christmas spirit.
I am though. We finished wrapping all the presents last night. Ug! I made John bring them all in from the garage and we sat there for a couple hours wrapping. Then we put them all in big garbage bags and put them out in the smoking room. That way if the kids look, they'll just think it's garbage. Hee Hee... We didn't want to have to put them back out in the garage. So now I'm going to clean up the house and start getting ready for dinner at Aunt Pat's. Then it's home to put the kiddies to bed, bring in the presents and stuff the stockings. Just call me Santa!!
I can't remember if my "wishes" post was done on Christmas or new years last year... well, either way, I'll do it for New Years cause I need more time to prepare it. Don't worry, it's coming.
Merry Christmas all! And just remember, this holiday is about giving, not receiving. It doesn't matter what you get. The best present you can get is the happy look on other people's faces when they receive your gift. I know my greedy little kids are way to young to understand that now, but I hope they learn. Hell, when I was younger, I wanted all the presents I could get. Now, ... honestly, I don't care if I don't get a single thing (well, except my Christmas PJ's. Gotta have that!!) I am way happier giving to other people. (That's probably why we're so broke!)
Ok, Happy Holidays to all of you. I love you so much! Hope Santa's Good To You!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
We even got to go.... without kids!!! My little cousin Crystal came over to help me make the last of the perogi and she volunteered to stay with the kids. WOO HOO!! You ROCK CRYSTAL!!
It's always great to see Rich's family. I love them so much. They're "good people". They had a heater going outside for the smokers but it was still freaking ass cold out there! This weather is crazy! The only negative thing I had to say about the party was the PARKING!! They live on a pretty narrow street and when it's snow covered... forget it. They need to rent out all the neighbors driveways and then put out signs or something. Oh or Valet Parking!! That would be perfect! We got pretty lucky. We had a spot pretty close. Otherwise, it was a complete success. Great food, great people, great house, great hosts. Love you guys!!!
Oh another cool thing... one of the guest had a couple bags of shoes and clothes that were given to her by one of her customers. I guess it was some really rich lady. Ya know, one of those people who only wear things once or buy things and never wear them. She had all these designer shoes that were awesome, designer as in Prada designer, that kinda designer. Of course they were all freaking size 7 1/2! What's up with that shit? I did get a couple of sweaters and a Louis Vitton cell phone holder. NICE!! Plus she said she had more clothes in my size at home and she would get some for me. WOO HOO! Can't beat a Christmas party like that. You go there for the holidays and your goodie bag has SHOES IN IT!! Now that's the way to a girl's heart!
Here's a picture of me in the "SIZE 12" dress I bought for the party. Damn, I look good! Still have a ways to go, but I think that ain't bad!! Feel free to stroke my ego and tell me I look hot! Or at least luke warm! LOL
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I've decided that we are technological idiots! LOL
Our friends Tom and Lea gave us a big screen tv a few weeks ago. You'd think, cool, no big deal. Tom set it all up for us and everything. Nope, we've already had to have him come over 3 times to fix it. Once was cause Calli had her feet on the front while watching something and all of a sudden the sound went all crazy (turns out she turned on the surround sound). Then he had to come because some how the picture in picture got turned on and we couldn't figure out how to turn it off. Yesterday was the best of all.
Tuesday night I wanted the kids to clean up some before they went to bed, so I turned off the tv. They cleaned up everything and off they went. I turned the tv back on and it was freaking out. It has all these different set ups. Video 1, Video 2 and so on. It kept flashing from the picture to video 1. I did figure out that if you pushed the input button it would stop, but if you pushed anything on the remote again it would start all over. Very annoying. Then of course John decides he can fix it. After that, we got no picture at all!! LOL
So he comes over last night. He said he'd never heard of that happening, and he's in the business! Only us. So he's messing with it, checking it out, then he calls me in and says, something in the room is interfering. He covers the little thingy on the front and the flashing stops. So we're trying the lights, the tree, the switches, nothing. THEN, he moves the basket that's next to the tv with all the Wii stuff in it and it stops. Turns out that when the kids cleaned up they had put the remote to the old tv in the basket and one of the Wii remotes was pressing on it sending a signal to the tv to go to video 1. ONLY WE could have something so STUPID!!! LOL I told them to never give us anything ever again cause we're too much of a pain in the ass.
I finished making most of the pirogi. I still have some cheese ones to make cause those are my favorite so I bought extra. But the Christmas eve ones are all done. YAY ME. I gave Lea and Tom a batch last night (for their trouble) LOL I can't believe Christmas is next week already. Nick comes home yesterday and says, "Mom, next Tuesday we have an early dismissal and then we have off for a couple of days." I said, "I know Honey. Next week is Christmas." His mouth dropped open. He didn't realize that's why he had off. LOL I wrapped half of the presents last night before I ran out of tape and wrapping paper. I'll run to Walmart later and get some more.
I have to take Nick to the doctor this afternoon. He's been fighting a cold for over a week now. I've still been sending him to school though. Following the rules we grew up on. "If you don't have a fever and your not throwing up, then you go to school." I always hated that rule. LOL So he's had a nasty chest cold and some congestion. Today he woke up crying and said his ear really hurt. I hate that. It's just something you can't do anything to fix. I gave him some tylenol and promised him a doctor's appointment after school. I told him to go to the nurse if it gets too bad. Poor kid. He never gets sick. Of course the one time that he does, it's dragging on forever. Hopefully some antibiotics will kick it out of him.
Ok, off to do more laundry, it's never ending!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Feeling a little better this morning. I have to get to the post office today and drop off a car payment. So I'm glad I can breath a little bit.
I forgot to mention. The guy who emailed me about the van never made contact again (should have known it was to good to be true). Someone else did come yesterday and we sold it for $1,100. Not to shabby considering all the work it needs.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I threw my freaking back out!! UG! Saturday morning I woke up at around 6am with my back killing me. Now, most of you know that I have severe lower back issues, but this is all in my upper/middle back. I stretched a lot and got back to sleep around 7am. When I woke up a couple hours later (weekend) It was still really sore, but I just dealt with it cause I had a lot of stuff to do.
Saturday night it was really bothering me so I took a percocet and went to bed. John had fallen asleep on the couch after I went up. So when I woke up at 4:30am screaming, well, not quite screaming, more like crying loud whimpers cause I couldn't get my breath, I had to make my way down to him for help. It was soooooo bad I couldn't take a breath at all. Just these little tiny inhales. With every one of those I got a horrible stabbing pain. John was trying to hold me and my back just kept spasming. He got me in a hot shower which helped a little bit and then rubbed my back for quite a while. My crying woke up poor Nick at 5am.
I think I finally went back up to bed at around 6 or so and piled all the pillows up so that I was basically sleeping sitting up. I've been pretty much layed out all day today. I called my Mommy and she told me to try ice. That worked pretty good to, along with the Aleve. But I still can't take a good breath at all. Slow and shallow is all I can muster without a stabbing pain. I'd be in bed now except, 1) the Survivor finale is on and 2) I'm afraid that I'll wake up even worse and John won't be here to help me. He's leaving for work at around 2am. I wish I had muscle relaxers. John told me to call Joanne (my sister) to yell at her for moving to FL cause she would have one on hand. lol
I just wish I could breath. UG I was gonna finish off the pirogi today, but that didn't happen. Hopefully this will go away in a day or so and I can do it.
Ok, that's my whine for the day. BLAH. Off to take some drugs and head to bed.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
I ran to shoprite this morning cause our power was out, I had already folded and put away all the laundry, and painted Calli's nails. LOL Anyway, I got there and they have a fake tree, 7 feet, and pre-lit for $40. Which is what we spend on a real tree. I figured this would be better since we have the puppy and because the tree's in the middle of the room this year, not tucked in a corner like normally, so it's much easier to knock over. It's a little "charlie brown-ish" but it'll do for now. Calli's begging me right now to put it up. I need to eat something first. Haven't done that yet.
Uhm, what else.... The sun finally came out. It's about freaking time! Rain is so depressing. OH!! We went to get the kids pictures taken yesterday for Christmas. My friend took them (she took the fairy pictures) We spent $20 something and got a TON of pictures. Hee Hee, it's good to know people. Now I'm just going to scan one in to do our Christmas cards. Walmart does them for 33 cents a card. WAY cheaper the the picture place. Now I just have to get the scanner to work. When I do, I'll share the pics with you.
Ok, off to eat. TTFN
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Due to the disgusting idiot from my prior post, I will no longer be allowing comments to go directly through to the blog. You can leave your comment as usual, but I will have to approve it before it appears on the actual blog.
Sorry to all my normal readers for any inconvenience. One asshole spoils it for everyone. It was not something anyone else should have been subjected to. Everyone else, Please continue to comment. I always like to hear the opinions and thoughts of sane, rational people. (Don't worry all my crazy friends, you're close enough to sane to count!)
To whomever wrote the comment I deleted in the hair loss blog: I did not apreciate 1)the insinuation that I don't take care of my children. 2) That my son would ever do anything that inappropriate or 3) the bald face lie that you put in your comment about something that never did or ever would happen. If it was a joke, it was NOT FUNNY!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Christmas Tree Angel
Then Mrs Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more.
When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where.
Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered.
Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drank all the cider and hidden the rum. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom.
Just then the doorbell rang, and irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said very cheerfully, 'Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?'
And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
I can not walk around with no hair. I'm afraid to even look to see if I have bald spots now. I can see my scalp already. This is just horrible. HORRIBLE!! I have to go buy some hats and maybe some scarves or something. Of course it sucks that all the holidays are coming and everyone is going to see me. They'll be like, "Oh you've lost so much weight your look wond..... oh what happened to all your hair?" I am NOT OK WITH THIS!!
For my birthday, everyone can chip in and get me a hair replacement. :o(
My beautiful friend Margaret cheered me up yesterday though. She, her husband and her daughter are the most talented family on the planet. (not to mention smart and gorgeous too!) They are all musicians, artists, singers, just talent out the wazoo. Her husband Rhett and their daughter Marea made up a little Christmas Carol. She sent it to me and I'm trying to figure out how to get it on here to share with you. I'm not having much success. I'm waiting for my friend, Blythe in California to wake up. She's a genius when it comes to this stuff and she can usually figure it out for me. Wait until you hear it. It's so cute and you'll be shocked to know that Marea is only 4!! Well, 4 3/4. LOL She and Calli are only 2 months apart. I think? I think she was born when Calli was supposed to be born. End of March? Mid April? Oh I don't know. I'm horrible at that stuff. AAAA HA!! Mid April it is. Wanna know how I know? Yeah, I know you don't care, but tough shit, it's my blog, I'll type it anyway.
I know because I just looked in my drawer and pulled out her birthday invitation from last year. Why do I still have it you ask? Because like I said before, this is the most talented family on the planet and it was the coolest invitation. A picture of Marea dressed as a princess on the back of a unicorn. I'd scan it and put it on here, but I don't want to do that without permission. Some people don't want their kids pictures plastered on the internet. Even the written part inside was amazing. I love this family. Although I learned my lesson to NEVER EVER EVER sing karaoke after Margaret. Make sure you go BEFORE!!! That way when she gets up there and blows people off their seats, you can just be happy. If you go after her, no matter how good your voice is, you might as well be kermit the frog, cause all you're going to be is cute with a boring voice. LOL
Wow, I really went off on a tangent about the Pennell clan. Oh well, it was something to talk about besides my head. As soon as I figure out how to do the song, I'll let you know.
Have a day people.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Damn I'm tired! It's been a crazy few days.
Friday, Nick had a shrink appointment. The good news is that he's doing well and she's happy that I started him on all the vitamins. The bad news... that was the first time she met Calli and of course Calli threw one of her infamous tantrums. The doctor just kept looking at her and asked me a couple of questions. She then basically confirmed that Calli most likely has Asperger's too. Not a banner moment for me, but I guess I was expecting it. I held back the tears.... wow, I'm not now though. I think my mind is back to that, what did I do wrong, phase. I will forever have to realize that I fucked up my kids. Damnit. Ok, deep breath. Anyway, moving on. She said that we wont start her on any meds or even discuss any of that until after we see how she handles school. Girls are usually better than boys. We'll see.
Ok, so after that, we went to the DMV and got all the stuff taken care of for the new car then went and picked it up. YAYAY!! No more climbing over the seats. Oh and Donna... it's got a butt warmer like yours!! LOL So, anyone want a POS Van??? It runs really well. I like it.
Saturday we did a little more dog hunting. I don't know if I mentioned that before. We've been looking at shelters and stuff cause John's been asking for a "real dog". LOL Our Maggie is a tiny thing and he's used to big dogs. Nothing has been really catching his attention and the ones that were had an OUTRAGEOUS adoption fee. It's crazy. Some of them wanted up to $275. That's just insane.
Sunday... Ahhh Sunday. Sunday was a killer. Ok, so back story. Since the beginning of time, Gramma hand made the perogi for Christmas Eve dinner. Which is a large undertaking considering that the kids now have kids and there's a lot of people to feed. Our traditional Christmas Eve dinner consists of breaded and fried fish, perogi and clam chowder. Ham has been added in the last few years. Plus a few odds and ends that unfortunately, I can't remember but they aren't the main focus of dinner.
Since Gramma passed away a few years ago, we have switched to store bought perogi. Which anyone who has had that and home made knows there is NO comparison. But since my Aunt Pat does the holidays at her house and if you remember from my previous post, a Thanksgiving that feeds a small county! We can't expect her to hand make perogis too. That's just way to much for one person.
So this year I decided that I wanted the real thing and I was going to attempt to make them. HA! Ok, so I've tried before and although I can make the filling perfect, I can not make the dough. I told Mom I was going to do it and she volunteered to come and help. Silly Silly woman. LOL So I call her when I'm shopping and say, Aunt Pat says to make about 150. How many potatoes should I buy? She says, oh, 10 pounds should be good. Ok, 10 pounds. Arg! Let me tell you, 10 pounds IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!! LOL
She got here around 10 am and left around 5 pm and we still had half a pot (the huge corn pots) of potato and cheese. We did figure out the dough though!! YAY. And I have to say, I make damn good triangles. I can't say the same for Mom's though. Attention Family: Any funky looking perogis were made by Barbara! Love you Mom and thanks for all the help. We were exhausted by the end of the day. My palms are still killing me from all the rolling and I'm still not done. I figure I'll wait until the pain dies down a little bit before I finish them. We ended up making about 250 of them. HA, anyone hungry??? OH and I made the plain cheese ones this year. We haven't had them since Gramma made them. You can't buy them in a store. They're made with farmer's cheese and were always my favorite.
Today I took Nick for his first appointment with the DAN! doctor (Defeat Autism Now). She's wonderful. I really like her. She said I was doing good with the vitamins and would stick with that. She's having me do a urine test, fecal test and .... blood work (FUCK!!!) I told John we have to do it when he's home cause it takes 6-8 people to hold him down. But the test will give her a lot to work with.
We also talked about Calli and we'll do her workup at the same time as Nick's follow up to get the test results. She said, "She doesn't look healthy". I said I know! That's how she always looks, sallow, pale, dark circles under her eyes. She noticed the distended belly and I mentioned the constant vaginal issues and the begging for food which she said is most likely a yeast build up and the constant food is feeding the yeast. So maybe we'll get both these kids straightened out a little bit. We'll see.
Ok, wow, I can't believe I forgot the worst part!! Stupid me went on Craig's List to look for dogs for john and found him a few. He picked one in Newton to go see. And... CAME HOME WITH IT!! And of course, all this time we've been looking at adult dogs, fully grown, house broken, all that. What does he bring home??? A 15 week old puppy!! Arg. Ok, so he's really cute. They said he is a shepard/pit mix. They had taken a litter of pups from someone who wasn't caring for them and they were left outside all the time. They were giving them away to good homes. He's very sweet and loves Calli to death. He follows her around and lays with her on the couch. Whenever she leaves the room, he just cries. LOL The bad part, of course John works all day. So guess who is house training! ME! Although, I do have to say, Nick has been great. If I'm not in the room and the dog goes on the floor. Nick puts him outside AND CLEANS IT UP!! How awesome is that!! I'm very proud of him. So now we have the two cats, Mocha and Muffin, and our Maggie so I told John he had to have an M name. So now we have a Mason.
Like I don't have enough to do!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Well, we weren't on Rachel all that much yesterday. You did here my UG! and her look at me and say "RIGHT?" but they cut the rest out. And then the only time you saw us is the last minute we were there before she did her cooking at the end. It was a really good shot of all 4 of us though.
Still thinking about the day care thing. And Mom, I did check the laws for NJ and actually, I can take up to 5 kids (not including my own). The car situation is a concern. But you have to figure, most day cares have more kids than they can tote around. If there is an emergency (knock on wood there wouldn't be - although, with Callihan around...... hmmm) I figure, you call and ambulance, then I call a friend to stay with the kids. I also figure, that if I do this, we'll make twice as much money as when I was at work. We could pay off our debt and then maybe save up for another van. After the holidays, I'm going to put a couple adds out there and see what I get.
As for MK, I know it's there waiting for me, but I can't wrap my head around that like you can. I can't see asking people to spend money on that when right now most people can't pay their bills. I'm sure I'll always be a MK lady, but not right now. I love you though!! Call me, we'll have a play date!
I've got a bunch of lots of clothes on Ebay right now. All size 18 if anyone is interested. Laura, no worries, you have your own pile! I still have so much more to do. I hate putting things on ebay, it's such a pain in the ass, but I like the money!!
Ok, off to shower. I have a ton of running to do today. Work out, gymnastics, pick up car paperwork, DMV, dress drop off for Shelly, home, and then car swap. Crap, I just thought of something really important that I had to do and then it went POOF! OH NO! I hate when that happens. (like daily!) Uhm,.... uh.... Oh I don't know. I hope I think of it. TTFN
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Morning Folks.
Weight Check - 190!! Looks like I'm doing about 5 pounds a week. If that holds, I should be at my goal weight by my birthday (Feb. 7th). Happy Birthday to me!! I'm hoping to surpass my goal by about 15 pounds since there is a little bit of a gain back. I want that leeway.
Tomorrow I'm going to pick up my new car. THANK GOD!! We're buying it from Tim's sister. John's Dad checked it all out and gave us a green light. And thankfully they are happy to take payments. No more climbing over the seats or worrying that the wheels are going to fall off on the highway! Woo Hoo!!
We'll be on Rachel Ray Today!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Let's see. Thanksgiving went really well. Dinner at my Aunt's as usual. It was a smaller crowd this year. Only around 35 people. LOL It was all yummy of course, but I was very sad and depressed because I only got down about 4 bites before I was full and couldn't eat anymore. I swear I was gonna cry sitting at the table watching everyone stuff their faces and I couldn't. So depressing. I did take home a big plate of food that I've been munching on.
Friday, I was one of those insane people who got up at the crack of dawn and went shopping. I got almost everything I needed and the kids are done except for one thing for Calli. I didn't go overboard either, so I'm pretty proud of myself. The only thing I got that wasn't on sale was this stupid doll that Calli wanted that actually swims in water. Damn thing was like $35! UG. Oh well. It was on the top of her list.
My biggest fear was that I didn't get enough for Nick. Calli is so easy to buy for that I always seem to get more for her than for him. But once I unloaded everything, it was pretty even. He may have even had a little bit more.
We're going to get the car checked out tonight. Hopefully all is well with it and we can buy it. It's our friend Tim's sister's car. I can't wait to be able to get into the car from the driver's side (and out too!) That will be so nice. Driving around this weekend, I swear half the time we thought the front wheel was just gonna fall right off. Scary.
OH, I gave myself a little holiday present. I paid off our Walmart cards. They'd been in collections forever and I used to get calls from them at least (no joke) 15 times a day. Drove me insane. They sent us settlement letters and I was able to pay them off at 30% what we owed. Totally worth it. YAY ME!
So I'm thinking that I don't want to go back to work, no surprise there. Of course John HATES that idea. I was thinking of seeing if I could get some kids here and do daycare in the house. I believe that as long as you have no more than 5 kids that you don't need a licence. 5 kids X $200 a week.... that's more than I was making in the corporate world. Although, I don't know if I would take 5! LOL We'll see. I'll put an add on Craig's List and see what happens.
Today is a laundry and ebay day, so I need to get to it. TTFN
OH WAIT... Mark your calendars. This Wednesday!! We will again be on the Rachel Ray show. And when she shows the wreath and they say how much it is, I'm the one who makes the weird noise that she talks too! Hee Hee!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Nick had a very nice birthday. He got lots of cool things and had fun with all his friends. The new Hess Truck Rocks by the way. Very cool this year!
It's been rainy and cold here for what seems like weeks. It's so dreary. I miss the sun. I've been reading the Twilight books which are based in the Seatle, Washington area and it's always raining in them. I swear, I think I'm projecting the books into real life. I just have a feeling that a gorgeous vampire is going to knock on my door any minute. LOL (Going to see the movie tonight!)
Weight check... 195! Woo Hoo 45 more pounds to go! I think I'll be really close by my birthday. YAY!! I'm now down 62 pounds.
I was thinking that now that Nick's birthday is done we can get back to some sence of normalcy. Nope. We have Brittnee's birthday party this weekend, Thanksgiving, Daniel and Sara's birthday's next month, not to mention that Christmas is quickly aproaching! Arg. I really need to get selling on Ebay so I can afford Christmas. It seems that as they get older, the presents get more expensive. They don't want the $2 doll or car anymore. They want the $50 talking Panda and the $80 Lego set. I really need to win the lottery. Every year we are broke around this time, but I always seem to manage. I think we'll be fine. Ebay will definetly help a lot. I just have to get my butt going and get stuff on there. I have PLENTY! Soooooo many clothes.
Our family of Eagles haven't been around a lot lately. The neighbor was over yesterday and said he saw them, so they must be hanging out further down the lake right now. Turns out it's a breading pair with 4 babies. Very cool.
Ok, off to warm up the house. Gotta get the fire going again (not easy with all the wet wood!)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I know my blogs are now few and far between, but boy, I just don't have a lot of time these days. Between baking, cleaning, laundry, cooking, gymnastics, workouts, and shopping for birthdays... I'm booked and beat. I just made two dozen cupcakes that are now cooling before I have to icing them. Those are for Nick's school tomorrow. Then tomorrow I have to make his cake for Saturday. Shelly let me borrow her giant cupcake pan and even though Nick was really upset that Shell couldn't make his truck cake, he got over it pretty quick when I showed him the cupcake cake. He thought that was pretty cool.
Going shopping for his birthday with Callihan in tow was a nightmare. She just kept saying, I want that, I want that. "It's not YOUR birthday!" I kept saying. We ended up getting Nick two Wii games (both on sale WOO HOO!) A Hot Wheels racing one and the Lego's Star Wars one. We got him the Wall-E movie, a construction trucks set (found in the cheapy section) and this zero gravity car that he was begging for. The thing drives on the walls and ceiling. Should be interesting.
If anyone else is looking for stuff for him:
Anything Lego's as long as they are the small ones. Plain Lego's are fine, but if you are going to buy the sets, stick to things that are cars or trucks. He's not really interested in the ships, space ships, air plane type things.
Any sets for his Geo Tracks train.
Games for the Wii or the Gameboy (not the DS!) - Non-Violent Only Please
Cars and trucks are always a winner for him.
Size 8/10 clothes
Moon Sand
That should be good for now. Christmas lists to come. Oh boy! Why couldn't I have summer babies???
Oh, Lea is taking me to the movies on Tuesday to see Twilight. That's the new movie out made from the book I just read that Cassy got me addicted to while she was here. I read the damn thing in 3 days. (500 some odd pages). She said she mailed me the next one, but I haven't gotten it yet. I have a feeling she sent it to the wrong town. Arg.
Ok, off to do another load of laundry and put icing on the cupcakes.
Party is around 1-2 pm on Saturday. Oh, let's say 1:30 and make it even. Please remember that we are also celebrating John's birthday which is tomorrow. No gift is required, but if you'd like to get him something, stuff for the fish tank would be good. Plants, little houses or even fish would be great. But a card and a hug is all he really needs. hee hee hee (when it's my birthday... I want PRESENTS DAMNIT!!) I'm greedy, what can I say.
Monday, November 17, 2008
What a crazy week.
Cassy and Casey were great. We loved having them here. We did the city, Aunt Pat's, Rockaway, and Mom's. It seems like we were running every day and the week went by too quick. It was really hard letting them go. Cassy looks great. You can barely tell she's pregnant. She's definitely FEELING pregnant though. Poor thing. She gonna be one of those chicks that we all hate who only gets a big belly and from behind you can't even tell she's pg. LOL
They've really got it all together. They have a 5 year plan and it's a damn good plan. I think they're going to be fine. I can't wait to see the baby. Two gorgeous parents can only lead to gorgeous kids.
Casey was such a big help too. Every minute he was like, what can I help you do? He loaded wood, cleaned the kitchen, pulled carpet. He ROCKS! Good choice Cass.
Saturday's party was a big success. We had a really good showing and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. Not to mention that I got $170 in FREE STUFF! Woo Hoo. I even got some outfits in a medium. (Thinking ahead) And I replaced my Butterfly that so sadly melted. (Don't ask - we just found it that way one day) I cooked up a storm and everyone was happily stuffed by the end of the night. The last people left at about 2:30am. It was a lot of fun.
The doctor's office called me today. The nurse said that my blood work came back and it wasn't good. I had a B 12 deficiency before, but she said now it was extreme and I had to get to my primary ASAP to get a round of injections started. yeah Arg I have an appointment tomorrow morning to start. You don't realize the damage the lack of one little vitamin can do. Apparently it can cause permanent neurological damage, memory loss (yeah must have been deficient for a while!) numbness, tingling in the extremities, dizziness, fatigue and a plethora of other things. Just lovely. Hopefully after I get it leveled I'll start feeling better. We'll see.
So, did anyone see me on Rachel Ray today????? I did! WOO HOOO!! The next time we'll be on is between the 3rd and the 5th of december. I'll let you know.
Don't forget this Saturday is Nick's birthday. All are welcome. Probably start around 1 pm. Legos, cars, Wii games, gameboy games (no violent games please!) are all on his list.
Off to make dinner for these heathens!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday Weight Check: 199 BABY!!! I have crossed over the 200 mark with hopes of never ever returning!
Cassy is in town for a few days. (My niece) She looks great (as always). Even being 4 months pregnant - SURPRISE!!! We've been keeping it on the DL for a while. But yup. We will have a new member of our family come May. I'm going to be a .... UG.... Great Aunt. Although, I know I'm wonderful and all, but .... how about Rockin Aunt, or Awesome Aunt... Great Aunt just seems old. Hee Hee Hee,... Mom is going to be a GREAT GRANDMOTHER! Ha, talk about feeling old. LOL I'm very proud of Cass. She's just got it all together. Her and Casey (her man) have the next 3 years completely figured out already. I'm so proud of her. She's always been a smart cookie and when they hit this little speed bump, the just kept going. I see a very bright future.
We've had a very busy week that's why I haven't written. We picked them up in New York and then gave Casey a little tour since he'd never been there. He was quite awe struck. It was so cute. He took so many pictures. Cassey told him, and I quote "If you take one more picture of me, I'm going to shove that camera up your ass!" HA LOL Cassey is long past the awe of NY. LOL We had fun though.
Monday was blood work for me and a little running around. Tuesday was visiting day. We saw Aunt Pat and the gang. Drove though the famous Rockaway so Casey could get the full affect. (It was a very short ride LOL) I stopped and got a carpet for the living room. Threw my workout in there somewhere too.
Today we're going up to Mom's for the day. Busy Busy Busy!!
Ok, off to get dressed. Have a great day folks!
Friday, November 7, 2008
So, yesterday we went to Rachel Ray. SO MUCH FUN. Ok, so getting up at 4:30am to go to the city and then waiting 3 1/2 hours to get into the studio wasn't all that fun, but the show was! They segments for two different shows. The first will air on November 17th and its the next elimination round for the "Hey, Can you cook?" contest she does. (I know who the final two are!!) The other segment will air between December 3-5. They weren't sure which date but it will have Miranda Cosgrove (iCarly) and some holiday stuff.
We got snack of the day (yummy brownies), December's issue of Every Day with Rachel Ray magazine and the 1st season DVD of iCarly (which my kids were THRILLED about) - confession, I love iCarly. I find myself watching it all the time and the kids aren't even in the room! It's really cute. After the taping, we ran out of there, grab a quick bite (since we hadn't eaten anything but a mini bagel and a bite of brownie since 4:30 am!) and the rushed to catch the next train home. We had to do that because we had to be back home by 6:30 for Nick football banquet.
The banquet was really cute. All the kids got a nice trophy and we all had dinner (food wasn't so hot) We finally got out of there about 8:30, got the kids home and put them straight to bed. Calli had fallen asleep at the banquet because both kids were up at 5:30 that morning and she hadn't napped. All in all it was a very long day, but fun.
This morning I woke up, looked at the clock that read 5:45am and then saw John lying in bed. I woke him up and said, what time are you supposed to go to work. He looked at the clock, said FUCK, and jumped out of bed. Some how the clock had changed to Saturday, so even though it was set, it didn't go off cause it's one of those smart clocks that will only go off on the weekdays if you want it to. Needless to say, everyone in the house got woken up. So again, my kids have been up since the crack of dawn. Calli is DEFINITELY taking a nap today! She can do that, I'll clean this disaster and get ready for carpet removal.
So, it's bad now, but it will be bright and shiney and smell pretty for the party. I promise!
Would anyone like a cat?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I ran to the store today to buy a shirt to wear tomorrow. I went to fashion bug. I actually had to shop in the normal section, not the plus side of the store! How cool is that?! I bought a size 12 top! (stretchy though)
So, without further ado......
Oh wait, one ado... I made sure to not suck in in either of these pictures so I knew how I actually looked. I still have a LOT of work to do, but it'll come.
So, without further ado again...
2 Beautiful Things
Sorry I haven't written in a while. Busy Busy. Halloween went well considering we were walking around with 7 kids!! They all gave out around 7pm which is really early for us, but they were done. We went to the diner to eat and then back to Shell's for game night. We had a good time.
We FINALLY got wood delivered yesterday. After the first company not showing up.... TWICE, we got someone else to do it and they showed up the same day. Then Nick's football coach called one of his friends and he dropped some off too. We had 3 1/2 cords dumped next to the house. I immediately went over to the boys next door and their friends and said, Hey, wanna earn a couple bucks? Hee Hee. So we had them stacking all the wood. It was a double workout yesterday for me. I did my morning one with Lea, then I helped them unload the wood from the truck and helped the boys stack it. My back was killing me by the end of the night.
On to my 2 beautiful things.
The first... While stacking the wood yesterday, we saw a bald eagle fly across the sky and land in one of our trees. It was the most beautiful site. We then noticed that there was a female further back in the woods. I have never seen a bald eagle in the wild. I was in awe and close to tears. I ran and got my camera and took a couple shots but my USB cord isn't working for it and I can't download the pictures. ARG. They weren't really all that good though because of the position he was in. As I sit here typing this, I am watching him actually flying over the lake. The site of something like that... something that almost didn't exist anymore, is awe inspiring. He is just gorgeous with his big white head and wings that seem to stretch to heaven. We think they may have a nest up in the woods behind our house. How wonderful would that be?
The second beautiful thing... PRESIDENT Barak Obama. Now I know some of you are probably staunch McCain supporters and that is your right. But think about it. You have just witnessed history in the making. You saw, with your own eyes, prejudice be put aside. You heard, with your own ears, ideas of change. We may disagree about who's ideas are the right ones, but you can not disagree with the knowledge that his being elected is change in itself. Considering that 50 years ago, a black man couldn't even drink from the same water fountain as a white man. Black children couldn't play in the same playgrounds, or swim in the same pools as white children. Where black women were expected to be nothing more than maids. This election says a lot about how much our country has changed in the last 50 years, and I pray that it continues.
Personally I was for Obama all along. Last night I found out that John was a McCain fan. BUT, I believe that is because he never actually listened to both sides and heard what each one was planning to do. He only listened to what his MOTHER had to say. And we all know what that means. He actually gave me some bullshit last night about him not being able to be president because they can't prove he was born in the US!! What freaking stupidity is that... oh yeah. Been talking to Mom again. Then he's bitching about the united health care plan that he's planning. Ok, now, I can't say too much on this because I don't know all the facts. What I do know is that what he's planning is the same sort of plan that 1/2 the other countries of the world have and they all seem to be doing great. My friends who live in Canada have way better health care then we have and they have the plan he is proposing. I think it just pissed me off that he would just take everything she told him as gospel and not actually look at the facts and think for himself. If he had and still wanted McCain, I'd be fine with that, but not spouting this stupid crap. He also said Oh, I guess you want our taxes raised... HA, really? Are you making another $180,000 that I don't know about? He's gonna tax the rich people who have more than enough to go around. Not us poor folk.
It's just a beautiful day. And tomorrow... TOMORROW will be a GORGEOUS DAY!! Because TOMORROW, We will see RACHEL RAY!!! WOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So that little dusting on my car turned into about 4-5 inches throughout the day. It became total mayhem around here since no one was prepared for SNOW IN OCTOBER!!
Mom ended up staying here because most of the roads were closed and she couldn't get home. And then there was poor Nick...
My poor poor baby! The bus driver called me at 2pm and said, just wanted to let you know that roads are a mess and we are definitely going to be late. Ok, no problem. Then she calls me 1/2 hour later (when kids are normally picked up) and says, I can't get out of Hackettstown. WHAT?? After multiple calls back and forth trying to find a way out, she finally finds a cop that tells her she's not going anywhere. She asks me if I can go get them. Uhm, first of all, that's not my job, second, I'll have to wait for John to get home because I'm not driving in this with my daughter in the car and third, the school is only going to let me take MY kid, they wont release the other 3 to me. I told her to call her boss. She did and he said he would go pick them up (which should have been decided on an hour before). He finally picked up the kids at 4pm. My poor baby didn't get home until 6:30 last night. I gave him a pass on homework and let him go play in the snow. Considering he had been gone for going on 12 hours, I figured he'd need the reprieve.
Calli thought it was great. She got to play in the snow. She got to play with Grandma, which included doing her hair, brushing, clipping, putting in green spray. And she got to have hot chocolate. It was a fun filled evening for her.
We lost power and cable multiple times, but all was well. We are no worse for the wear. I'll upload some picks when I can.
HA, Calli just heard the weather report and she yelled to me... MOM, two more days of sunny and then it's HALLOWEEN!!
Ok, I'm off to call for firewood. We're running dangerously low.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So, funny story. It seems I need to get my perfect vision checked. Every morning I weigh myself (I know you're not supposed to!). Right before I get in the shower, when I'm all naked (no added weight please!) I jump on the scale to see what it says. Today I got on the scale as normal and looked and thought ok, 213, that's fine. And got off. Then went... UHM, WAIT A MINUTE!! Looked at the scale again, got back on... realized I've been reading the damn thing wrong. It didnt say 213... it said 205!!! I was miss reading the marks. (Need a digital one!) That's right friends. I am now down 52 POUNDS in 2 1/2 months!!! I haven't been this weight in eight years, since I had Nick. One more pound and I'll beat that record. And then I wont have been that weight in .... uhm.... in about 19 years... holy crap. I went into high school at 225.
Definetly keeps you motivated! WOO HOO Bring on the skinny jeans!
Off to do preschool with Calli. I'm making her do some book work so she doesn't fall behind.
Cassy will be here in 12 days! YAY
Monday, October 27, 2008
And the last one is of my gorgeous kids! How great is that picture??!!!
We've got a great group for the party this year. It's gonna be a blast. Don't miss out!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Clutzy Week
We come home and get Nick ready for football. I made Calli stay home with me that night cause it was too cold. John and Nick walk out the door and walk back in about 30 seconds later with Nick crying. I'm like, what the hell did John yell at him for, they just walked out? Then John says, Go in the kitchen buddy. Hmm, ok. He comes to me and I see blood coming out his nose! OMG What the hell happened?? Turns out he missed the last step and went face first into the van. His nose was swelling. After some icing, we checked it out and figured it wasn't broken, but probably close to it. He said, I think I can still play football. Awwwww.
Yesterday, Lea watched Calli for me while I went to another BORING unemployment seminar thing they make you go to. When I got back to her house, no one was answering the door so I walked around back to see if the tv was on. As I was coming back to the front, my foot slipped off the brick path, into the ditch beside it and completely twisted. OMG, I was standing in her back yard SCREAMING as she was calling my cell to tell me they were at McDonald's. So I hobbled back to my car and drove home to sit on the couch with my Boo Boo Clifford and wait for them. It's the same ankle that I've torn the ligaments in twice and the one I broke at shoprite. It's just not having a good life. Today, I have a pretty bad limp and if I step wrong, I'm screaming. Needless to say, workout are on hold. I did end up getting the exercise ball though, so I'll do some crunches today.... maybe.
Let's see, I haven't heard from Jessy, Lisa, Margaret, Aunt Irene, Jackie, Wilson, Valerie and a few others. Come to the party, it'll be fun!! Hell, Nick's teacher is even coming!!
Off to ice my ankle. Later gators!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I got tickets to the Rachel Ray Show!!! I'm soooooo excited! I had put in for them like 6 months ago. At the time Shelly said, yeah, I keep putting in for them but never get picked. Friday I got an email that said "Tickets available" YAYAYAY. Of course I called Shell right away. So it will be me, Shell, Tim and either John or Lea. The only bad side is that they are not a guarantee. They offer more tickets then seats, so it's first come first serve. We are going November 6th for the 10:15 shooting. Shell was here last night and we looked over the train schedule. If we catch the 7:30 train, we can be there by 9am, catch a cab (subway was way to confusing) and be there by 9:10. That gives us a little over an hour of leeway. Hopefully that's enough. I'M SOOOO EXCITED!! I love Rachel. Her man hands annoy me and her obsessive love of her dog is a little out of control, but hey, she'll feed me!!
Weight check.. I am now 214 down a total of 43 pounds. 7 pounds to 50 and 15 pounds until I break into the 100's!! So even though I HATE working out every day... I guess it's working. YUCK not to mention the fact that I haven't been keeping my food down lately. I need to start eating slower. I'm still eating very little, but I eat so fast that my tummy gets pissed and sends it back up. I'll figure it out sooner or later.
YAY, I have party goers!! Anyone else??? Jessy? Lisa? Valerie??
Off to do more laundry.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
We had a miracle on Saturday. Nick's team actually WON A GAME!!! We played against Jefferson (who had lost all their games as well). I was watching Nick and realized that when he was on defence he would get down, then get up and stand there with his hands up just waiting for the guys to come at him. I pulled him aside and said, don't wait Bud. As soon as that ball moves you plow right in between the guys in front of you and hit the dude with the ball. A few plays later (and me yelling from the side lines to remind him every play), that's exactly what he did and he PUMMELLED the quarterback. WOO HOOOO GO NICK!! He was so proud of himself. He ended up with two sacks this game.
I think the parents were more excited than the kids. We were all standing on the side lines just screaming!! LOL They did good and at least they can say they won one game.
I made John help me clean today. I'm sick of this disastrous house. I'm really trying to go through room by room and clear out. It took me about 2 hours to do the computer desk on Friday. Arg. I spent most of today in the bathroom. There was shit in the cabinets that expired in 2002. Yeah, I'd say that's not good anymore. LOL Stuff just gets pushed to the back and you forget about it. Now it's all nice and neat in there. ... ... ... for now. I figure if we focus on one or two rooms every Sunday, by the time the party rolls around, we'll be in good shape. (if anyone comes... damn, I need more friends - or at least less busy ones)
Update on the van. Most of you know that in MAY!! my driver's side door jammed shut and has been stuck that way ever since. We've had multiple people try to get it open and it's a no go. Friday we went over to Donna's and her son took a turn. We ended up ripping off the inside panel to get at the part and it still wont budge. It's just not worth it anymore. I told John we should see what we could get for it as a trade in and buy a used car. (Unless anyone has a car they don't want anymore that runs and all the doors open??) LOL It has to be inspected in a couple of months and it's going to fail. Might as well get something else now, or at least start looking.
OH, I forgot. I went for my interview and from what it sounds I'm exactly what they are looking for and have all the qualifications. They said they would let me know in a few weeks. If I get this job it will be a cake walk! It's basically what I did as an Admin for Cendant for a department of 60 people and 500 entities except this company is 3 people and 5 entities!! Rock on! Plus they are really easy on hours and such. They're like, "We don't take a head count here. You come in when you come in and your leave when you leave. As long as your work is done, we don't care." NO MORE FACE TIME!!!! Gotta love it. I was soooo not interested in going on this interview, now I'm glad I did. We'll see what happens.
Going to veg out before dinner. Don't forget to let me know that you are coming. Stroke my ego folks, it's freaking depressing.