Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2 Beautiful Things

Sorry I haven't written in a while. Busy Busy. Halloween went well considering we were walking around with 7 kids!! They all gave out around 7pm which is really early for us, but they were done. We went to the diner to eat and then back to Shell's for game night. We had a good time.

We FINALLY got wood delivered yesterday. After the first company not showing up.... TWICE, we got someone else to do it and they showed up the same day. Then Nick's football coach called one of his friends and he dropped some off too. We had 3 1/2 cords dumped next to the house. I immediately went over to the boys next door and their friends and said, Hey, wanna earn a couple bucks? Hee Hee. So we had them stacking all the wood. It was a double workout yesterday for me. I did my morning one with Lea, then I helped them unload the wood from the truck and helped the boys stack it. My back was killing me by the end of the night.

On to my 2 beautiful things.

The first... While stacking the wood yesterday, we saw a bald eagle fly across the sky and land in one of our trees. It was the most beautiful site. We then noticed that there was a female further back in the woods. I have never seen a bald eagle in the wild. I was in awe and close to tears. I ran and got my camera and took a couple shots but my USB cord isn't working for it and I can't download the pictures. ARG. They weren't really all that good though because of the position he was in. As I sit here typing this, I am watching him actually flying over the lake. The site of something like that... something that almost didn't exist anymore, is awe inspiring. He is just gorgeous with his big white head and wings that seem to stretch to heaven. We think they may have a nest up in the woods behind our house. How wonderful would that be?

The second beautiful thing... PRESIDENT Barak Obama. Now I know some of you are probably staunch McCain supporters and that is your right. But think about it. You have just witnessed history in the making. You saw, with your own eyes, prejudice be put aside. You heard, with your own ears, ideas of change. We may disagree about who's ideas are the right ones, but you can not disagree with the knowledge that his being elected is change in itself. Considering that 50 years ago, a black man couldn't even drink from the same water fountain as a white man. Black children couldn't play in the same playgrounds, or swim in the same pools as white children. Where black women were expected to be nothing more than maids. This election says a lot about how much our country has changed in the last 50 years, and I pray that it continues.

Personally I was for Obama all along. Last night I found out that John was a McCain fan. BUT, I believe that is because he never actually listened to both sides and heard what each one was planning to do. He only listened to what his MOTHER had to say. And we all know what that means. He actually gave me some bullshit last night about him not being able to be president because they can't prove he was born in the US!! What freaking stupidity is that... oh yeah. Been talking to Mom again. Then he's bitching about the united health care plan that he's planning. Ok, now, I can't say too much on this because I don't know all the facts. What I do know is that what he's planning is the same sort of plan that 1/2 the other countries of the world have and they all seem to be doing great. My friends who live in Canada have way better health care then we have and they have the plan he is proposing. I think it just pissed me off that he would just take everything she told him as gospel and not actually look at the facts and think for himself. If he had and still wanted McCain, I'd be fine with that, but not spouting this stupid crap. He also said Oh, I guess you want our taxes raised... HA, really? Are you making another $180,000 that I don't know about? He's gonna tax the rich people who have more than enough to go around. Not us poor folk.

It's just a beautiful day. And tomorrow... TOMORROW will be a GORGEOUS DAY!! Because TOMORROW, We will see RACHEL RAY!!! WOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Shell said...

Wow, bald eagle that's awesome! I have to stand up for John. From what I have heard also, they cannot find his birth certificate to prove he was born in the US and I hope that comes back into play. Socialized health care has a lot of problems and Tim's cousin who lives in Europe says that she pays for private because the social hospitals and doctors are horrible and disgusting. And the new VP said that our economy is going to plummet as soon as they take office, can we really work through a worse economy?

Just Me said...

Shelly and I have agreed to disagree! - Kaylene

Anonymous said...

I hope you all listened to Obama's acceptance speech - absolutely inspiring!!!

Michelle I'm from England and there are a lot of problems with socialized health care as there are with the US system - In England it is FREE - I don't think you can complain about horrible and disgusting. Did your cousin tell you when you pay private you see the SAME doctor - I know that's true!! Here people go bankrupt trying to stay healthy - isn't there a happy medium!?

Shell said...

I have to take back my comment on the birth certificate. Apparently, it has been cleared up and he was born in Hawaii. Although, John was not making things up and his statement was right.

kj said...

i must say i'm not a fan of socialized healthcare either. my sister's best friend lives in canada and they all come out here to go to the doctors, they pay buttloads of cash for our doctors because they say there is no comparison. i know that everyone is different and some things that work for some may just not work for others, but regardless, i think that's a pretty strong message...
btw it's bitchin that you saw a bald eagle ;)