Sunday, December 14, 2008

I threw my freaking back out!! UG! Saturday morning I woke up at around 6am with my back killing me. Now, most of you know that I have severe lower back issues, but this is all in my upper/middle back. I stretched a lot and got back to sleep around 7am. When I woke up a couple hours later (weekend) It was still really sore, but I just dealt with it cause I had a lot of stuff to do.

Saturday night it was really bothering me so I took a percocet and went to bed. John had fallen asleep on the couch after I went up. So when I woke up at 4:30am screaming, well, not quite screaming, more like crying loud whimpers cause I couldn't get my breath, I had to make my way down to him for help. It was soooooo bad I couldn't take a breath at all. Just these little tiny inhales. With every one of those I got a horrible stabbing pain. John was trying to hold me and my back just kept spasming. He got me in a hot shower which helped a little bit and then rubbed my back for quite a while. My crying woke up poor Nick at 5am.

I think I finally went back up to bed at around 6 or so and piled all the pillows up so that I was basically sleeping sitting up. I've been pretty much layed out all day today. I called my Mommy and she told me to try ice. That worked pretty good to, along with the Aleve. But I still can't take a good breath at all. Slow and shallow is all I can muster without a stabbing pain. I'd be in bed now except, 1) the Survivor finale is on and 2) I'm afraid that I'll wake up even worse and John won't be here to help me. He's leaving for work at around 2am. I wish I had muscle relaxers. John told me to call Joanne (my sister) to yell at her for moving to FL cause she would have one on hand. lol

I just wish I could breath. UG I was gonna finish off the pirogi today, but that didn't happen. Hopefully this will go away in a day or so and I can do it.

Ok, that's my whine for the day. BLAH. Off to take some drugs and head to bed.

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