Thursday, December 11, 2008

Due to the disgusting idiot from my prior post, I will no longer be allowing comments to go directly through to the blog. You can leave your comment as usual, but I will have to approve it before it appears on the actual blog.

Sorry to all my normal readers for any inconvenience. One asshole spoils it for everyone. It was not something anyone else should have been subjected to. Everyone else, Please continue to comment. I always like to hear the opinions and thoughts of sane, rational people. (Don't worry all my crazy friends, you're close enough to sane to count!)


Anonymous said...

tell the assholes to take care of their own lives instead of criticizing others. If they have that much time, there is something lacking.... Enough said!!

Amanda said...

Oh good! I was afraid when you said no more comments from crazy people would include me! LOL! Sorry that some people are so dumb! You know I love ya!