Friday, February 29, 2008
Calli had her 4 year check up the other day. She's square. LOL She's 40 lbs and 40 inches. She's in the 90th percentile for weight and in the 45th percentile for height. HA, we all new she was a peanut. She got 3 shots too. She was NOT a happy camper. Thank God we don't have to do that again for a long time.
WE NEED FIREWOOD!!! We went to bed last night and it was 56 in the house. I never took my coat off. John got paid today, so hopefully we can get a cord delivered ASAP. I'm tired of freezing. Not to mention that Calli is still freaking sick and I have a feeling the constant cold air isn't helping. She's now on a 5 day antibiotic.
Oh too cute, she had overheard the one day when I was telling John that the ENT had said he may take the tonsils. She was like, what's that. I said, oh, it's to make you feel better. They take out those yucky things and then you get lots of ice cream. Last night she said, mom, I want ice cream! You said so! John said, honey, you really don't want that ice cream. LOL For you to get that ice cream, the doctor has to give you owees. She said, is it shots again? I said, yeah, but they put this cool mask over your face first and that makes you fall asleep, and then they give you the shots so you don't feel it. Then the dr. takes out your tonsils. But when you wake up, your throat will hurt lots and lots. And that's why you get ice cream. She said, well ok, as long as I don't feel the shots. Sweet kid.
Ok, it's Friday. If you are coming for game night this evening, please call me and let me know. Oh, OUR PHONES WORK AGAIN! YAYAY!
Man, I miss Shelly. 5 more days. I can't stand it. I hate not being able to call her.
Did you know that Emus and Kangaroos can't walk backward? Talk about never backing down. It's full force forward or,... or... well, or they just stand there I guess.
14 more days!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
It's Thursday already. I can't believe it. 15 More days!!! I wish I had taken off a week in between, but we can't afford that. Oh well.
I don't know what to talk about today. Let's see. The dr. up'd Nicks meds again. His attitude has been just freaking lovely lately. The boy almost got killed last night cause he threatened throwing a chair at me. He's lucky I didn't beat the crap out of him. I was glad I kept my cool. We'll see how the increase works.
My back is killing me today. When you have a dream that your back hurts so bad you can't move and then you wake up crying and realize it's not a dream... it's pretty bad. I even took 2 excedrin this morning. And anyone who knows me will know how bad it is. I NEVER take medicine unless it's absolutely necessary.
Oh, I also dreamed that we got our tax money but when I looked at the account, 1/2 of it was on hold. I asked why and they said it was taken to pay for the girls piercings. Uhm, ok. Well in my dream I had 3 teenage daughters who were at the correct age to have their tribal piercings done which would cost me $2,180. They had to get 8 holes in each ear and then something that looked like a toy block with donald duck on top shoved up their noses. DON'T ASK! I have NO idea. But, I had to find a way to get that money back so I could pay bills. I tried to go get it, but couldn't move because of my back. It was just very strange.
I spilled coffee all over my pants this morning.
Hmm, bad omen day? I don't know. We'll see.
I'm starting on a little (HA) project today. I have until Wednesday to get it done. I REALLY hope I can finish it. It's very important to me. So everyone cross your fingers I can do it. I can't tell you what it is, cause I know who reads this blog and I don't want anyone spoiling it. Another one of my secrets. I'll let you know on Wednesday how it goes.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
When you have $65 left to your name for the next week, and you take out $50 of it to pay for your daughter's dr. appointment an prescriptions... don't hap-hazardly stick it in your pocket, because inevitably it will fall out and get lost. And then you're basically screwed for the rest of the week. Which means, you automatically quit smoking, (that ones good), you drive very carefully to avoid using too much gas (cause if you run out, you're screwed) and you try to eat as little as possible cause there's no money to buy more food.
Did you know that being stupid and having money makes you really poor? If we had money and were really smart, we'd still have money. But since we're not, we don't. I hate being poor. (Margaret, don't lecture me! I KNOW!) I just wanna win the lottery.
I've also decided that I'm going to save up for plastic surgery. I always said I was gonna have my boobs done first, but I think I want the tummy tuck first. My c-section scar is in a weird spot, so my belly just flops over it and it gets irritated all the time. THEN, I'm getting my boobs done. I want a lift to put them back where they're supposed to be and then I want them to be a really nice full D. (Cause you know when they put them where they belong they're gonna be way smaller.) I'd like tissue taken from my ass or my thighs or something, but if not, then stick a balloon in there. From there, I'll work on my arms, thighs and butt (not to mention my fat ass face - I REALLY want a nose job) I know I know, exercise, diet, it will work. BLAH BAH HUMBUG BITE ME! I'm freaking lazy. I want the easy way out! DUH! My life is going good for me now. This is the only thing that's bothering me. I wish it was really cheap to do.
If any rich person out there would like to feel sorry for me and pay for me to get all this done, I would be eternally grateful. Maybe I'll look into one of those hack dr's in Mexico or something that cost nothing. Although, they're done in like a storage unit where the chickens live, but whatever, as long as they make the boobs even and the scars small. Oh, and me living through it would be good too. HA
16 days and counting till I'm outta here. Do you know they are actually making me WORK?? What the hell??? I mean come on. I've been here for 6 years and never worked and you think I'm going to in my last 2 weeks. HA! Ok, well, actually, I do need to clean some shit up. I could leave the mess for them, but I'm too nice. I'll only leave them the little messes. I shouldn't really care, since I'm leaving and it's not like I can get in trouble once I'm gone, but... I don't know. I guess I have a guilt thing. I really need to get over that.
The local radio station is in Disney this week.... they said it's cold as hell down there right now. It's like 50 and not getting over 58 today. uhmm NEENER NEENER SHELLY. I had to say it. But I mean come on, they're in disney, cold or not, they're gonna have WAY more fun then I'm having!
Don't forget Thursday Thoughts....
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I'm stealing from a couple other blogs today. First, I'm attaching a link to my friend Leigh's site. She is the one who had little Charlie premature and they struggled with him. Good news is he's doing fantastic (knock on wood). I'm attaching a link of a video of him watching his mobile. He just looks wonderful.
Second, I'm stealing a paragraph from my cousins blog (Oh, Laura, by the way, hope you don't mind lol) Laura is very well spoken and whenever I read something she writes, I feel proud to be related to someone so intelligent and that has such a grasp on things (even if you think you don't) She's been going through a rough emotional patch lately and set a couple goals for herself to get back under control. We have been out of touch for about 25 years, but upon reconnection, we realized that it's like we are one. We have so much in common that it's scary. I read this today and felt like I wrote it. (Although she says it much more eloquently.)
A: Go with the flow. Stop trying to control the waves of the ocean so that I can float above them rather than feeling like I'm drowning.
B: In that vein try to stop boxing up the people and situations in my life. I KNOW that life is complex, full of color and contrast, and people and situations are not 2 dimensional but rather infinitely dimensional, but it so much easier when I can take complex life circumstances and fit them in nice neat bite size categories. Right now it's like life and people are conspiring to make this virtually impossible for me. Since I don't believe in coincidence I know there is a lesson I have to learn here. I just don't know how to learn it. But, I'm going to try. If I always do my best, I can wake up every morning and look at myself in the mirror every day. I suspect my best isn't going to be good enough here. But, that doesn't mean the process isn't worth going through.
Is she an amazing woman or what? I think we all try to do that. This is what I have and what I want, now NOTHING is allowed to change. You all stay in these little glass boxes forever. There will be no growing, no changing, no moving on. But eventually, life changes. It's an endless flow of changes and like she said, we either go with the flow, or drown.
Some amazing changes have been happening in my life lately. 90% of them are really good. I waiting for the other shoe to drop because it always does. But, MY goal is to not focus on that shoe. Why sit in anticipation of that thud instead of having a really good time hopping on one foot like a little kid.
So to all my friends out there.... may you always be able to stay afloat with one shoe on.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sorry for the delay. I had to take Calli to the ENT this morning. He said she is at "extreme borderline" for taking out her tonsils. She still has a bit of strep so he's putting her on a 5 day zythromax and then I have to bring her back in a month. He said we have to monitor her for that month to check her for mouth breathing and snoring. That will be the deciding factor I guess. He said, they're not touching yet, so that's good, but they are not normal by any means. Woopee. Poor kid.
We had a good weekend. Shell and Tim had no kids on Saturday, so since they could do some "alone time" We had game night at our place. It was really fun. Not everyone came that we wanted too, but Joc and Lex came and my neighbors down the road and their kids, and Donna and Christine and we actually got Chris out of the dungeons to socialize. (An amazing feat!!) We had a really good time.
And now.... boo hoo waaahhaaaaa, Shelly is leaving tomorrow. What am I supposed to do for an entire week without my Shelly Belly??? It's gonna be very hard. Let the tears flow. I wont even be able to call her!! :o(
I guess we'll have game night at our house again this coming weekend if anyone is interested.
19 more days until my last day!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Oh My Snow!
Ok, what haven't I talked about? I know we missed Thursday Thoughts. If anyone has any, send them over and we'll do them Monday.
Oh, Monday. Monday I'll be in late. Calli's tonsils are HUGE again. I'm taking her to an ENT Monday morning. I have a feeling they're gonna have to take them out, cause they're always like this. Poor kid. We'll see. I know they really don't like to do that anymore, but....
I'm so scatter brained today. Aunt Flow arrived. I think it makes me stupid. LOL
I'm gonna have to go to the store. I can't get this fire lit cause all we have are huge logs. I need to go get some other stuff or we're gonna freeze to death.
Shelly's leaving me! For a whole week. They're going to Disney. What am I supposed to do for an entire week without her!! BOO HOO HOOOOOO. GAME NIGHT AT MY HOUSE. lol
Ok, I have a million things to do. Bark atcha later.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It was really cool actually. She came in to wake me up about 2 min before the alarm went off. She was laying in bed with me telling me that it was her for real birthday when it went off. I then realized it was playing the song that was playing when she was born in the operating room. You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban. I almost cried.
So I took her to school for a little while so she could have a party with the kids and then picked up my sister so we could go to my psychic. I LOVE her. She's outstanding. It was a good session although I should have cut her off a bit sooner so she could do more of the spirits and less future stuff. I'll know for next time. Looks like John is going to loose his job AGAIN this year. But this time it wont be his fault. The company is going to merge or something and they'll offer him a really shitty job he can't take. But he will find something else. Nick is going to do really well, and Calli's going to be all over the place (no surprise there).
My Uncle Paul came through. Said my father is in trouble. He is sick and not taking care of it and it sounds like cancer. Boo freaking Hoo. I know, that sounds really mean, but if you know anything about my relationship with the sperm doner, you'd understand. (sorry Aunt Irene - you may want to call him though and find out. She said it was something in his nether regions like prostate or liver)
Grandma came through too. I was so happy. She told me I was her heart. No offence to the rest of the family, but she said she loved me so much. And she was always around the house and the kids. She also said that Mom was rethinking her move to PA and wanted to move to FL. I haven't talked her yet, but I will. I loved hearing from her and wish I had more time to talk to her. That's why the next time... JUST spirits.
Calli's birthday was great. We had a really good time. The kids had a blast, but didn't go to sleep till like 10-11. LOL ALL the kids stayed. It was great, Margaret and Rhett even stayed and hung out. Taught us full contact Uno. LOL It was great. And then we taught them Egyptian Rat Screw, which Margaret rocked at. You go girl. Everyone hung out late and I was happy. Calli got lots of cool stuff and was thrilled. She was even happy with the clothes mom bought her. She's a freaking clothes horse. I swear that kid changes more times during the day then a high fashion model on the runway.
As for me, Aunt Flow is coming to visit and I'm am a serious nasty pants. And my boobs are killing me. I wish it would just come already! Jeeze.
Friday, February 15, 2008
My evening was pretty eventful. And not in that, Oh how romantic way.
I had to stop at the store for my valentine's dinner, which I swore I was not cooking. I went to the store so we didn't spend a lot of money going out to eat and I ended up spending more. I did have to buy other stuff like cake mix for the bear and bread, eggs, milk, all that jazz.
Needless to say, the kids were on MAJOR sugar highs. I was about ready to cry in the store. I wanted to kill them both. I'm sending notes to both their teachers informing them that the next time the load my kids with sugar, they're taking them home. Then we got home and John was sleeping. The kids started to destroy the house while I brought in all the stuff. At this point, my mood had gone to the pits. I didn't want to wake up John cause I knew he was really tired and had a lot of trouble getting to sleep, so of course, I cooked dinner.
Then the stupid fire wouldn't light. So I'm now blind and have major lung damage from smoke inhalation from blowing on that thing for like a 1/2 hour.
Fast forward to 8pm. Ok, bed time YAYAY uhm Nick, did you do your homework? No. CRAP, go do your homework!! So he's in there doing it and Calli says, Can I have a piece of my candy before I go to bed. Sure, one tiny piece. I pull down the bowl to empty their candy in and Calli finds one of those squishy things in it. Remember these things? You squeeze it and it slips out of your hand? Yeah, well.....
They also EXPLODE!! So now Calli is crying covered in mess as is the floor and table. Nick is screaming hysterically (A.S. over-reaction) . So I'm telling her to get in the bathroom, Nick to shut up and get over it, grabbing towels to clean the mess and trying to keep the cats and dog away from it. Finish that, run in the bathroom, throw her in the tub and try to wash her as quickly as possible because she was already having a reaction to whatever the hell is in that thing. Calli has a weird skin condition where even the slightest thing will leave welts on her face. Her face was bright red, so I scrubbed really good. She was fine this morning. Ok, finally, got them in bed.
Now for the cake. I started that right after Survivor (that I missed 90% of). I am going to admit now that I had a complete Blonde Moment last night. I wasn't thinking clearly, I was just trying to get it done. I put the cake form together, no problem. Mixed the batter, easy peasy. Poured it in the form, a bit of a pain, but ok. Looked at it and said, wow, this takes a lot of batter. I'm gonna have to do another batch. Mix that up, pour it in. Good, filled, perfect. Put it in the oven, set the timer and waited.
Uhm.... did you know that cakes rise? So, I'm like, ok, no biggie, we'll just pull all this stuff off (yummy snack). I let it cool and then went in for the unveiling. I opened it up, and the poor bear was headless. The butt section (which is at the top in that picture) was cooked perfect. The head... goo. I guess it would have worked really well if I only used ONE cake mix. Oh boy. Shop Rite, here we come!
So, anyway, buy the time that was done, it was 11:30, I was exhausted and my poor hubby didn't get any Valentine's nookie. Sorry babe.
Tomorrow - Come between 2:30 -3. We'll have snacky food for everyone. And I'm assuming that it will become game night? Let me know if that's not the case. But I figure, since everyone will be there already... Oh, and if you need directions, email me at
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I'm so glad I took off yesterday. It's a damn good thing. Besides the fact that we FINALLY HAVE INTERNET!! No more crap reception! YAYAY But, I went into the kitchen and heard a weird noise and wondered what the cats were into. But the noise was coming from the counter and there were no cats on the counter. Then, I look and see that the noise is the water that's dripping from my ceiling to my counter! My roof was leaking. Oh Joy! I cleared the counter and put some bowls out. About 1/2 hour later I realized that in the center of the ceiling we were getting a droop and a large spot. I called John.. "Uhm, you want me to put a hole in the ceiling or just wait for it to collapse" He was good with the hole. LOL If I hadn't been home, God only knows what would have happened.
Thursday Thoughts!
If you won a million dollars but told that you would die if you took it and would live if you didn't take the money...would you die a millionaire or stay normal forever?
Well, I think it would be stupid to take the money if I couldn’t enjoy it. I think I’d stay poor and hope that I inherit it from the fool that does take it and croaks.
Did your ass look good in my jeans or what?
I was told that my ass look really good in your jeans. I believe someone also mentioned something to the contrary. So… I’m pleading the 5th.
If a person owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the earth's core?
I should know this cause I have my real estate license. Hmmm Were you planning on checking out the core any time soon or can I get back to you on that one?
If you could physically transport yourself to any place in the world at this moment, where would you go?
My bed! No, scratch that. A comfortable bed. Surrounded by big fluffy blankets and pillows with gorgeous naked men standing all around me waiting at my beck and call with anything I could desire. Fanning me with big feathers (Cause we’re someplace warm of course) while they beg me to allow them the pleasure of pleasing me.
What is one talent or skill you don't have but always wanted?
I wanna be like Tim. I want his metabolism!!! That is a talent any girl would want. To eat and eat to your hearts content and never gain a stinkin pound. Aaahhh heaven.
If you were friends with someone who talked about you behind your back and you found out, would you still remain friends with me?
With you??? “remain friends with me”… Are you talkin shit Joss? Here is my theory on that. If you were truly my friend, then you would say all the bad stuff right to my face. You wouldn’t be some weak ass chick that just whispers behind my back. So technically you wouldn’t have been my friend in the first place. Just some looser trying to get attention because your jealous that my friends like me more than you.
If one of your children were sick and needed either your bone marrow for a transplant or stem cells from a siblings umbilical cord and you had a year to decide what would you do?
I would most likely do the bone marrow transplant. A little pain would be nothing to save them. Having another baby is way to risky for me and the baby. But I would do anything for my kids. But I think they would rather I live through whatever my choice would be.
Would you rather eat a hairy, rotten piece of fruit or a piece of chicken that just gave your friend food poisoning.
I think I’ll go for the hairy fruit. If I eat the chicken, I KNOW that it’s going to make me sick cause Shelly's over there puking. I’m not so sure about the fruit. It’s a long shot, but I’ll take it. I shouldn't be eating right now anyway. I should be holding Shelly's hair and praying the pizza guy gets here quick so I don't have to eat either!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It's so crappy outside. The lovely white puffy snow we had yesterday is gone. It's all ice and slush and yuck and eeewww.
We get internet today!!!! YAYAYAYAY. I can't wait. What we have is sketchy at best. We'll see how many times it takes me to upload this. It'll be nice to just click and go instead of click... nothing, hmm, check connection, crap, lost connection, wait a second.... no, ok, get up, stand next to the window, move the thingy, nothing, move it again... OH WAIT, right there.. no, try again, oh ok, there is good, you have 10 seconds to click on the site you want before you loose it again. It's quite frustrating.
Ok, we were going to say that Calli's party is Saturday, but my mom is busy. ARG. Hmm. We'll figure it out. If it comes down to it, we could always make it next Saturday. I love having to plan things around 20 different people who all have "stuff" going on. You should all know by now that I expect you to be at my beck and call at ALL times. Jeeze!
Ok, what else.... I want a cigarette REALLY REALLY BAD!! OH THE HUMANITY!!!
That's it I think.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Don't forget to send me questions for Thursday!!
Oh, most of you know this already, but here is the skinny on my "REALLY GOOD NEWS" I got a new job. !!! YAYAY I start March 17th. This is so exciting for me because the position is all from home! Making the same amount as I am now, but being able to take care of my kids. It's so unbelievable! I couldn't say anything on here until I gave notice at my current job which I did on my birthday. LOL Happy Birthday to me! I'll be here one more month and then I start my new life. I just can't wait!
Day 2 of no smoking. AAAHHHHhhhhhhh This sucks. I can't wait till it's all out of my system. I wish someone else would cheat so that I don't want to. See, cheating now, I would only have to pay out $12. I can spare that. LOL If others start to cheat... It'll get expensive. Someone cheat PLEASE!!!!
We are having a party at my house this weekend for Calli's 4th birthday. It'll be either Saturday or Sunday (not sure yet.) If Mommy wants to take the kids home with her after the party then it will be Saturday (that way we can go out Sat. night) if not, then it'll be Sunday afternoon. 2pm no matter which day. You are all more then welcome to come. Wanted to put it on here incase I forget to call someone. I can't believe she'll be 4. It's just crazy. Ug, now I have to go home and clean my house. Any volunteers to come over and help??? Anyone Anyone.. Bueller Bueller.
Ok, I have to go now. I think yesterday's blog drained me. LOL Have a great day folks.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Oh jeeze, what's wrong with me!
Really long today
Saturday night as you all know, we were going to Michelle's. Just for the normal poker night, hang out night, normal Saturday night. With a cake thrown in for my birthday. I called and asked if she wanted me to bring some chicken and tatoes instead of buying anything and she said sure. (I want my chicken back!!) I took a shower (THANK GOD) and got dressed in my normal Sat. attire. baggy sweats, slippers, a long sleave t-shirt and no bra. Nice and comfy. I walk down stairs and my husband is wearing dress pants, dress shoes and a nice shirt. Uhm, WTF? He's like, my jeans are all dirty. Wear sweats!. No, I don't wanna. This is fine. Now, my husband never really gets to dress nice, so on occasion he'll throw on something nice. So I really didn't think too much of it.
We get in the car and he pulls out his phone and is texting someone. I'm like, who you talking too. My husband is a horrible liar. He just gives me this smirk and is like, No one. I said, Uhm.. is something going on? Do we need to turn around so I can change? Or at least put on a bra? He said NO! Ok. whatever.
We pull up to Shelly's and I counted cars and it looked normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until John texts to say we're out front. hmm. ok. Then I see Shell run to the window. Hello, it's me. It's nothing fantastic. I'm here all the time. Glad you're excited to see me. LOL Dork.
So we go in. Say hello, blah blah blah. She says ok, get in the kitchen, we're starving. Ok. I walk in and look to my right and low and behold BETH IS STANDING THERE!! OMG OMG. I think I screamed and hugged her for like 10 min. I very rarely get to see her. I was so excited. Then I hear SURPRISE!! HUH?? what? Shell says, ok, so we don't need the chicken. HA They had all kinds of food and snacky stuff. They had planned a party behind my back!! I had no clue. Which means they did a really good job. Considering I'm really good at finding out secrets. Everyone kept their mouths shut for 2 WEEKS!! I'm really impressed.
Bethy was there, and Donna came later and I had a ton of well wishers who wanted to come but couldn't. It was totaly unexpected. I have more friends then I thought. LOL Although, someone could have told me to put on a freaking BRA!!! Jeeze! I borrowed clothes so it was ok, except that my boobs were in a shirt that was too small and they were trying to escape all night. LOL
My wonderful friend Donna gave me the Josh Groban Christmas CD that was actually my Christmas present. And THEN she gave me my birthday present!!! She got me a reading with my favorite psychic!! I'm calling today to book the appointment. AAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh I love her.
Then Michelle rushed everyone to do the cake. I'm like, ok, it's really alright. LOL NO hurry. But about a millisecond after I blew out my candles she was slamming my presents down next to me saying "OPEN IT NOW IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS" Hee hee hee. She was REALLY excited about my present. Ok, Ok. I open the card to find all my favorite people in it. Family and friends all saying their best wishes. And as it turned out, who all contributed to my gift. I opened my present... and HOLY CRAP. I tried really hard not to say HOLY SHIT with the children in the room.
It seems that my bestest friend took my blog update email list and sent you all an email asking if you wanted to come to the party and/or chip into the gift. Sneaky bastards!
My wonderful, fabulous friends and family all chipped in to by me the Sony Reader. I LOVE this thing. Tim has one and I've been telling him to remember me as soon as he gets board of it. I wanted that thing so bad but knew that it was completely unattainable because it was atrosiously expensive. For those of you that don't know, it's a little hand held thing. Kind of like a palm pilot but about the size of a paperback book (just really thin). You can download hundreds of books on to it and read to your hearts content. Personally, I can read between 2-3 books a week. And that's a lot of clutter when you think about it. This way, it's all neet and convienent in this little book. I'm in love!! Thank you Thank you Thank you. To the following:
Rich - I love you so much. I wish you could have been there (don't you know I'm more important then out of town guests!) You're such a great friend. I'm so glad we've stayed in touch all these years.
SUSANNA!! - I can not believe you! I miss you guys so much. I swear one of these days we're gonna finally take a vacation and come see you. I was actually looking at the pictures the other day from our snow tubing. That was so much fun. And my husband has become less of an ass since then!! lol Thank you so much for being a part of my birthday even from 500 miles away. Love you!
Mommy - You know I love you and you're the best. I wish you could have been there too, but I'm glad you had a good time on your night out. You rock.
Joanne - Thank you my sister. I wish you were there, but I wouldn't have turned down a weekend at Ceasars either! I'm glad you had a great time. I love you man!
Aunt Irene - I ate and drank for you. No worries. I can't wait to come see you! Love you so much. Thank you for being a part of my life and keeping that side of my family with me.
Mark - You're such an awesome guy. Thanks for liking us. Although, I wish you were at the party, I'll catch ya next time. Give Gretchen a hug for me.
Laura - My dear sweet cousin. I'm so glad you've come back into my life. I'm thrilled that we've gotten to re-connect. It's scary that we have so much in common, but I love it.
Margaret - What can I say about you? That I love you. That you always tell me how wonderful I am and you believe it even if I don't. You're always there even if I'm not. I thank you so much. Thank you for being my friend, my mentor, my sister.
Chris - My dear sweet friend Chris. I wish you could have been there. But you know I understand. Thank you so much for being a great friend. You've always been open and honest with me which means a lot. We are gonna bust you out of that hole you live in and bring you out into the sunshine. And just remember, I'll always like you more than John. LOL
Bethy-la - You are so awesome. I'm so glad you could tear yourself away from all your work and your CPA studies to hang out with me. (Everyone cross your fingers that she passes the next examine so she can have a break!) And just remember, you have an open invitation for Saturday nights. Luv ya!
Eric & Liz - thank you so much for the extra gift so I can fill up my book. I would have just been reading the classics for quite a while. I can't wait to shop! I really appreciate it and I'm glad that you guys came to play.
Shelly, Tim and your fabo kids - You know how much I love you guys. I think I've told you over and over, but I'll say it again. You are our best friends. You keep me sane, you put up with my husband (even though he's tollerable now) and you keep us around. It means a lot to me. Thank you for being you. (Tim, I promise to try my best to hold my tongue about that thing that you hate me to talk about from now on. But I can't guarentee it since I always try to tell the truth and say what's on my mind. But that's why you love me. Love you man!)
John - I love you. I don't know what's been going on with us lately, but whatever it is, we need to keep it up. It's just been fabulous. Thank you for planning this party with all my friends.
I just want to tell all of you, the book is amazing!! Truly amazing. But knowing that I have this many friends and that you all wanted, "wanted" to chip in to get it for me means more to me than the gift itself. I thank you and I love you all more than words can say.
And now for my top 10 thoughts of the day:
1. Never pee into the wind
2. Cutting your nails before playing Egyptian Rat screw is politically correct.
3. If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
4. A picture is worth a thousand words, especially if you're naked in it.
5. Try to never whisper to a friend of mine about me, at a table that's filled with my friends. Cause even though you think the others are drunk and won't hear... they aren't and they will. I promise you that I will not take as much offence as everyone else. Hell, you probably could say crap about me, directly too my face and I would laugh. But the others get pretty upset about it.
6. Virginity like a bubble, one prick, all gone
7. Everybody is somebody else's weirdo
8. Incoming fire has the right of way.
9. To be loved is to be fortunate, but to be hated is to achieve distinction. (I like that one)
10. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
Last but not least.. My wonderful group of friends have all decided to quit smoking. Oh Lordy. Today is our first day and we have penalties in place. The first of us that cheats must pay the rest $2. It doubles for the next cheat or cheater. So far so good for me. We are poor and I have NO intention of having to pay out. To keep us all honest, here are the list of players:
Liz - starting next week
If you would like to join our little wager, please let me know. We are on the honor system and we expect you to stick to it!!
Ok, now that it took me forever to write this, I have to get some work done. Love you all and have a great day.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Yesterday was nice. Thank you all for your happy wishes. I was inundated with them yesterday.
I went home last night and my 2 bratty kids almost ruined my day. BUT, I treated myself to some sushi and got the rest of them McDonald's. "McDonalds... That'll shut um up!" Then John put them to bed and I watched Survivor. I can't believe that the biggest jerk of all... The one who everyone hates but who would have made the show good... TOLD them to kick him off!! WTF!! See ya later Johnny Fairplay. I'm sure the show will be better without you. Oh and HOT DAMN on Ozzie's new hair cut. (Looks like he gets layed in next week's episode. Right on Brotha!)
And that was it (except for below). I didn't get any presents (except for below), but that's ok. I'm going to try not to celebrate it anymore. I think I'm starting my mid life crisis. YAY! So from now on I'm counting backwards. I plan to be younger than my kids when they graduate college.
Party at Shell's house tomorrow night. Everyone's invited. Come do my last celebration with me. (Oh hey Shell, I'm inviting a bunch of people to your house tomorrow! It's not like they'll show up anyway. Even though I want them too)
If you don't continue to read... Have a great weekend folks. TTY Monday.
**** Adult Content to follow, if you don't want to hear about my sex life please do not read any further *****
Speaking of getting layed. hee hee hee. We had AMAZING sex last night. I'm surprised the police didn't show up with all the screaming. I'm shocked that the kids didn't wake up. I don't have the quietest orgasms. LOL It was quite the birthday present. Even when I said "stop, please I can't take anymore" He continued. Holy Macaroni. Completely amazing. And he was so excited that we had to change positions a couple times to avoid him puncturing my lung. Very Very satisfying. Happy Birthday to ME!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Someone sent me a flower for my birthday... There's only one person that calls me Kay, so it might be him. I'll have to call and find out. But how am I supposed to say thanks? EDIT*** I was right.. Thank you Tim!
Plus some people post things that are personal that I would only understand if I knew who was posting it... needless to say most of the time I'm like ... Huh???
I want you ALL to post comments. A lot of them. Just sign your damn name. Thank you and good night!
Thursday Thinkers
Happy Birthday to Garth Brooks. He's a bit older, but damn, I'll be your birthday present and you can be mine. Let me melt into those blue eyes and become a puddle at your feet when you sing to me. I promise I'm better in bed than Trisha. I'll be happy to throw her ass out for you.
Happy Birthday to Me. I'm 33. But I'm going to stick with 23. There were no roses at my desk today, no flowers at all. Ho hum. But I did get a lovely card from Hubby. And almost drowned in all the birthday wishes from all of you. Thank you all!
And now for the Thursday Thinkers...
(Donna wins the prize for most questions!)
What is the worst lie you ever told your Mother? - Mom
Any lie I ever told my Mommy has already been rectified. It was fun when I was older to watch her face when I told her the truth about everything. It’s not like she could punish me years after the fact. HA Like – Hey Mom, remember how we always talked about our friend Bob and how we were always hanging out with him? Well, Bob was a code name for pot. Those were the nights we were smoking up. – Hey Mom, remember in like my sophomore year I said I was sleeping over Bev’s and we were going roller skating? Well, we actually went to a college keg party and I got so drunk I threw up all night long (that was the night I realized I really didn’t like drinking). But in the years since, I have never lied to my Mom. Why bother, I’ll end up telling her the truth anyway. It’s not worth the trouble.
If you were raped and got pregnant, would you keep the baby? - Donna
No, I would most likely abort. 1. Because my body doesn’t do pregnancy well and it would probably kill me (literally). 2. I don’t think a child would want to be born into a life like that. Eventually they would ask questions and you’d have to tell them. I wouldn’t want them to think their life came to be because of something horrible.
If Barrack Obama picks Hillary Clinton as his Vice President, would you still vote for him? - Donna
You think I’m voting?? HA, you’re funny. It doesn’t make a damn bit of difference who we vote for. It’s basically picking someone to sit, look pretty and make lots of money for a couple years. But, I should say that to have the first female and first African-American in the white house at the same time would be really cool.
If you saw someone stealing something major from work (not pencils, or paper) - maybe like a laptop or something, would you tell? – Donna
Depends on if I liked the person! And if he was gonna snag anything for me!
If you are in a parking lot and run into a car, which puts a noticeable scrape on the car, but no real damage, do you leave a note or drive off? - Donna
Sorry, I can’t find a pen!
You get extra change from a store cashier, do you give it back? Does it matter how much change? Does it matter if she mistakes a $1 for a $10 bill giving you actually more than you gave her? - Donna
Uhm, I’m sorry, have we met?? I’m poor as hell. If someone gives me the wrong change, I just figure they’re giving to the needy!!
You won the lottery and have to go away to California to claim the money, but you must be there a certain day and that is your daughter's wedding. Do you miss the wedding to get the money? or do you miss the money to go to the wedding? – Donna
Seriously?? We’re gonna tape the wedding! I’ll watch it later! Duh, that one was easy!
Amazing Race or Survivor? - Donna
Survivor all the way baby! The new season starts on my birthday!! YAY Amazing Race is cool too, but I’ve never missed a Survivor.
Which of the above would you rather be in? – Donna
I would love to do Survivor because I would loose a lot of weight. I was going to say Amazing Race because you get to go all over the world and see so many places, but they are in such a hurry, you don’t get to take anything in. So, I’m a Survivor all the way.
Which would you rather eat-- a cockroach or a tail-less scorpion? – Donna
Who cares, as long as they’re dipped in chocolate.
What is wrong with all my coworkers? They want everyone to get involved with activities (social activities committee) and then when it comes time for the setup - they all get so pissy because its so much work and they have not enough time to do their own work!! (we are having a stupid-bowl tail gate party at work today for lunch with chili and hot dogs and other gross foods). That’s why I am not on that committee. – Rich
Ok, I think that was more of a rant then a question, but I’ll see what I can do…. If they were stupid enough to sign up for the committee, that’s there problem. If they start bitching at you about it, tell them to quit the committee. And if you get stuck with their work… I believe you’ve got some boss status over there, FIRE THEM! Or at least tell them they have to stop doing the stupid parties. As for the parties themselves, live it up kid. It’s free food and a break from work. Go have some fun. (Ha, I was gonna say for once, but I know you too well.)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Ok, it probably doesn't, but I overslept this morning. Which means I yelled at the kids. Got overly angry. Didn't get to shower. No time to make coffee and no money to buy any, so I have to drink the crap here which is basically like drinking dirty burnt water. Yelled at Nick. Yelled at Calli. Yelled at the dog. Yelled at John and he wasn't even home. I called to yell at him. But he deserved it (went through my freaking pockets to take the check card to use and it doesn't have any freaking money on it, which is how we always end up in debt! Ass)
So, now I'm trying to call the school so I can appologize to Nick and the phone is like off the hook or something.
I'm so tired. I just couldn't get up this morning. And then when I did get up it was a bad idea. Not just for my mood, but for my body. My left arm and leg feel like I pulled every freaking muscle. I can barely move them. I need a new bed!! We have one of those Select Comfort beds. Horrible. The thing is so freaking uncomfortable. Boy... it's gonna be one of those days. I suggest everyone stay away from me today.
I need to call the dr. and get her to refill my rx. I know that's why I'm being so bitchy and probably why I'm tired. I'll do it today, actually... please hold..... Ok, done. Now I just have to hope they put it through in the next day or so.
The school's line is still off. It's doing a busy signal, but the quick one that says it's disconnected or something. Hmm, should I worry?
Oh, I got my first birthday card yesterday. Thanks Beth!! I love you man! Glad my blog makes you smile. I still find it hysterical that you always remember my birthday. I get a card and then go OH CRAP, her birthday was last month! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Don't ever think that I don't love you (and this is to everyone) I don't remember anyone's birthdays!! My mom has to call and remind me to call my sisters on their birthdays. I was good this year, I remembered Joanne's without help. Unless you call and say, Hey, my birthday is tomorrow... I wont remember. And I probably will forget why you called by the time we hang up. BUT, I do know your birthday is in the begining of January. And I'm sorry I missed it. Hope Mike was good too you. He better have been or I'll kick his butt. He's knows I can do it too. I'm way bigger than him!
Anyway, off to figure out what the hell my boss is talking about. I screwed up something in Colorado. Oh well. Told ja. It's gonna be a lovely day.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Today's topic.... I have no idea. Uhm... Let's see. Shit, I don't have anything to talk about today.
Today is voting day. No interest (I know I know, Donna already yelled at me about my patriotic duty. Blah Blah blah)
Today is Fat Tuesday. Totally interested, but really really far away. Called Val in MS and she's actually at work. The big fool!! She's a freaking hour away from New Orleans and she isn't going. BIG ASS LOSSER!! How fun would that be. That is on my list of things to do before I die. I just wanna walk through the streets with my saggy boobs hangin out. And try to get all the beads I can. Just have a good ole' time. I just told her that next year I'm gonna be down there. We are gonna paint the town!! She told me to make sure I had bail money.
Donna said to talk about my birthday. There's really nothing to talk about. It's a birthday. I'm older now and none the wiser. But I am determined to have more fun this year. We'll see how that works out.
She also said V-day. (I asked her for topics) I'm not a huge Valentine's day fan. John always forgot to get presents for birthdays and V-day. But he has gotten much better in the past couple of years. We just haven't had money for gifts. As for the day itself.... don't get me wrong. I LOVE to get flowers. I know a lot of girls say "why by flowers, they just die" Screw you. I want flowers! I want real flowers. None of these 3 bunches for $10 at the grocery store. Although, those are nice for "just cause I love you" flowers. But not for birthdays, anniversary, or V-Day. I want FLOWERS! ROSES damnit. (I hate lillys) The only problem with that is my birthday and v-day are close together so roses always cost a freaking fortune. So if he did by them I would be pissed that he spent that much money. I know. I'm deranged. I can't help it. It's like going to Wally World and filling my cart with a bunch of stuff I want and then getting to the counter and pulling 90% of it out and putting it back. Makes no sense.
Ok. That's it. I don't feel like typing anymore. Have a great day.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Needless to say, we went to Shell's on Saturday and didn't get to bed until 5am. The kids forced me up at 9:30. Mamma wasn't a happy camper. I did get to take a nap in the afternoon, but still felt like I was hit by a truck.
* Side note* Why is it that I can get completely wasted and stay up to stupid hours and then wake up the next day feeling great. But if I just stay up to stupid hours and don't drink... I feel like I drank all night? Huh? WTF
Anyway, we went to Joanne's (sis) for the "Big Game" Normally I am not a football fan, but we were raised on the Giants and if they get to the Super Bowl, it's a big deal. My sister is still a huge fan. She watches every game. I'm one of those folks who only watch the commercials cause they are way cooler. But this year I actually watched the entire game. And Hot Damn, what a game. To pull it out in the last freaking 35 seconds is unbelievable!! GO GIANTS!
Ok, back to the toe. They kept showing the commercial for the House episode that was going to come on right after the game. Well, of course "right after the game" didn't turn out to be until a little after 11pm. So, I stayed up to watch it. I usually don't watch that show, but it was really good. It was actually really funny. BUT!! To go through all that.. to have a collapsed lung, swollen nodes, a freaking hole drilled in your brain and it turn out to be nothing more then a freaking broken toe!! SO not worth staying up until midnight. Because the truck has hit me again. My entire house will be in bed by 7pm. Calli didn't go to sleep till 10:30. I warned her day care to look out for the monster cause it was rearing it's ugly head this morning.
So my birthday is Thursday. Ho hum. Another year older, another 5 pounds (cough-yeah right-cough) heavier, and still deep in debt. Oh joy of joys. Shelly asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I realized... I don't ever want anything. Not anything normal anyway. Maid service, $10 million, wood to last us through the rest of the winter, a trip to my psychic, an entire new wardrobe (mine makes me feel really old), all my bills paid, a new bed, to magically loose 75 pounds overnight. LOL Ok, so realistically, there's really nothing that I want or need. (That would be just for me at least). I guess it's because my memory sucks. I see things that I "want" and then by the next day, I forget. I got my Garth CD and the new Harry Potter for Christmas. That's all I really wanted. I would like an upgrade on my diamond earrings to a 1/2 carat, but that'll have to wait cause we can't afford it. But other than that.. nada
So, if anyone wants to give me something... give me time with you. We don't get enough of that these days. Gifts are fine, but they don't last. Memories last a lifetime (unless your me and forget everything, but we can take pics which will help me remember.) I want my friends and family around me laughing and having a great time. That's what I want for my birthday. Oh, and throw in some great nookie for good measure. hee hee
Friday, February 1, 2008
About 7pm last night I started to get a headache. I HATE taking pills, so at about 9:30 I went to bed to sleep it off cause it was getting really bad. By 11:45 I was still awake. Lying there holding my head. Finally fell asleep and Calli woke me up crying that she peed her bed. WONDERFUL. I was not about to get up. I told her to just change her undies and then she crawled into bed with us. Well, actually, with me. I had kicked John so many times over the past hour to shut up (snoring) that he decided to sleep on the couch. Hee hee hee.
I lost my freaking phone again this morning. Do you know what a pain in the ass it is to have no memory?!?! Took me 1/2 an hour to find it under a pillow and that was after I got on the computer and texted John to call me. When you don't have a house phone, you can't call it to find it. Very VERY aggrivating.
I wanna go home. I just don't wanna be here. I don't want to go through this huge pile of mail. YUCK.
Shelly, are we doing anything tonight? Let's do something fun. Hell, let's just do something. I hate rainy days. It's just so depressing. Why is that? Why are more suicides commited on rainy days? I'm sure it has to do with the sun bringing warmth and light into our lives, blah blah blah... sunglare, sunburn, sun stroke. What ever. All good things have a bad side.
I'm babbaling today. Sorry folks. OH I HAVE NEWS!!
My sister called and said that the spinal tap came back and get this.... showed NO signs of MS. Can you believe that!?!?! They said she definetly had it because of all the lesions on her brain, but as of right now... she's cured!! WTF!! We're all kind of in shock. They took her off all her MS meds and they want to run it again in 6 months to make sure that the meds weren't screwing up the test. They told her that the damage that had already been done will not get better, but she most likely wont get worse. It's a freaking miracle. We just don't know what to say. It's really bizarre. They actually think the MS meds she was taking could have been causing her attacks and pain. It's just un-freaking believable. So ladies and gentlemen, BELIEVE. Miracles do happen.
And on that happy note... Hasta Luego