Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sister is out of the hospital and finally home. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. She's doing much better. I think they have decided to make the determination that it WAS all her MS and not some other random thing/disease. Which she kept telling them, but they wouldn't believe her.

The kids took the birds death ok. John said Calli cried for a little while, but she was fine when I got home and talked to me about it. She said the birdie is in heaven riding on Ebony's back (our dog that passed). The bird loved taking rides on the dog. We have weird animals. Nick talked about it a little bit, but didn't seem to upset. So, now we're down to 1 dog, 2 cats, 1 bird, 1 snake and fish (that keep disappearing.... since we got the cats.... and there's no top on the tank.... and the cats climb on top.... hmmmm connection??)

I felt like yuck yesterday. I went home, put clothes away and then just layed on my bed. My tummy is in turmoil. I still feel gross, but I HAVE to get this stuff done. I'm am going to really focus today. REALLY!!

Oh... my really really good thing.... It's moving forward!!! We'll see... should have news soon.

That's it for today folks. Cause if I don't get this crap done, I'm gonna get fired. Hasta Luego

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