Wednesday, January 16, 2008

722 hits to this blog! I can't believe that! It's so cool to think that someone really gives a crap what I say!! Thank you everyone.

Nick had his appointment yesterday with the shrink. YAYAY!! He'll be back on his meds today. Thank God. He was loosing it at school and getting into trouble. She adjusted his aderal a little bit to see if he could have better control. He was doing well with what he had, but I think he needed a little more. Plus he grew. My 7 year old is over 4 1/2 feet tall. Insane. He's grown and inch and a half since September.

John has an interview today... He seriously better be on his best behavior, cause it's my aunt he's interviewing with. I hope that she tortures him!!! Give him all the really crappy jobs to do! Punishment for being a pain in the ass!! Hmm, if he gets it, I wonder if I can use it to my advantage.... like, Aunt Irene, John was a jerk last night... Ok honey, I'll send him to scrub out the trucks with a toothbrush! Oooooo, wont that be nice!!!! Revenge is SWEET!

Let's see, anything interesting happen yesterday..... Hmm nope, same old life. Nothing new. Or at least nothing new that I can remember. I've been staring at this screen for 5 min trying to think of something... but alas, there is nothing. Oh well.

My favorite poem (found in my mother's year book)

I'm a little bar of soap
sweet and bright and shiney
and every time you take a bath
I'll swim around your hiney

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are a real freak "BUT" somehow we all still love you and your wacky ways