Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have to go to court tonight. Everyone pool your money together to bail my ass out of jail. Bounced a couple checks at ShopRite. Oh well. Ya know, we owe other people WAY more than we owe SR. You don't see them taking us to court... yet.

Crap, I left my coffee in the car. Ho hum. Can't drink the crap they have here. And I'm not going outside. 1 - cause it's really cold and 2 - cause I'll want a ciggy and I'm out! I guess I'll settle for water. yuck.

Nick's truck came in yesterday. It's a 4 foot long tractor trailer with a remote control. It's very cool. I told him he had to clean his room before he played with it. So what did my husband do?? He started playing with it. I'm like John, put it back. He's ignoring me. Put it BACK. The battery probably doesn't last long on that thing. Still ignoring me. Then wonders why I'm pissed at him. DUH! You're worse than a kid! I actually said what I say to Nicky. "I asked you 3 times to stop playing with that!" Nick's been dying to get that and now you're gonna kill the battery on him. Stop being such a child. Ug. I swear I only birffed 2 kids!! Nick had fun with it though. He's still trying to work out the controls and it's so big, it's hard to drive in the house. We're going to take him down to the school to drive it.

I really like muffins. I got one this morning.... I wish I could have more of the muffin, all of the muffin, right now!, but I'm being good. Trying to behave. Damnit. So I only took a little piece. I want it all.... NOW!

Ok, that's it for now. I really have to get some work done. I've been so distracted and scatter brained that I'm way behind. Ta for now.

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