Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I'm running away

That's it, I'm done. I'm running away forever. Don't come looking for me. Just leave me alone. My Mother will not admit that I was adopted and she needs to fess up!

There is not other explanation! There is no way I'm actually related to these people! It's insane.

I mentioned before that my niece got kicked out of her mom's during their visit cause they were fighting. She stayed with me one night and then went back. Monday I got a call from my sister saying "Get her out of here NOW". I left work a little early (I had a migraine anyway) and went over there. Stood over her while they packed all their stuff and sent her to my house. Ok, PHEWWW, done over. No big deal. They were fighting over a blanket!! They stayed at my house (well, they went to the city and then came back to my house to sleep).

Yesterday was a lazy day since we were up until 4:30am. Around 3pm Calli and I went up to take a nap. I vaguely remember Cassy trying to wake me up to tell me she was going to pick up David (her brother) but my body refused to acknowledge her.

6pm I called her and said, hey, stop at the store for me on your way back. OK, no problem

6:45, Hey, were are you guys? - voice mail

7:15 - Ok, seriously, your mom lives 10 min from me. Where are you? - Oh, we're at McDonalds eating, we'll be there in a little while. - Ok

8:20pm - OH COME ON!! - Ok, well, we're actually at the police station - WHAT!!!

Turns out they went to get Dave who wasn't ready yet and all hell broke loose. My sister and my niece decided to have one last blow out because they both needed to put in the last dig. Fists flew, bodies flew, blood flew. My nephew got involved, my brother in law got involved, the POLICE got involved. My sister was arrested and and the kids had to go file police reports.

Explain something to me. WHY WHY WHY WHY - Why fight? Why argue at all? Why not just say, ok, Dave, as soon as your stuff is done, finish packing and head out. I'm going to go in my room and close the door. Let me know when you're leaving so I can say good-bye. And BE DONE WITH IT!! Nooooooooooo it has to be a war.

They came back to my place and all started talking at once, - this happened, that happened, I said, Stop. I don't want to hear it. I am the safe house. I am offering you a place to sleep. I AM NOT getting involved in your stupidity!!

Those two are exactly alike and that's why they fight. They wont admit it though. God forbid!!

Like I don't have enough of my own crap to deal with, I have to deal with my CRAZY family.

Calgon.... Take me away.

Mommy - who's my real Daddy??? Is he rich? Can he save me from this family?

Or maybe someone out there is interested in adopting a sweet little girl - I'm loving, caring (32 shhhhh) and need a good home.

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