Thursday, January 24, 2008

Michelle would like to invite ALL of you to her house on Friday night for the Fucker-ware party. If you are interested, please email me and I'll give you directions.

Ahhh, my sweet friend Valerie posted a comment yesterday. YEAH VAL!! She's my Mississippi gal. I know you can't tell, but I'm typing with a twang! Every time I talk to her I feel myself slipping into that deep south way of talking. I LOVE her!

We started talking because I do the Sales and Use taxes for my company for the state of MS and she works for the state. I called her to ask something, and I think by the second phone call, we were buddies. NOW, I can only call her when I have about an hour to spare. We get on the phone and can't shut up. Not to mention that we get laughing and REALLY loud. A couple weeks ago we were on the phone and she starts saying OH SHIT. What??? What's wrong??? HA, her boss had sent her an email saying, What's going on in there? Who are you on the phone with? You need to keep it down, blah blah blah boss talk blah blah. So I told her to blame it on me. AND SHE DID!! She sent him an email back saying, I'm on the phone with Kaylene from Avis. It's all her fault. She'll be happy to call you and apologize for getting me in trouble. HA Gotta love her.

She is trying to save up some money to come and visit me!!! I can't wait. She wants to go to the city. THAT will be a blast. I think that requires a trip to hmm, lets see.... Harlem, Queens, a couple of strip clubs maybe! LOL I can't wait to see her little God Fearin' face.

Ah, yes, that's the other thing. She's trying desperately to "Save" me. LOL We've had LONG debates about God and the bible. It always seems to come out a draw. Both of us laughing hysterically. I don't think she'll ever stop trying though. Damn that Bible Belt!

She's also trying to get me to move to MS. And although you can get a house there DIRT cheap, I'm a bit afraid a hurricane's and I'm also afraid of the wrath of Michelle. I think she'd kill me if I moved that far!

Val, I can't wait till you come up here!! It's gonna be a BLAST!!

Ewww, I just put on hand cream and I think it's a bit old. It smells. YUCK. Now I have to go wash my hands... TTFN

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