Tuesday, April 8, 2008

So, I'm sure you've all seen on the news about this "guy" who is pregnant. HA!! When I first saw the news about it, I was very surprised. Shocked even. WOW, how did that happen, amazing.

AND THEN>... You see the entire story. It's not a "guy", it's a transexual. He used to be a woman and decided that she was a he and traded in her va j j for a ding dong. Actually, I'm really confused, because on the View today they said he/she took testosterone so he/she could grow a tiny penis and have sex with his/her partner. I wonder if they meant his/her partner did. Oh, who knows, I'm so confused.

ANYWAY, So this shim is now having a baby. It shouldn't really surprise anyone that's it's actually a woman. Cause there is NO WAY IN HELL that an actual man would EVER get pregnant. And not just because it's physically impossible but because there is NO WAY they would be able to handle it.

We all know that a small cold can put a guy flat on his back for at least a week proclaiming that he is indeed DYING. Trading in a runny nose and a cough for vomiting about 15 times a day, mood swings, hot/cold sweats, cravings (oh that one they can handle), swelling with enough fluid to fill a small pool, and back pain.... would never happen.

And THEN... the contractions and hours of labor. Not to mention pushing a watermelon out a hole the size of a grape. There's just no way. Although, I think they would be thrilled with having their boobs grow 3 sizes. I'm sure they'd be molesting themselves constantly... well that is of course only at those few fleeting moments in the day where they don't feel like they are going to rip open at the slightest touch because they are so full.

If something happened to women and the only way to procreate was for men to carry the babies..... Goodbye Man Kind. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm sure a couple of guys will step up and try to be all macho... "Oh, there's nothing to it, I can handle that". But let them get out of the hospital after pushing out that truck and see what they tell all their friends. Word will spread so fast they'll be shutting down maternity/paternity wards within a month.

Today's Did You Know: During pregnancy, the average woman's uterus expands up to five hundred times its normal size. **** Ha, sounds like a guys Beer Belly!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the last comment about comparing the uterus expansion to a guy's beer belly - definitely made me smile!

Miss you lady!