Monday, April 28, 2008

No cabbage needed!!

Nick's team kicked ASS!!! It was a really long day though. We got there at 8:30. They started the parade at 9. The kids then all had to stand there while a bunch of speeches were made. Then we had about 45 min to kill before the game started at 10:30. Mom came which was cool and so did my in-laws who I haven't seen or spoken too in almost 2 years. hee hee hee. My father-in-law talked to me and was very nice. My mother-in-law wouldn't talk to me at all. Oh well. HA

The game started at 10:30 and by 1pm the next 2 teams were standing there waiting to get on the field. We actually had to stop the game at the top of the 6th. We won 23 to 13 AND we didn't get our final at bat. YAYAY. I was thinking our team wasn't all that great. Turns out NONE of the teams are great and we're pretty good! YAYAY.

Nick only had one big meltdown which is pretty good considering. He hit the ball and ran his butt off to first base but was tagged out. He was PISSED! Then he decided he wasn't playing until I gave him lunch. Uhm, there's no lunch in baseball! I gave him some carrots and sent him back out on the field. He held it together for the rest of the game.

Ever see the Basking Robbins commercial with the Grandma that's been watching the kids that trashed her house? "These little angles??" KABOOM!! HA, That's my mom and my kids. LOL I always picture my mom jumping over that explosion. LOL

Why does Rachel Ray wear clothes that make her look fat?? I kept telling Shelly that Rachel got really fat. Today she's wearing form fitting clothes. Turns out she's not fat. She's got a flat stomach and is really fit. I don't understand why she wears clothes that make her look round. She still has man hands though. LOVE HER! I put in for tickets to go to the show.

Ok, going to start taking pictures of stuff for e-bay. Type atcha later.

Today's Did you know: The largest turkey in the world weighed in at 86 pounds. It was raised by Leacroft Turkeys, Ltd. in Petersborough, United Kingdom. *** Wow, that turkey might actually be enough to feed our family for Thanksgiving. I Aunt Pat has to cook 2 HUGE turkey's every year. It's insane. Yummy, but crazy!

Today's Stupid Law: Speaking of the United Kingdom, here's one from them - Any person found breaking a boiled egg at the sharp end will be sentenced to 24 hours in the village stocks (enacted by Edward VI). *** DAMN, They're really strict over there. I didn't even know eggs had a sharp end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that was weird, the battery on my mouse died and I had to stick it in the charging dock for a second because I couldn't figure out how to leave a comment without using my mouse. Congrats to Nicky! If you win tickets to Rachel you have to bring me!!! I have put in for tickets several times since her talk show has started. Poker ended at 4 am Sunday morning. It was down to Jocelyn and I. I ended up winning. Good luck ebaying!