Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ok, so as I'm sure you have all noticed, I haven't put any updates of my diet on here. Well, the reason for that... I didn't stick to it. Of course. I never stick to anything. I'm lazy. Although it made me feel really good and woke my ass up, I still just don't "want" to do it.

So I went ahead and took the next step. John and I went to a seminar last night on the Lap-band and Gastric bypass surgeries. I wanted more information. To see if I qualified for it. I think I qualify. If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 35 and you have added illness on top of that like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. then you qualify. If you have a BMI of 40 you automatically qualify without needing any other circumstances. My BMI is 39. I don't have any of the major circumstances, but I do have spondalolysthesis (my broken back), arthritis in both my knees, hypoglycemia, and my funky heart thing which is all exastrabated by the weight. So we'll see what they say.

I made an apointment to have a consultation with the surgeon next friday and the physc and nutritional appointments (required) the following week.

I am looking at the Lap-band surgury. My aunt had the bypass and had a LOT of complications. It really scared me. I don't think I can do that. The lap-band is a lot less invasive and it's completely reversable. So god forbid something happens, it can be fixed. These surgeons also have a zero percent mortality rate for lap band. Their gastric rate is 1 in 400-500. Although those are good rates, unless it's 1 in a million, it's too risky. I don't want to die to loose weight. Not worth it. If that's the choice, I'll stay an alive fat cow.

New subject... what's up with the bears lately??? Is there something in the air? We got one killing it's trainer and another roaming around in Paramus. I think it's hysterical that they cancelled all the outdoor activities until they find it. When you live in the sticks like I do, you get used to it. If a bear is outside, oh well. That's life. We live in their town, not the other way around. You leave them alone and they'll go on their way and then you can do what you need to do. It's not worth everyone freaking out. Stupid City Folk!!

Today's Did You Know: A person remains conscious for eight seconds after being decapitated. **** Ok, a couple things on this one. First, how do they know? Who tested this theory? "Bob, I want you to lay here. We're gonna cut your head off. You keep talking until your dead so we know when you loose consciousness." "Ok, but someone's gotta hold my sign!" Second, OMG, You're conscious for eight second??? That's gotta be the longest eight seconds ever. I always thought that would be a good way to go. You don't feel anything. Well shit, your head falls off and you fall on the floor and look up and see your body! AAAAHHHHH NO

Today's stupid Laws: Here's one from Alabama - You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time. ** Well, that SHOULD be illegal. You'd not only ruin your pants, but you'd crush a perfectly good ice cream cone!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would think the info for the decapitations come from the french revolution and their famous guillotine