Friday, April 25, 2008

I think I've lost my touch. I read my past posts and realized I was much more interesting a few months ago. I wonder if it's because I'm home now? I don't have all those people at work to talk about. Hmm. Not that I would give this up. It's just to good. But I feel bad for all you readers.

The only things I can really talk about now are how my house is a mess, how my kids are insane and what's on tv. OH speaking of what's on tv... that bear that was in paramus yesterday... They found it, tagged it, sedated it and guess where they brought it?? UP HERE!! Ha. Someone must have read my blogged. They packed him up and shipped him to Sussex County. The bugger's probably walking around my back yard. If I see him, I'll take a picture for ya.

I guess you'll all just have to deal with me talking about stupid things.

Nick had baseball practice yesterday and the coach told them that the parade and first game is on Saturday. He also told them they will probably be on tv. So today Nick asked me how many breaks they would have to take. Huh? What do you mean? Well, mom, we'll have to take breaks so the tv can take commercial breaks. LOL HA, how funny is that. He's more excited about being on the tv than he is about playing in his first game.

While we were at practice I was talking to one of the other mom's who I know from a parenting class we went to. She is separated from her husband and renting a house. She told me that she has to move out for 2 months because the owners use the house as a summer home. She can move back in after that but was kinda lost at what to do for the summer. I offered for them to come and stay with us. She was actually thrilled with the idea. She offered to pay me $1,200 a month!! I told her that was way to much money. Her sister lives with her too, so I told her to discuss it with her and then let me know what they think.

Hmmm, guess I should tell John we may be having company. HA. Hey, I figure it'll be good for everyone. They'll have a place to stay and we'll get some extra cash. We'll see what happens.

Everyone wish Nick luck tomorrow on his first game!!

Today's Did You Know: Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his cap while playing baseball, and he used to changed it every two innings. *** Anyone know where I can find cabbage on sale?? Nick's team is gonna need all the help they can get!

Today's Stupid Law: Ok, these two are from NY. I'm doing two because I have an issue.... 1. Women may go topless in public, providing it is not being used as a business. 2. It is illegal for a woman to be on the street wearing “body hugging clothing. *** Uhm, it's ok to be ne'kid, but not to be completely covered albeit in tight clothes? Does anyone else have a problem with that?? I bet a MAN made that law!

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