Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Child for sale!!

I have a beautiful little 4 year old girl, packed and ready to go. Selling cheap. Hell, I'll pay you to take her!!

Oh lord save me. She is a flipping nightmare. She is ten times worse than Nick ever was. She is a complete horror. She does what she wants, when she wants and it's basically "Screw You" if you have other plans. She'll tell you NO flat out. You tell her to do something, she wont even look at you. When you do get her to look at you, she'll just stand there and not do anything. She is so strong willed it's going to kill me.

Yesterday I kept her home from school. Don't ask me why, I have no idea. But let me tell you... never again. Sleep away MILITARY SCHOOL!! I was ready to either tear all my hair out or beat the ever loving crap out of her. She was just completely HORRID. We sent her to bed at 7pm and unplugged her tv (cause even though we said no tv, she had it on anyway. - and not just unplugged because of course she would just plug it back in, but disconnected from the cable, which she hasn't figured out.... yet).

Today she WENT TO SCHOOL!! I had a much better day. Is that mean? Am I a horrible mother that I can't wait to get my daughter out of the house??? It was just me and Nick here today. He hung out in his room most of the time putting legos together. He made a really cool fire truck today. Then he helped me work. LOL Well, not really, but he thought he was helping. I was logging stuff in and had a bunch of papers and I handed them to him when I was done and he put them all together for me. He was very cute. I love it when it's just the two of us... he's just the sweetest thing.

Then of course John came home all cranky and RUINED IT!!

Whatever. Finally broke down around 4pm and went to pick up the brat from school. I had packed the bikes in the van and we went to the fields to ride. And then we did some baseball practice.

Nick's first game is Saturday. It's going to be a long day. We have to be at the field at 8:30am for the opening day parade and then we have a game at 10:30. Oh joy. He's gonna be wiped out before the game even starts. We'll load him up on meds... he'll be good to go. HA

Speaking of meds. His dr. changed them around again. It's hard to keep track of it sometimes. Now she's got him taking something at 1pm. So he'll have to take it at school. Arg.

Ok, I'm off for now. I actually worked all day today and still have some more to do. Write atcha later.

Today's Did You Know: Mark Twain while staying overnight at the house of a friend, once threw a pillow at the window of the bedroom he was sleeping in (well, attempting to sleep in).
When the satisfying crash let in what he thought was fresh air, he fell asleep at last. In the morning he discovered that he had broken a glass-enclosed bookcase. **** From what I hear, Mark Twain really enjoyed the bottle. I'm sure he was wasted and didn't know the difference.

Today's Stupid Law: Here's one from good ole' Jersey -
It is illegal to wear a bullet-proof vest while committing a murder. **** If you're a murderer, do you generally do things legally?? Oh, crap, I can't slice that guy into little tiny bits right now, I'm wearing my vest. Excuse me sir, can you just stand there for one moment while I take this off? Then I'll be happy to tear you apart. Hmmm, Uh, NO.

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