Monday, April 21, 2008

Hey, I just want to let you know that I talk about EVERYONE on here. EVERYONE. I don't say anything about anyone to be vindictive. I don't try to hurt people's feelings EVER!!

When I talk on my blog, I talk about everything that happens to me and around me. If you take offense I'm sorry. But such is life.

If I write something about someone that I think should be kept low key, but would make for a good read, I keep the names out of it. That way no one knows who I'm talking about and they can still get a good laugh.

Really people, please don't take offense at what I write. And if you do, please don't read it. I refuse to sensor myself any more than I actually do. I think I've been really good.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean it and it actually wasn't directed at you anyway. I just meant that stuff like that happens all the time and I thought it was really funny. I wasn't calling you out on anything.

Now that the service announcement is complete, I need to call work and see if they have anything for me to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who the hell got offended? Not me :P Miss ya though... ask shelly what I did this past sunday ;)