Thursday, March 6, 2008


I got a call around 7 pm. Of course I didn't hear the phone. John did, and brought me the phone and I listened to the voice mail. It was my Michelle!!! I called her back right away and heard that sweet voice!!! MY SHELLY!!! It's funny, you really don't realize how much you would miss a person, or how much you rely on someone until they aren't there. I swear, after I talked to her, I couldn't stop smiling! My Shelly's home!

So my project was to clean sweep her house while she was gone. I wanted to do the entire thing, but I didn't have time. I was only able to do the office and John did the basement and I picked up their bedroom and the babies room. So, Shell, if you want, I'll come and finish the rest of the house. It just wont be a surprise. LOL

I'm still waiting to find out if Tim is actually PO'd about it or not. Cause I like... touched his stuff (turn off the dirty minds people... oh wait, that was my dirty mind - must be the butterfly effect) Anyway. I moved all his computer equipment and stuff. So when I go over there today, we'll see if he's speaking to me.

John and I watched Ghost Hunters last night. I have issues with that show. Don't get me wrong, I totally believe in ghosts and the like. I lived in a haunted house for 4 years! My first problem is that they listen to the stories of what people have seen and where, and then they focus on THOSE SPOTS. Well, just cause the damn thing was there ONCE doesn't mean that is the only place it roams. One episode they had a camera focused on a little Shakespear bust the entire night cause the owner said it moved once. K, total waste of a camera. Ghosts don't stay in one room people. If they are there... they are everywhere.

My other problem is that half of the people they have working for them are afraid of their own shadows. One guy is like Monk, he's afraid of flying, spiders, confined places, heights, and ants (basically anything with more than two legs). The other guy jumps and freaks out every time the wind blows. The new chick can't handle being alone. WTF? Why would you sign on to investigate GHOSTS if you're going to be afraid??? That just makes no sense to me. I could do those investigations so easily.

Plus, they're always going... "DID YOU SEE THAT?" No you Fucktard (Thanks Laura - my new favorite word) - We didn't see it cause the camera wasn't looking that way. I think that whenever they do an investigation, they should all have to wear cameras on their hats or something, so that wherever they look, the cameras get it. Actually, 4 small cameras on their heads shooting in every direction. Then maybe they might actually catch something!! Jeeze. Not brain surgery here folks. Don't tell me you don't have enough money for the equipment! You're gettin big bucks from the tv show!

I think I'm gonna do a little research and see if there are any TAPS groups around here that I could join. I would love to do that. And I wouldn't be freaking out with every step.

Ok, back to training again. 8 MORE DAYS!

Today's Did you know: A snail breathes through its foot - Ok, but does that make it a foot or it's nose? And does that mean it's breath always smells like dirty feet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I have returned and am ready for my vacation now. We had an awesome time. Met millions of characters and ate with them too. Lots of walking but gained 10lbs exactly because there is too much food on the Disney Dining plan and we quit smoking so once I started eating I was afraid to stop. Tink really flies and fantasmic in Hollywood Studios is Amazing! My 3 year old liked the Tower of Terror while my 9 year old cried. 8 days was too much and Meredith had a fever over 102 to come home with. I highly recommend White Plains airport, it is really small and easy to navigate and feels safe with children.

So I come home and I open the front door and holy flying cow turds, there is a floor in the office! Has that always been there? A top to the desk? What? A note on the table explains it all. Well just who did it. I love it! Tim's on edge. We just need to know where everything is. And we neeed to figure out how I am going to use the bowflex (have to get rid of this new 10 lbs). Oh and thank you thank you thank you for the basement. I was dreading cleaning up cigarrette butts and trying not to smoke them.

Ok, so much more to say but I will stop now.

PS Kaylene, I got your minnie ears :)