Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lysol... Take me away!!

Ok, I know it's cold and flu season. But can we PLEASE be adults about this? If you are in an office with a billion other people breathing your air and you need to cough or sneeze .... COVER YOUR MOUTH.

Is it just me or have we all forgotten our manners? I tell my kids every day, cover your mouth please (not to mention "Get your finger OUT of your nose!") But when you're an adult, wouldn't ya think you'd rememeber to keep your germs to yourself? Don't we get enough of them from our kids who hang out with other peoples germy kids and bring them home to share?

I love getting the notices home from school. "Three children in Nick's class have strep throat. " Thanks for the warning. But do you think Nick gets strep throat? NOOoooooooo Mom and Dad get it. Gotta love it.

So I say... Hear Ye Hear Ye - GET A TISSUE!

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