Monday, November 5, 2007

Holy Halloween Batman!

Remember when we were young and we felt like we could go to every door in the state without breaking a sweat... What happened to those days? I took my kids down 3 streets and was ready to pass out!

I also remembered the days that your mom MADE your costume. Now we're so busy (or in my case, have NO creative talent!) and we just take a trip to Wally-World and grab one off the rack. The problem with that.... there are 400 Batmen, 600 Spidermen, and about 50,000 princesses. Holy cow. It's like, "didn't we pass that kid 4 times already? Oh no, that's a different Superman."

I'm obviously not bashing any store buying parent, as I am one. I just miss seeing those hand made costumes. They're so much better.

Ok, gotta go eat some chocolate... The kids can't have chocolate!! It's bad for them. (they get all the crappy sugar candy, ie; lolly pops, sweet tarts and sugar babies) The chocolate is mom and dads - unless they remember they got some! HA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only took one more street than you. I wanted to crawl into the stroller with Shelby. LOL