Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hello? (tap tap) Is this thing on??

I feel like I'm writing to myself! And, well, I guess I am. Hopefully the traffic will pick up here sooner or later.

Anyway - the topic of the day, Magical Messes.

I come home every day and clean my house. (ok, maybe not EVERY day...) I clean the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom. I vacuum, do laundry, dishes and dinner. I look around and the house is lovely. Clean enough that I would actually allow people to come over.

BUT.... by the time I go to bed, I look around and it looks like I never lifted a finger. There are clothes and toys thrown all over the floor. Crayons, markers and coloring books have mated and multiplied throughout the front room, living room and bathroom (who colors in the bathroom???) The dog has green and blue teeth because she has eaten some of the newly born crayons. The kitchen has thrown up all over itself. My dear husband who was kind enough to clear the table, left the dishes all over the counter and stove with food still on them. The garbage is exploding to the point of no return and so is my head.

I just can't keep up. I clean and it magically messes up all over again, but twice as bad. I used to have clean furniture and carpets. I used to have a kitchen counter that I could see. I used to have a toilet bowl I wasn't afraid to touch. (Gotta love 7 year olds who refuse to lift the seat and to flush.) I used to be able to walk a direct path in my house without having to step over something or leap to my left because there is a baby carriage race being held in my living room.

I wish for a cleaning fairy to come in at night after I go to bed. That way, when I wake up in the morning, it's sparkling. Just like The Elves and the Shoemaker. I'd be more than happy to make her some little outfits. (read the story) Or how about I win the lottery and hire an "Alice"??

Either way, something MUST be done. I'm having a party at my house Friday night and I'm trying to figure out how I can possible allow others to enter. And WHERE are they supposed to sit. Well, I suppose I can put someone in the Dora chair, and some others in the aformentioned baby carriages. Maybe I'll put some sheets on the floor to cover the juice and coffee stained floor. (My daughter is the BIGGEST clutz. And she has an unexplainable attraction to coffee.) Sure that'll work. HA

So then after this party, which I'm sure will only intensify the mess, my very good friend/realtor wants me to do an Open House. HA ROFL LOL He's SOOOooo freaking funny.

That's all for now. May the cleaning fairies bless your home, this and every evening to come.

(Editing credit given to Donna Edwards - Thanks chick!)

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