Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Icing poisoning..

Nick's cake was very yummy. Because his birthday was on Thanksgiving and there were a million other deserts, we brought home about half the cake.

We munched on it here and there. Last night when I got home John said, hey, don't you need to refrigerate this? I said, hmm, I don't think you have to for butter cream. Well, because he brought up the cake, of course I was drawn to it. So while I was cooking dinner, I grabbed a fork, lifted the lid and dug a nice piece out of the center.

Ok, so the moral of the story is... You DO have to refrigerate butter cream. Let's just say that fermentation had taken place and it is quite possible that if left another day, we could have had a very nice vintage icing. It was to my own detriment that I didn't taste the horridness of it until after I swallowed. So all night I prayed that one bite wouldn't be enough for food poisoning. Luckily, it wasn't. PHEEWWWwwwwww.

The store I got it from called it "bettercream". Well now... if it was better than why did it go bad?? huh?? They need to invent a cake that never goes bad. We will sometimes make a cake for no reason other than craving cake. We'll all have a piece and then cover it up. When the craving comes again, the cake is petrified into rock and is in no way edible. Then you feel bad throwing that one out just to make another that you know is going to end with the same fate as the first. If they could only stay moist and fluffy forever... aaahhhhh Bliss.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL I am soooo with you on they why do things have to go bad thing! Esp now at 21wks pg LOL Eww, can't believe that you didn't taste it til after you swallowed!