Monday, November 19, 2007

Let it Snow!!!!

I woke up this morning to 4 inches of snow. It was lovely... until I remembered that I still had to go to work. UG.

So then it's a race around the house. Get everyone up and dressed so we can leave early. My beautiful 3 year old comes down with a skirt and a little off the shoulder number. I laugh slightly and send her back up. My son comes down with a long sleeve shirt (good) and shorts (bad) BUT he also has his snow pants. He figures snow pants negate any need for long pants. No and no. Back up for you too.

Now to find the paper that gives the info on school closings. Realize that we can't get in the radio station at our house. Look at the paper again to see what else I can do... hmm check out the internet site??? Nope, no internet (we're poor) Ok, now what. I call the school. Just a message saying they're open. I can not call this school every two minutes to see if they are delaying. Hop in the shower.

Calli: Momma, I can't find my other sneaker, so I'm wearing my pretty shoes (pretty shoes being dress up opened toed heels) NO

Nick: Mom, I'm going out in the snow. NO

Get out, get dressed, call the bus driver. "The roads are horrible, I'm sliding all over" Hmm... not something you want to say to the mother of a child you are about to pick up. AAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh.

Get all done, everyone bundled and out the door. Bus driver shows up and says he's gonna take his time. Noooo problemo.

Get Calli to day care and then SIT IN TRAFFIC FOR TWO HOURS.

Boy, I'm so glad I rushed. Maybe the snow will still be there when we get home and we can enjoy it.

Happy snow day everyone!!

1 comment:

Blythe said...

LOL I am SO glad I live in California! ((HUGS)) Miss ya!