Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chicken and Money

I love making people smile. When I see a friend who is having a really bad day, I love to cheer them up. I know I’ve used them enough for my bad days. This is my way of giving back.

Today my friend was telling me about the horrible day she had yesterday. One bad thing after the other just fell on her. I was able to cheer her up. It made me happy.

Did you know Chicken cures all!! My wonderful friend had made me a chicken when I had a really bad day (see post below). So when she was telling me about her bad day, I said, “That really sucks. Want me to make you a chicken?” It made her laugh. I think that’s why I do this blog too. I know it will make the 3 of you that read it smile. HA

So, from now on, when you’re friend is having a bad day… make them a chicken!

Ok, on to the disappearing money. As some of you know, I won a lawsuit against a grocery store (fell and broke my ankle) and got a bunch of money. Don’t get too excited it was only 4 figures. (Wished for 7, but no luck) So, we decided to pay all our back bills. It’s really nice to be able dig out from under. We’ve at least got our part of our hands and a big toe sticking out. We just need to dig the rest of the way. Some one hand me a shovel!

It is amazing how fast you can go through money. I do it EVERY time we get any. We see all that money in our account and start spending it. Let’s go out to eat, Let’s go to Wally World, Let’s SPEND SPEND SPEND. And then Ta Da!!! You’re down a thousand dollars and can’t remember what you spent it on. How does that happen???

But, I did a little better this time (not much, but a little). When I saw the money flowing out quickly, I grabbed all the bills and started paying. I owe my friend money who has been VERY patiently waiting for me to pay it back and I think I managed to actually keep enough in there to give her at least half. Cross your fingers folks.

My problem is, I pay all these bills and add them up and say ok, it’s $4,000. I have $5,000 in my account. I’m good. And THEN, all the bills go through and my account is negative $300. WHAT??? HOW?? Ok, so I kinda know how. See what happens is, I forget to add in the trips to the grocery store, gas, miscellaneous food purchases, whatever John buys, and so on. I need to give someone else our money every week. They can open an account and put it all in there and pay our bills and give us an allowance. (Shelly… interested???) hee hee

(All amounts in this post are fictitious. Except for getting the lawsuit money and right after we get our tax return … we NEVER have $5,000 in our account. We’re lucky if we can keep it in the positive!) Please tell me there are other people in the world as bad with money as I am!

For those folks who actually read my blog… don’t forget to leave a comment! I wanna know who’s here. (If you’re reading, I want to make sure I don’t say anything nasty about you!)


Beth said...

You crack me up...I was that way with money until Mike took control of the finances - he pays all the bills and gives me an allowance to spend or save for something special every week. Sometimes i resent him for being so money stingy...but he's saving for the future - whatever that may be...and i haven't bounced a check in 4 years...such a great feeling.

Shell said...

I'm here sometimes so don't say anything nasty about me. Well, what could you actually say, I am perfect in every way! HEHEHE JK! Now I shall call you and yell at you, you better explain in more detail this money thing to me because I thought we covered this from happening. And hey, why have you never made me a chicken?

Beth said...

btw you always were able to make me smile when i was feeling blue...but the "want me to make you a chicken" is a new one - and made me LOL

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh. I need to know about this chicken thing. The one girl who use to work here her husband use to have a thing about watching chickens do it. SO I am over here laughing.

Unknown said...

You are such a goof. And we are right there with you on teh acct always being in the red. We're working on it though....someday it'll get better.

Anonymous said...

Well, you definitely make me smile..... :o)
Trust me when I say that you are not the only one out there with these problems so keep your head up. Finding someone you can trust to do your finances and give you an allowance is a good idea, I have someone do it for me and it works. I am sure things will get better for you.

Anonymous said...

you are absolutely hysterical. I'm not sure that eating a chicken has "cure-a-bad-day" qualities, but talking about cooking one sure does!!! Thanks for making me crack up yesterday, today and all the tomorrows to come! Donna

Mira said...

Hey Cousin! Good to "see" you. It's a strange thing genetics. I see a lot of myself and my blogging style in your posts. Weird.

So check out my tongue ring (I'm a freak) and my blog on my myspace

Now I want chicken. Sigh. "And we'll kill the old red rooster when she comes..." If my sorry arse ever gets on a plane again and makes it to Jersey I expect chicken. Capische?

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you belong to me. How coould I have raised such a crazy daughter. You will have chicken the next time you visit me. I'm sure I can find one running through the woods.