Friday, December 14, 2007

Winter Wonderland it wasn't...

The snow hit about 9am. And it continued... until the hail hit. I booked out of here about 11:30 and white knuckled it home. It hailed and iced the rest of the day.

It wasn't that beautiful white fluffy stuff. It was just hard ice. Yuck. Let's hope the storm on Saturday night brings us something nicer.

This morning on my way into work, I was driving down the highway when a water drop hit my windshield. I grabbed my phone to take a pic, but it didn't come out good enough. No it didn't look like Jesus or the Virgin Mary... but, it was a perfect happy face with the tongue sticking out. I was cracking up! Unfortunately, I was driving too fast and the wind blew it away before I could get a better shot. At least it made me smile this morning.

My brother's coming into town!!! Yay! I only get to see him like once or twice a year. He lives in Colorado. His kids live here so he comes to visit them as much as possible. But he'll come in for like a weekend, and then head home. So we don't get to see him that much. - Laura, if you're wondering, I'm talking about Ricky.

We're all meeting up at my Mom's in Shit-hola, PA tomorrow. The kids love going up there. She lives in the middle of nowhere so the kids have free rain outside, which is were the spend their entire visit. Except to pee and eat, they are outside. They really can't do that at our house cause we live on a crazy road.

Mom also has these weird deer that come right to her front door and you can feed them corn. We sit on the steps and they stand like a foot away. One of them foams at the mouth and only has half it's hair.... Mom insists that it's normal... We're not buying it. The thing has mange and rabies. But, whatever Mom. Enjoy those nice rabies shots they give you in the stomach. AAahhhhhh She's such a wacko. Gotta love her.

After Mom's we're finally picking up our tree. Ho Ho Ho I'm sure there's got to be about a million tree places on our way home. Then we'll bring it home. John will curse and swear as he gets it in the stand. He'll blow a few blood vessels as he puts on the lights. I'll help the kids put on about 5 ornaments before I kick them out because they're just "doing it all wrong" and have broken at least three bulbs. Then I'll put up about half my ornaments, loose all my Christmas spirit. Say "F**K IT" and leave the tree half done. (Looking somewhat like Rich's tree at the party.) The kids will cry because they'll want to "help" and I wont let them. John and I will have a fight about where to put the boxes and to stop yelling at the kids for crying. And with that the Christmas Season will have begun in our house. Aaahhhh, feel the love!


Mira said...

Go buy some plastic ornaments for the kids to put on the tree (walmart 10 bucks), put a pot of water with cinnamon and spices on the stove so the house smells like xmas music, and crank the carols. Have a GOOD TIME this year (joy and all that stuff).
Okay I'm still clueless. Who's Ricky? Did Aunt Barbara have another baby later?

rich rakowski said...

i still have a lockbox key- so please let me know when the tree is completed. : ))

Mom said...

Hi its Mom, You forgott my 5birds 3 dogs and deer. do not pick on my deer one foams at the mouth . She does not have rabies problbly bad teeth. I have to call a dentist. Laura I like the cinnomon and water thing I will try it . Rich please take care of her tree. Love Mom