Monday, December 3, 2007


Today I'm showing off my gorgeous kids. I'm sorry the pics are so big, but I have no idea how to make them smaller. Aren't they just gorgeous?? I wish I could quit my job and put them in modeling/acting. We'd be RICH!!

**Warning to all men.. The following paragraph discusses "women's issues"**

This weekend was ok. I was totally PMSing... that's not right. PMSing is the bitch you are right before your friend comes to visit (and while we're on that, why do they say when your "friend" comes to visit?? This is definitely NO friend of mine!) OK, so back to what I was saying. PMSing is before... I'm weepy before. I a bitch during! What do you call that? I know.. the M word, but there's got to be an initial thing. DMS? During Menstrual Syndrome?? So, anyway, I'm really bitchy right now.

I decided to try to clean up the disaster that is my house so we can start the Christmas disaster. We still had a ton of boxes that had to be put away/gone through. Then John went looking for the train so we could get that set up and ready for the tree.

The train was gone. We bought my son a Lionel train set when he was about a year old. We take it out every year for Christmas and carefully pack it away again after. We searched the house high and low. It was in the POD (evil company) so we looked through all the stuff in the garage that had come out of the storage unit. No. We went through all the bedrooms, the attic, the basement. Places that there was NO WAY it was going to be. Nothing. It's in a large bright orange box. It's not easy to miss. Unfortunately, the only thing I can think is that it was stolen. I'm trying not to jump to any conclusion though. (Damn POD people - I bet that's why they used that name). We did end up getting a new train set, but I would have rather not spent that kind of money right now. Knowing our luck, we'll find it next month. And if that's the case, great. My New Year's resolution is to not jump to conclusions. Hmpf

Anyway, while I went through and moved all the boxes and worked all day Saturday to try to go through everything... I made more of a mess. I HATE when that happens. You go to clean and start pulling out all this stuff to "re-organize" and end up with total mayhem. And then of course you're too tired to fix it. Oh crap, just leave it there.

Ok, so about that CD - I'd rather everyone chip in and get me a maid service.

Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Mira said...

I love the pics. They're so big!