Friday, December 7, 2007

My genius!!

Michelle reminded me to brag about my son!

I talked to his teacher the other day and she raved about him. Nick is in 1st grade, but is in a special school for kids with disabilities. (Nick has Asperger's Syndrome - a form of autism) This school is very progressive. They let the kids learn at their own level using the same curriculum as regular schools.

Nick had to be moved up to 2nd grade work because the 1st grade stuff was way to easy for him. 1/2 hour worth of homework took him less than 5 min. He's especially well versed in math. She has him doing double digit adding and subtracting with carrying and borrowing. She said they do NOT do this in first grade and he is very advanced for his age.

I'm so proud!!! Ok, bragging done for today.


Anonymous said...

That's so great! Maybe he'll be an accountant one day...actually on second thought, I wouldn't wish that upon anyone else...LOL

Mira said...

I'm so glad that the school is working out! Tanner is the exact opposite of Nick. He's a savant in reading but hates math. Asperger's kids usually have something that they are especially brilliant about. It's amazing how the brain works. I know you didn't have TV so you probably missed this season of ANTM, but Heather (last week got booted off) has Aspergers. It was strange to watch her because I could see so much of Tanner in her mannerisms and character. I was really rooting for her because she was so interesting. The rest of them are kind of boring. Covergirl was probably devastated to see her go. Funny thing: She's not on the show anymore and she was STILL voted model of the week this week.