Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I have every intention to do work when I get here.

I have every intention to clean my house when I get home.

I have every intention to play all sorts of games with my kids at night.

I have every intention of cooking a real meal every night.

I have every intention of going to bed at a reasonable hour.

I have every intention of getting up on time.

So, why is it that "every intention" never seems to pan out.

As for the work one, well, that's easy. No one wants to actually work! Don't get me wrong, I get a lot done when I'm here. But I could get twice as much done if all I did was work. But then again, if I did that, I wouldn't have anything else to do because I'd have it all done!

Cleaning... I'm so weird. I get pissed off at John if he's home all day and doesn't clean. But then I get home and do nothing. I have no energy for that. I did put in a load of laundry last night. YEAH ME!

Games. My son only wants to play the Wii. I play it, but I can only play with him for so long. He can't handle loosing. I don't think it's right to "let" him win. So it's usually only 2 rounds of his fits before I give up. As for board games and such... I think we have 2 games that actually have all the pieces. I need to find a place to put them so that little hands can't scatter them to the wind.

Cooking. By the time I get home and let the dog out, start Nick's homework, and look around at all the stuff I'm not going to clean, I have no energy to cook. I do cook, but it's usually anything quick and easy. I wish I could be a gourmet cook and be able to put an apple, a piece of chicken and some seasoning in a pot and it be FABULOUS. Yeah... no.

Bed. To some people with my schedule, 9pm is reasonable. Others it may be 12. I know that I MUST be asleep by 11pm to be able to wake up the next day. To function when I wake, it needs to be about 9pm. I lay in bed watching TV, half asleep, but I don't close my eyes. By the time I give in it's about 11:30. Needless to say, I'm always exhausted.

Up on time. We've all read about my alarm issues.

Please tell me it's not just me. Tell me I'm not just totally lazy! (which is what I think)

I have every intention of not being lazy anymore!


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. Even on nights when I get home from work at a reasonable hour, I still get to bed late. And then when the alarm clock goes off I sleep till the last possible second. I want to be a "morning person" but I'm just NOT! What I found has been good is to pick one thing I'm going to focus on every day. Then I don't feel like I totally failed - at least I got one thing done. That builds my feeling of productivity even if I'm still not totally productive. ;)

Mira said...

Intentions are amorphous. Plans have definitive edges. Intentions are an ideal that no one can attain. Plans are easily attainable. So, stop "intending" and realistically make plans for those things that are important to you. "Today my list is to do XYZ. If I can't complete it all then I'll start where I left off tomorrow." See? Now here is where I should insert some clever witicism RE: the road to hell & pavement but since I don't want my ass kicked I think I shall forego the obvious. :p

Anonymous said...

I have to say, you hit the nail on the head, and Eric doesn't get it. I intend to do pretty much all of the same things (except the kids things, since I am lacking in that dept.) they just never seem to get done. I am with ya girl!