Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I can't believe it!! My wonderful cousin Laura actually found me a "walking head brain!!" I'm shocked. If this is what she's been talking about all this time... Oh lord. It's a freaking wind up toy that costs $3!!!

I can't figure out how to put pictures on here! ARG

Last night Calli was throwing a massive temper tantrum. A regular occurrence around bedtime. So I said, That's it, I'm calling Santa. She didn't believe me, until I started dialing. Oh boy. I told Santa (John) that Calli was throwing a fit and he needed to leave a gift behind. I said I would call him back if she kept it up and he needed to take away more.

She stopped her fit. HA

THEN, about 2 min. later she comes downstairs and says "Mom, I gotta tell you something." Through that - trying hard to control the tears, lower lip sucking in, air gulping cry - she says, "Can you call Santa back and tell him that the toy he takes away... don't let it be my doll house or my head brain." I tried sooooo hard not to crack up. No luck. I just started laughing. Finally under control, I said, fine, but you need to go to bed NOW. I then called John frantic. If this child doesn't get her "walking head brain" she's gonna have the worst Christmas ever!

I'll be ordering this today! WOO HOO! Hopefully I can get it in time. Laura... I LOVE YOU!!!!

On a Nicky note - The Playboy strikes again! He got to go on a special trip yesterday with school. They have a rating system, based on behavior and he's almost (will be this week) to the highest level. He was extra nice to a new student, so they let him go on the Platinum trip. So, he comes home and says, Mom, I kissed a girl. WHAT??? Well, actually, she kissed me. I was just standing there and she came up, grabbed my face and kissed me right on the lips. Oh lord. I called the school this morning (teacher's request) and she said, just so you know, that girl is older than Nick. She's in 3rd or 4th grade. Great, not only is he 7 and already hot for girls, but he's going for the Cougars. AAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.

1 comment:

Mira said...

Ah, I have my moments! :)