Friday, December 7, 2007

It's FRIDAY!!!


My alarm has a death wish. It went off at 5 whatever and I snoozed it. It went off again and I saw it said 6:20. I thought maybe I wasn't hearing it, so I hit snooze again but turned it up so it would be loud when it when off the next time. Then Nick comes in screaming that we overslept again.
7:13 UG! Luckily, Nick ran out and caught the bus driver before she left and she was nice enough to wait. So we scrambled around at high speed. Nick even remembered his meds. WOO HOO! He was out the door in 5 min.

Got myself and Calli dressed and out the door and there was no traffic. Made it to work with time to spare. Good day??

Nope. LOL My BFF is going to a corporate Christmas party tonight at her husbands work. He is a big wig, so of course she wants to look fantastic. Tradition proves that I do her hair and make-up every year. Of course half way to work, I realized I forgot all my stuff. No curling iron, no make-up, no nothing. Arg. We'll have to figure that out later. Or, I could throw her hair in a pony tail, and pick up some lip stick.. TA DAH!!! hmm, I don't think she'll go with that. Luckily, she's so pretty to start with, she doesn't need a lot of work.

Speaking of that... dja ever notice what a little make-up can do? You're tired, throw on some make-up. Got wrinkles, make-up. Zit, make-up. Make-up can make anyone look 10 years younger and 500 times prettier. APPLIED CORRECTLY! I know people who think they need a lot of help so they PILE on the make-up. Trust me, it only makes it worse. Like those women who love their eyes and want to enhance them. So what do they do? They put on so much mascara that it looks like a tarantula crawled up there and died. This will not make them "stand out" in the way you want. Or the bright red lip stick.. oooooo oooo ooo No, here's a good one. The dark purple lip liner that looks like it's drawn on by my 3 year old with pink lip stick. HA This is a fashion NO NO!

Ladies, (and some gents) as a Mary Kay representative let me give you a tip. When you have all your make-up applied, it should look like you're not wearing any!! (Unless you're doing evening wear of course) It should enhance your beauty - not make you look like a Picasso painting. Light make-up goes a long way! (need more tips - click on my Mary Kay link - hee hee hee! buy buy buy - subliminal messages!!)

We have someone coming to look at our house tomorrow. Everyone cross your fingers that they put in a full price offer. We found a house in Rockaway that we want, but since ours has been on the market forever... we're not getting our hopes up.

Speaking of crossing your fingers (plus a little prayers) This is my friend Leigh's site. Her son Charlie was born premature and he's working very hard to grow. Calli was born 2 months preemie so I know the feeling. Although Charlie, at 2lb 12oz, was a full 2 pound smaller then Calli. He's already spent the first 7 weeks of his life in the hospital but he's doing great. Some thoughts and prayers sent their way would be appreciated.


Shell said...

Ooh I'm the comment cherry popper for today. I thought I should comment because a chunk is about me. Pony tail and lipstick, hmmm, no I don't think so. Although that would give me the updo I fight you for every year. Well, I thought I would start my rebellion now. I know, I know unless there is sleeves hair stays down. But come on, who wears a formal gown with sleeves? Mother-of-the-bride, grandmas and people who for some reason hate their arms and shoulders. Well my arms and collarbone are one of the very few parts of me that are still sexy after 3 kids and I am showing them. I really really want my hair up tonight even though I have a strapless gown because Tim just gave me a gorgeous Swarovski crystal choker that is all crystal and needs to show and sparkle and I can't have it hidden by all of this thick hair that I have.

I think you need to go to sleep earlier so that you can hear your alarm clock. Or maybe you should just turn it really really loud like Tim does so that you wake the neighbors also.

Yay Nicky for waking mommy up. Talking about Nick, why isn't his excellent brain bragged about in today's blog? Okay time to post a blog to todays blog so everyone can hear about how wonderful he is doing.

Again, I am sorry that I blogged on your blog. It is my procrastination to do all of the things I need to do today. Plus I just finished my workout and am having trouble moving.

I think that I shall call you now and protest my hair down even more.

Love ya babe!

Mira said...

Ah, but you miss the point. There are those who in their goth/Tammy Faye Baker stupor love those tarantulas (perchance they make them feel less alone?) and who need that lip liner to survive (I think it makes up for lack of enunciation), and it is those women who are keeping the cosmetic industry in business! So, I say women of the world who use a spatula rather than a makeup sponge...UNITE! Then call up Kaylene and buy Mary Kay. Maybe she'll give you a volume discount.
As to the other, we have so much in common it's sick. I have to set my phone to wake me up every 5 minutes...or I'll never get out of bed.

Just Me said...

Laura - as my cousin, I love you so much, but if I ever see you with that much make-up... I'll dis-own you.

Anonymous said...

I have a premie hat for Leigh's little baby!! Donna