Thursday, June 19, 2008

In the city yesterday and today. Ya know, I love the city, but I hate coming in here when I can't enjoy it. It's a long ride to come and sit in the office all day. So not worth it. But at least this time they actually are TRAINING me instead of doing crap work! YAY

Nick's last day of school is tomorrow. He's been a nightmare to get out of bed lately. He just doesn't want to wake up. One more day kiddo. Unfortunately, that will only last about 2 weeks before he has to start getting up again. He really doesn't want to do the summer program, but I really don't think it would be wise to let him veg for 2 months. Not to mention that he'll drive me insane!

Heather and the gang move in next week. I still haven't cleaned out the spare room. Hopefully I can do that this weekend. I don't know where it's all going... but, we'll see.

Pool is up and ready to go. We finally got it clear. YAYAY. But now of course, it's a bit chillier. I'm sure it'll get hot again, but now would be good. I wish the pool was heated. Oh well.

Haven't had a chance to get my blood work done for my surgery. Hopefully I can squeeze it in tomorrow. But then I have to figure something out. It gets REALLY busy here the end of July through September. I'm not going to be able to take a week off. I'll have to see if they can schedule me in July or not. If not, it'll have to wait and be a Christmas present I guess.

I've had heart burn for the last few days. It's awful. Not your plain old, I ate pizza, heart burn either. This is, someone is in my chest making puddles with a bottle of acid. It's horrible. Like, I'm going to DIE!!! I OD'd on Zantac yesterday but it still wouldn't go away. I woke up this morning ok and so far so good. Everyone cross your fingers. John says it's probably not heart burn. I'm probably having a freaking heart attack. Oh hey thanks hun. I was thinking some kind of tomato poisoning or something. Who knows.

I haven't been able to watch the news in a couple days, so I have no commentary on that. But I did get in an episode of H2O and I think the girls are right to keep their secret that they are mermaids. See what happens when you have kids!

Oh, I watched Ghost Hunter last night and they got a REALLY good thermal of a ghost. Totally cool.

Ok, I'm off to do work so I can get out of here as quick as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you see the revolutionary ghost, the guy on the stage or the KY Mental home one? I've seen full size so so cool!!!

I need to give you your stuff damnit... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr