Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Crazy Times

It's been a crazy week.
Saturday, Nick had his last baseball game! We got our asses kicked, but Nick made the first run of the game and the last run of the season! Go Nick!

Heather, Pat and the kids came over Saturday, went to the game with us and stayed afterwards. We barbecued and then Weeder Dave came over, Chris too. The guys fished most of the time. Then, because of the rain, we had to set up the beer pong table in the living room. HA

We are going to set up a tournament and give awards at the end of the "season". LOL Pat and Dave are reigning champion, but I told them it doesn't count because we don't have the score board up yet. Neener, Neener!

Heather 2 (the one moving in) came over with two of her neighbors to play. She was great, ... her friends.... not so much. First of all, they stayed in the smoking room all night. They never came in to socialize at all. At one point in the night, we went out there and they were gone. Turns out they had taken Pat's $400 fishing pole and walked over to the lake in the neighbors yard and were fishing!! He comes walking back over with a fish on the pole which is bent almost in half. HOLY CRAP. I swear, I thought Pat was gonna kill him. They were being so stupid that I flagged them. Told them no more. So they start sneaking them. OMG, I took the cooler away and every time we walked out there they had more. We kept taking them and dumping them out but I swear they had magic powers and kept coming up with more. Heather 2 had "gone to sleep" and we kept telling them to call a cab. They ended up calling Heather 2's sister to come get them. They continued to chug beers until they got in the car. Needless to say, they aren't invited back.

Besides them, the party went great. Everyone went to bed and in the morning, Heather 1 and I went to get breakfast for the daddys. The guys spent the day fishing and Heather and I cleaned and then went in the pool.

The pool is great. It's almost clear now. Turns out that if you fill a pool from your well and it's iron rich and then you add chlorine... chlorine oxidizes the iron and turns your water brown. HA. It's still really cold too. We just need some more warm days.

Two more days in the city this week. I'm not happy about it and I'm going to have a chat with my boss later. Hopefully we can work it out.

Nick's last day of school is Friday! He's very happy. He wants to sleep in which I think it's hysterical because he was my kid who would be up at 5 am every morning. Now I have to drag his butt out of bed every morning.

Ok, off to put clothes away before our west coast people wake up and send me work.

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