Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Get this... yesterday at football practice, I did my normal walks around the field. On the second time around, Calli came with me and we decided to race. I JOGGED PEOPLE!! And it felt good. Not like normally where I would go about 10 feet and want to die right there. She couldn't keep up so we stopped and started a few times. But I think I probably did at least one turn around the field at a jog. Aren't you proud of me?!?! I am.

If I didn't fear that I would be squished like a squirrel on my road, I'd go around here. I have to find a place to go that's close by and doesn't risk my life. LOL

Mom called, told me to bribe Calli with a treat to see how many of the letters she actually knows. She said Andrea (my sister) did the same thing and she actually knew all her letters, she was just being a brat. LOL I'm gonna pick up some M&M's or something today just to test her out.

I put in a few applications for jobs. I really want to stay close to home, but there's not many jobs around here. We'll see what happens. I've had a lot of calls from job agencies, but I don't want to go that route just yet.

Hey Shelly, where are you? Long time no talk. Call me babe!

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