Tuesday, September 30, 2008
We'll be doing Monday - Friday at 11:30. I think working out 5 days a week is pretty good. Plus I'll still walk around the field at Nick's practices and Shelly offered to loan us back the elliptical, so I can do that at night. DAMNIT I'M GONNA BE SKINNY IF IT KILLS ME! And let me tell ya, those crunches damn near did kill me.
Nick's game is tonight at 6pm but it's not at Thomas Jefferson. It at the new fields on Main Street by Grandma's Attic. Come one come all. He's so excited that Shelly's coming. He keeps telling everyone. "Shelly's coming to watch me play!!" LOL So cute. Hopefully they at least score once tonight.
I got my unemployment checks today!! YAYYYYY!!!! I can pay the mortgage. WOO HOO!!!
That's it for now. I'm stinky and need a shower. See you tonight if your coming!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Slow go on the weight loss. I'm at 218. Arg. I only did 1 protein shake last week. I know, I know!! I'll get back to it. I just wish they didn't take like shit.
We got a lot accomplished yesterday. John cleaned out the smoking room/sun room and then we tackled the play room. It was all Nick's stuff since we haven't moved Calli's back down yet. We made Nicky do "Keep one, toss one" He did great. Plus anything that was broken he tossed too. He is ready for Birthday and Christmas!! There's actually hardly anything in there now. It's amazing.
Now I have to take on Calli's room. Oh lord. That'll be fun. She has about 4,000 stuffed animals and she plays with all of them. Getting her to get rid of some is gonna be hard. She actually negotiated to keep one of Nick's trucks for herself yesterday though. She gave up a stuffed giraffe. At least I know she's got the concept. But then I have to figure out what to do with all those stuffed animals. They're all in like brand new condition. I really would like to sell them, but I don't think many people buy used stuffed animals. I'll probably have to freecycle them.
OH ya know what someone needs to invent.... Barbie hair that doesn't become a rats nest or that you can brush without pulling all the hair out. Am I right people??
Ok, off to shower and then to call Lea and see if she wants to start our workout regime today. TTFN
Friday, September 26, 2008
Saturday's Football Game Info
Saturday's game will be held at the Wharton Field folks. I know it's not right around the corner and it's supposed to rain, but he was really excited at the idea that some of you might come to watch him play. Game starts at 11:30 but feel free to come around noon or so. The games usually last about 1 1/2 hours. If you need directions, go here:
Check out my AWESOME cousin!! She's on TV!! This is an episode of "The Secret Lives of Women".
Skip past the scary vampire lady. Go to about 2 minutes in. Laura is the first one you see talking at the table. OMG!! I wanna be on tv. :o(
Crap, I can't remember how to make the you tube video just come up, so you're gonna have to click the link.
Nothing much going on here. Although, I got the worst mother of the year award yesterday. I totally forgot about gymnastics. She was PISSED. I'm going to call them and see if maybe she can make up the class.
Unemployment called yesterday. The went through all the questions and then said they were going to call work and get their side of the story or something like that. They said I would have a determination in a week. That I'd either get a check or a letter of denial. Well, jeeze, thanks.. uhm... how about a hint?? Nothing. The guy had NO sense of humor at all. Cross your fingers that it's a check folks!
Ok, gotta run. I posted on craigslist that I needed clothes for Calli and a lady has offered me some. Going to go pick them up. TTFN
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pics Pics and more Pics
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Get this... yesterday at football practice, I did my normal walks around the field. On the second time around, Calli came with me and we decided to race. I JOGGED PEOPLE!! And it felt good. Not like normally where I would go about 10 feet and want to die right there. She couldn't keep up so we stopped and started a few times. But I think I probably did at least one turn around the field at a jog. Aren't you proud of me?!?! I am.
If I didn't fear that I would be squished like a squirrel on my road, I'd go around here. I have to find a place to go that's close by and doesn't risk my life. LOL
Mom called, told me to bribe Calli with a treat to see how many of the letters she actually knows. She said Andrea (my sister) did the same thing and she actually knew all her letters, she was just being a brat. LOL I'm gonna pick up some M&M's or something today just to test her out.
I put in a few applications for jobs. I really want to stay close to home, but there's not many jobs around here. We'll see what happens. I've had a lot of calls from job agencies, but I don't want to go that route just yet.
Hey Shelly, where are you? Long time no talk. Call me babe!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Well, it's Monday again...
Weight check... I am now 222 pounds. I think I miscalculated on my last weight check cause I've lost a few pounds since then. I am NOW down 35 pounds. I have been remembering to take my vitamins, but I'm still fighting against the shakes. YUCK! Calli and I are going to start doing some of the Fit TV workouts. LOL OH, and if I can find them, I'm pretty sure I have some kick boxing tapes somewhere... hmmm, I'll have to look for those.
This weekend went pretty well. Nick's team lost miserably again. 6-25. Oh well, they have fun. Someone has to loose, right? I didn't get to go to the game. I went to the Mary Kay Holiday workshop and then to Fashion Bug for their fashion show (we get names from it). The workshop was great. We had to leave early though which sucked, but I still got a lot of good info. A lot of ways to do a gift giving service for the holidays. Ya know, like, make a list of all the people you have to buy for and price ranges. I get it all together for you, wrap it and deliver it. It's really pretty cool. They also showed the new BIG MAMMA COMPACT. The last one we had was ridiculously huge. This one is much smaller, but still fits a ton of stuff. And, it's way prettier.
None of you have called me yet to say you've got people together... what's up with that? I'm going to put together a flyer or something that tells all my old customers that I'm back in business. Hopefully that will bring some business.
I did our homestead rebates today. Hopefully they won't screw it up again like last year. Our lots are split and we only pay about $100 a year in tax on the other property. Somehow that's the only info they had, so we got back $20! Uhm, yeah.... NO!! We got it straightened out, but it was a pain in the ass.
Question for all you mom's out there... Calli is 4 1/2. She can say her ABC's and can count pretty high, but she can't recognize them by sight. Is that normal? Nick was so ahead of the curve that he could tell you letters by the time he was 2. How can I help her learn them? I have flash cards that we've been using, but it doesn't seem to help much. Since she's not in preschool right now (no money) I want to be able to teach her something.
Off to clean... never ending. Oh we did get our kitchen back in order. John fixed the fridge and we moved the other one out. I'm not sure what to do with it now though. Keep it.. Sell it... Anyone need a fridge? $150
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I'm at a loss people. I really don't want to go back to work, but we all know that's not even an option.
John thinks I should do Mary Kay full time (did you hear that Margaret??) But when you just start out in the business, it takes a while to get into the full swing and make some money. Not to mention the fact that I know that I'm REALLY LAZY!! Don't get me wrong, when I get to the people's house and start my thing, I have a BLAST! I love it. But, I hate all the work behind it. I hate having to call people, keeping track of everything, setting up. I procrastinate too much. Hell, Margaret told me to call 5 people I know to have them do a party and I still haven't done that!! 5 stinkin people, and I haven't done it. What the hell??? I am doing a fashion show this weekend which will give me some names to get off the ground with though.
I think maybe I'll look for something part time as well. Just to keep some definite money coming in. Part time wont be a lot of money, but it's something, and then I can supplement with MK.
There is one job here in town that is a full time Admin. I'm going to put in my application and see what they pay. If they'll pay me what I was making, I think maybe I'll take it. I don't know. I'm ready to just pack up and move to Utah or something.
I can't keep my mind straight. I'm forgetting things, I'm tired, totally out of it. I need to get myself back together. Ug, such is my life.
So anyway, I need five of you to get together 3-5 friends. Hell, I'll bring the wine! (Not guaranteeing good wine) Just get some friends together that have a little dough to spend. I need to get MK rolling. If you guys call me and say you have people, I'm going to have to get off my ass. Come on folks, save me!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
OMG, I soooo did not want to get out of bed this morning. My alarm went off, and off and off... lol, but I got up to get Nick off to school. This past week he has been sleeping in. I'm gonna have to go buy him a cheap alarm clock cause he's a bear to wake up in the morning. It's so much easier if he's up playing the Wii when I get up cause then I can just get him moving. Otherwise I'm dragging him out of bed.
After getting him out the door I debated about whether to stay up or go back to sleep.... sleep won out. Calli crawled in with me at about 8 and I turned on Disney for her. She let me sleep till almost 10. Of course then I felt even more tired. The thought of going to work out was horrible. I thought about calling Lea and telling her I wasn't coming. BUT, I toughed it out and went anyway.
APPLAUSE TO ME!! Come on people, I want to hear some major ooo's and aahhh's. I did an ENTIRE WEEK of work outs. You should all be very proud of me.
My major thing to talk about today is that I got the new Jenny McCarthy book "Mother Warriors". It talks about her battle with her son's autism and has a bunch of other stories from parents. She is a huge believer in the vaccines causing autism. As I read through the book I was shocked at all the similarities. Not just in the autism characteristics, but in WHEN they became evident. Also that these kids (not all of them, but a good amount) can recover with the proper diet and vitamin supplements. WITHOUT MEDICATION.
One of the biggest eye openers was that a B 12 deficiency can cause a lot of the outburst behavior in autistic kids. I have a B12 deficiency and so does my niece, so much so that she has to have the shots for it. There are a bazillion tests you can do to find out what they are deficient on and what toxins and metals they are high on. And all of these things can be fixed.
They have these doctors called DAN! doctors (Defeat Autism Now) that only treat biomedically (no drugs). There is one in Hackettstown and I'm going to try to get in to see her. The biggest problem... insurance doesn't cover autism. How STUPID is that. They cover Nick's doctor's appointments and meds but that is because he also has ADHD and OCD. They wont cover speech therapy, occupational therapy, or group therapy. Thankfully his school offers all of this for free as part of their program. They most likely won't cover a DAN! doctor. But it's worth a shot.
Jenny is going to be on Ellen today, which starts now, so I'm gonna go watch it. I have more to tell you about the mercury in the vaccines and getting them while your kid was sick. Tomorrow.
OMG, I soooo did not want to get out of bed this morning. My alarm went off, and off and off... lol, but I got up to get Nick off to school. This past week he has been sleeping in. I'm gonna have to go buy him a cheap alarm clock cause he's a bear to wake up in the morning. It's so much easier if he's up playing the Wii when I get up cause then I can just get him moving. Otherwise I'm dragging him out of bed.
After getting him out the door I debated about whether to stay up or go back to sleep.... sleep won out. Calli crawled in with me at about 8 and I turned on Disney for her. She let me sleep till almost 10. Of course then I felt even more tired. The thought of going to work out was horrible. I thought about calling Lea and telling her I wasn't coming. BUT, I toughed it out and went anyway.
APPLAUSE TO ME!! Come on people, I want to hear some major ooo's and aahhh's. I did an ENTIRE WEEK of work outs. You should all be very proud of me.
My major thing to talk about today is that I got the new Jenny McCarthy book "Mother Warriors". It talks about her battle with her son's autism and has a bunch of other stories from parents. She is a huge believer in the vaccines causing autism. As I read through the book I was shocked at all the similarities. Not just in the autism characteristics, but in WHEN they became evident. Also that these kids (not all of them, but a good amount) can recover with the proper diet and vitamin supplements. WITHOUT MEDICATION.
One of the biggest eye openers was that a B 12 deficiency can cause a lot of the outburst behavior in autistic kids. I have a B12 deficiency and so does my niece, so much so that she has to have the shots for it. There are a bazillion tests you can do to find out what they are deficient on and what toxins and metals they are high on. And all of these things can be fixed.
They have these doctors called DAN! doctors (Defeat Autism Now) that only treat biomedically (no drugs). There is one in Hackettstown and I'm going to try to get in to see her. The biggest problem... insurance doesn't cover autism. How STUPID is that. They cover Nick's doctor's appointments and meds but that is because he also has ADHD and OCD. They wont cover speech therapy, occupational therapy, or group therapy. Thankfully his school offers all of this for free as part of their program. They most likely won't cover a DAN! doctor. But it's worth a shot.
Jenny is going to be on Ellen today, which starts now, so I'm gonna go watch it. I have more to tell you about the mercury in the vaccines and getting them while your kid was sick. Tomorrow.
OMG, I soooo did not want to get out of bed this morning. My alarm went off, and off and off... lol, but I got up to get Nick off to school. This past week he has been sleeping in. I'm gonna have to go buy him a cheap alarm clock cause he's a bear to wake up in the morning. It's so much easier if he's up playing the Wii when I get up cause then I can just get him moving. Otherwise I'm dragging him out of bed.
After getting him out the door I debated about whether to stay up or go back to sleep.... sleep won out. Calli crawled in with me at about 8 and I turned on Disney for her. She let me sleep till almost 10. Of course then I felt even more tired. The thought of going to work out was horrible. I thought about calling Lea and telling her I wasn't coming. BUT, I toughed it out and went anyway.
APPLAUSE TO ME!! Come on people, I want to hear some major ooo's and aahhh's. I did an ENTIRE WEEK of work outs. You should all be very proud of me.
My major thing to talk about today is that I got the new Jenny McCarthy book "Mother Warriors". It talks about her battle with her son's autism and has a bunch of other stories from parents. She is a huge believer in the vaccines causing autism. As I read through the book I was shocked at all the similarities. Not just in the autism characteristics, but in WHEN they became evident. Also that these kids (not all of them, but a good amount) can recover with the proper diet and vitamin supplements. WITHOUT MEDICATION.
One of the biggest eye openers was that a B 12 deficiency can cause a lot of the outburst behavior in autistic kids. I have a B12 deficiency and so does my niece, so much so that she has to have the shots for it. There are a bazillion tests you can do to find out what they are deficient on and what toxins and metals they are high on. And all of these things can be fixed.
They have these doctors called DAN! doctors (Defeat Autism Now) that only treat biomedically (no drugs). There is one in Hackettstown and I'm going to try to get in to see her. The biggest problem... insurance doesn't cover autism. How STUPID is that. They cover Nick's doctor's appointments and meds but that is because he also has ADHD and OCD. They wont cover speech therapy, occupational therapy, or group therapy. Thankfully his school offers all of this for free as part of their program. They most likely won't cover a DAN! doctor. But it's worth a shot.
Jenny is going to be on Ellen today, which starts now, so I'm gonna go watch it. I have more to tell you about the mercury in the vaccines and getting them while your kid was sick. Tomorrow.
So we had our first MAJOR clutz incident on Friday.
We were over a friends house and Calli had gone upstairs to play. I was in the kitchen and heard a huge BANG. But no tears or anything after, so didn't go running or anything. Just figured one of the kids dropped something. 1 minute later I hear Calli coming down the stairs saying, "MMmmaa maa, I hurt myself". THEN I went running.
I get to the bottom of the stairs and see blood coming from her forehead. I yell to Lea to ask where the bathroom is (it was our first time there) and she came around the corner and turned white. Ready to run back to grab the phone so she could dial 911, I just asked again where the bathroom was. (Ha, just realized this second that I could have just used the kitchen sink. HA, oh well). By the time we got to the bathroom she was covered in blood. She saw her self in the mirror and her eyes got so big and she said, "MOM, I'M BLEEDING!!". Normally when she said that it was a scratch or a tiny drop of blood, now she knows what it really means to bleed. Poor kid. Lea grabbed a bunch of paper towels and I started cleaning her up expecting to find a huge gash in her head. When I finally got it cleared, all she had was a tiny little hole. But that sucker was bleeding good.
After wringing out the paper towels for about the 5th time, I finally got the bleeding to stop. Lea told me that she had a cross on the door upstairs. It was made out of building blocks and spelled out Jesus Loves Me. Calli must have tried to open the door and it fell off and hit her in the head. HA, Jesus didn't love her that day. LOLOL
She had a little head ache that night, but nothing else. She's fine now. The Clutz strikes again!
Weight check... I'm down about 35 pounds. Still have to drink more of my protein shakes and remember to take my vitamins. I'm working on it.
Ok, gonna go do some job hunting. woopee. :o(
I know I haven't written in a while, but the rain just never stops falling around here.
Fridge, cars, bills.... AND, to top it all off.... I got let go on Tuesday. I was told that they decided that they needed someone that could work in the city. Freaking wonderful.
Amazingly I didn't panic as much as I should have. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's just being in shock or something. Who knows.
We did end up getting a cheap fridge, so I don't need one of those anymore. But if anyone knows about a JOB!! THAT would be great!
Honestly, I'd rather not work at all. Just stay here and deal with the house and kids. Unfortunately, the bill man doesn't like that idea. We could never pay our bills on just John's salary.
I am getting back into my Mary Kay. That will at least bring in some money. So all you people with skin out there, start thinking of 3-6 people that you want over your house for a few drinks one night. I expect at least 3 or 4 of my friends/family to hold a party for me to get me off the ground since I'm basically going to have to start over.
No nervous break down yet... although I am about to go through all my bills, that should bring it on nicely. Yay ME!
Oh, Nick's first real football game is this Saturday at home. Let me know if you're interested and I'll give you directions.