Monday, July 21, 2008

Ok folks... This is it. My last day. This time tomorrow I will be in the hospital....

I lied. Just as I typed the above, I got a phone call. The surgeon had a death in the family and they have cancelled my surgery. OMG. Ya know, I feel bad for Dr. Garrison, I really do, but SHIT. THANK GOD I hadn't taken that flush the system stuff yet. Now I have to wait for another phone call to find out when they can move it too. Damn it. Not that I wasn't nervous enough, now I have more time to think about it. Dang It!

Poor Mom. She had taken off all week from work and now has to go ask to switch her time off again. If they move it to the last week of the month, she wont be able to take off because the other guy is already scheduled to take off. We're gonna be fucked. John can't take 3 days off of work. And Shell will be in the Cape. Heather (the girl who lives here) works full time and her sister Kelly is usually gone to work by late morning. No one will be here when Nick gets home from school. FUCK!!! Everyone else I know works full time. Oh, there is Donna... I'll have to check with her. See if Kelly can get Nick on the bus and drop Calli off at school and then see if Donna can come here and hang with Nick till John gets home.

ARG!!! This is soo not good. Well, at least I can eat my left overs from dinner at the Olive Garden last night.

Fuck Shit Crap Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck!

And that's all I have to say about that.


Mira said...

Murphy is alive and well. Let's kill him.

Anonymous said...

I think My grand child if great. HE HE doing what she should do to her MOm Pay BAck, HE HE. CAlm down it kept you busy not thinking all day about surgery. Love that CHILD, Be happy Marino is not taking off the last week. I will be there. Think about your poor Mother who thought she was going to be off for the next week and now has to work So no sun tan for me no pool and no rest just work as usual ,, Love MOM