Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dr. called. They have moved my surgery to August 5th. Because after the funeral, the doc is going on vacation. Oh joy. Hopefully they wont give me a hard time at work for it. I sent an email, we'll see what they say.

I really wasn't nervous before.... now... Now I'm getting scared. I was hoping to have it over with. Now I have to wait 2 more weeks. Arg. Ok, not thinking about it until then.

Calli went to school today. OH HELL YES, SHE WENT TO SCHOOL!!! There was no way in hell she was staying home. I couldn't handle cleaning up another mess.

Have you checked out the latest undies commercial? Vince Gill is singing with the fruit of the loom guys. LOL I was just like.. .huh? HA LOL

Ok, quick rant..... How does a man who has degrees up the ass in "medical science" say that 99% of kids that are diagnosed with autism are just "brats" and the parents need to tell them to cut the crap? That they are just idiots and morons. Hmm, sounds familiar. Like a certain school I know who said we were bad parents and needed to discipline Nick better at home. That he was just a bad kid. Now, I'm not one of those people that yell "BOYCOTT", I think that's impossible and never works. But in this case, I think asking for severe disciplinary action is in order. I realize he is a shock jock and rants about a lot of things. But for one who is supposed to be so knowledgeable about medicine... Fire him for his stupidity!


You all know my feelings about Autism, so I wont go into that again. Just felt the need to mention this Bastard.

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