Monday, May 12, 2008

What a lovely Mother's Day!

I was woken happily (at 9:30 no less! YAY, slept in) by the happy chants of my kids calling "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!"

John brought in breakfast (in bed) on a silver platter on my fine china. Eggs benedict, hash browns, bacon, a candle, coffee (and a carafe for extra) cream and sugar. YUM I also got cards from each person and a special one from Nick that he made in school all written in SPANISH!! Can you believe that?! Amazing. The kids stayed in bed with me and even rubbed my feet! For only about a minute, but hey, it worked.

Then John came in with a ciggy and a lighter on a plate and served it to me. LOL Very funny.

I finally got up and went down stairs and John had the entire kitchen cleaned and the kids and dog fed. It was very nice. I then got to chill for a little while and was yelled at whenever I tried to clean anything or pick anything up.

Mom showed up (an hour early of course - I wasn't even showered!) I got in the shower and then we all played the Wii for a little while.

I cooked on the grill when Joanne and Scott got here (Pop showing up a little later) I made chicken, beef and bacon wrapped scallops shish-ka-bobs and snow crab legs all on the grill. Then I made a salad that I found a recipe for with all the salad stuff, chicken, tortellini and peas with a pesto sauce dressing. I patted myself on the back for my pesto. It was the first time I had made it and it was really good. A couple dips and some chips and we were good to go. Berry pie ala-mode for dessert! Yumm-O

The rest of the day we just chilled out. It was very relaxing. I did run out later to Wally world to see if I could get Mario Kart for Nick. They were all out and he was PO'd. But I did get him a game for his game boy. John stopped on the way home today and got Mario from another store. It's pretty fun. We played it for a while before Nick got home... He walked in and saw us and almost fainted. HA LOL Too funny.

Nick's game got cancelled Saturday because of rain. It was moved to today, and of course is cancelled. He had another one Wednesday that the coach cancelled because he'll be out of town. Oh boy. We're gonna have a lot of catching up to do. HA, get it? CATCHing up to do?! HA LOL

I signed Nick up for football on Saturday. He's still too young so he'll be doing flag football this year. Although I think it's a really good idea because he'll get all the fundamentals, I think having him in pads and a helmet would be much safer.

Now I do have to say that I remember only a few years ago saying that my son would not be able to play in any sports except figure skating or interpretive dance cause I didn't want him to get hurt. I am now rescinding that decision. I will hold my grown on this stance for hockey and soccer. Freaking BRUTAL games. No dice on those. Baseball and football. Maybe basketball when the time comes. That's plenty. I'm tired just running him around to baseball! Thank goodness these sports don't run in tandem.

Ok, on too celebrity news. Mariah Carey got married. Now, although I think that's very nice, what I think was really STUPID was the tattoos they got. Although hers is a small butterfly on her lower back which is pretty, it has his name down the middle of it. It's small enough that it's no big deal should it need to be removed. He, on the other hand got her name across his entire back! From shoulder to shoulder, from neck to mid back. It's a very nice tattoo, but it's HUGE and if/when they break up.... it's gonna be a bitch to remove.

John and I both have tattoos and neither of us would ever think to put each others names on us. The kids names, yes, but never a significant other. I actually want another tattoo. I need to take lots of percocet before I go cause I have no pain tolerance. I want a butterfly. I love butterflies. Maybe the kids names mixed in the wings. Or a fairy. I need to find one I really like and then find someone really good to do it. Some day.

Stupid Law of the day - Wyoming - It is illegal for women to stand within five feet of a bar while drinking. **** Is it just me??? Wouldn't this law make it very difficult for women to have a drink in the bar? Are they Men Only bars in Wyoming? Where do the women go? Very interesting.

PS - ***6.000 hits??? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE? Love ya.

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