Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vacation from your vacation

Isn't it always the way. You go on vacation, come home and need a weeks vacation!

The weekend went really well. We left Thursday night and got there about 8pm. It was still light enough that we were able to put up the tent. We're were going to wait till the next day to do it figuring it was going to be too dark.

We gave Nick a lot more free rain this year. We let him take his bike and ride around the campground. He immediately made a friend which was great. Friday we got up, made breakfast (Mom was on breakfast duty all but one day for the weekend - Thanks Mom!) Then we went to Cabella's. If you've never heard of that, it's a HUGE outdoor store where you can buy anything from guns to boats to fishing poles. There is a gun museum that you can see/purchase all types of old rifles. There are some in there that cost $27,000. Wow. They also have airplanes hanging from the ceiling and museums of stuffed animals like lions, elephants and an entire room of different types of deer. There's a Mountain in the middle of the store with all different types of bear, goats, and the like. There's a shooting range, a restaurant, a fudge shop (supper yummy) and floor to ceiling fish tanks. Even if you're not the "sporting" type, it's a really cool place to go. There were actually field trips going on! LOL

After our supply of fudge, we went off to Walmart. Nick's bike was in deep need of replacement. It was WAY to small for him. His knees were hitting him in the chin. LOL We found a nice huffy for $45. Good Deal! SOLD.

We went back to the campground and he went off running riding flying around the campground with his friend - which soon became 2 friends that stuck together the entire weekend. Calli had a lot of fun going to the park and the camp store and basically being outside all day. She was still a weeney whiney all weekend, but she made it through without any of us beating the hell out of her.

We got to be the very first players on their new miniature golf course!! We christened the course very badly! LOL I'm sure we didn't get the worst score the course would ever see, but I'm sure we'll always be near the top. LOL.

DUTCHO!!! 3 Nights of Dutcho with a basket bingo thrown in! It was great. Although, we just ended up giving them all our money. We didn't win anything at basket bingo, and I only won one dutcho game and was so tired during it, I didn't see my dutcho until he called the next number and then a bunch of other people also called out. My $15 dollar prize became only $2. Boo Hoo!! (By the way, Dutcho is Bingo)

They did a Chinese auction too. I won a box with weird bird paintings on it. Uhm, yay, joy..... hmmm I went over to another winner who got a nice wicker basket and said, hey, wanna trade? And miraculously, she actually said YES? HA!!! Woo hoo. I didn't know what the hell I was gonna do with that box, but I thought the cats would like sleeping in the basket.

John cost me a fortune this weekend!! He usually is the "non-participator" The one who babysits and puts the kids to bed because he hates playing the games. Of course now he is Mister Gamer and played every single night. So now my Dutcho cost was doubled!! And we STILL LOST!! It was fun though. He was so determined to win... oh well.

We did the matchbox races as well... lost on that one too! Not very lucky this weekend.

John and I took a trip to the bank (after loosing all that money) and we took a ride past a farm with baby colts and their Mamma's! They were so cute that we took the kids by on our way home so they could see them and I could take pics. I'll put them on here soon.

The pool needed a new liner which they did on Friday and then filled in on Saturday. They opened it on Sunday and the kids were determined to go in. Even though it was JUST pumped in there and was probably no more than 55 degrees. Way to freaking cold for me. I barely got my toe in. They jumped in, freaked out, got out shivering, said it was too cold and then jumped back in!! Mom said kids have a different internal temperature. I have to believe that. I could NEVER have stayed in that water.

They also did a campground garage sale which was fun. I got a really nice picture. John got a lantern and a leaf blower (for free!) and mom got a bunch of little ceramics to put in her garden.

Nick had a blast with his friends and was sad to go, but Monday morning we packed up and headed out. But not of course until we stopped for my ice cream! We got two bags of ice and I got a huge tub of my favorite peanut butter ice cream, and I also got a quart of chocolate chip mint and another of raspberry for John and the kids. Cause the peanut butter is MINE! I got Shelly a quart of the peanut butter too.

After doing the matchbox races and then sitting by the pool on Sunday, I was thoroughly burned. Lucky me and my stupid Irish/Slovak pale skin!! And then of course on the drive home I had by foot up on the window and my right shin got even more burned. So now I'm a very uneven lobster.

John was a very good boy the entire weekend. I on the other hand was a total bitch. I ended up with Aunt Flow's visit today so that would explain my bitchiness. It was a very nice weekend, but I need another few days to get everything back in order. Laundry Laundry Laundry. Yesterday we were trying to cook up all the meat that was left and our stupid grill KILLED it all. I put burgers, kielbasa and steak on the grill, on low, closed the lid, came in, made a pot of coffee, went back out and the burgers and kielbasa were charcoal. Arg!! So pissed off. I was only able to save half of it.

Ok, Now I'm off to clean. Joy. Have fun folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just want to say it was a great weekend. Callie acts like her mom did when she was four, crying each time we say no. Nicky was great, John and Kaylene had to get up each morning no sleeping the vacation away. The kids and I made sure they awoke with us very early ha ha I loved that. They are not their best in the morning. But coffee was ready to cheer them up. Love Mom