Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Ghost in the van Strikes Again!

Over the weekend, Mom went to unlock the door while John was opening it at the same time. Unfortunately, doing things like that make the ghost VERY angry. Hence, it locked the drivers side door for good. Most of the time we can unlock it by just messing around with it, but I guess the ghost is just not having it. It WILL NOT open. So now I'm stuck going in and out of the passenger side door when I want to go anywhere. STUPID VAN!!! I wish we could afford a new car. Some day. I stopped at the Nissan place to see how much it would be to fix it. The guy says, oh yeah, that's a real pain in the ass. It's gonna be about $250 just for labor. !!!WHAT!!!???!!! Screw that! I just wanted to know what to do so John could do it. He said, basically you just have to keep messing with it. That's what we would do. GREAT!! Thanks for all the help! I guess I'll just have to deal for a while.

Calli had to stay home with me today. Wanna know why.... Cause I can't find her stinkin shoes!! I found a sneaker. A as in ONE. Who knows where the other one is. And I couldn't find her sandals, which she's not allowed to ware to school anyway, but I figured it was better than nothing. No clue where any of them are. I have a feeling they're lost in the laundry. I had to run to wallyworld, so I grabbed her $5 pair of crocs that she calls water shoes and wont take no for an answer. Whatever. If I can't find her shoes today, I guess she'll have to wear those tomorrow to school

While camping we got Calli a kitten (the stuffed animal variety) which she loves. It's a little calico. It's very cute. Although, I think it looks too much like a real cat because the other cats have taken it as their own and are both sitting here licking it and giving it a bath. Weird freaking cats.

One of my favorite shows is How Clean is Your House. It's on the BBC channel. These two lovely English ladies go around to houses and teach them how to clean. Now, these aren't just normal everyday people who need tips on cleaning. These are people who's houses are DISGUSTING!! And I don't mean just messy, I mean pure filth, like, how in the hell can these people even live in there. Food and grease everywhere, inches of piled up dust, mold!! Just really gross. I watch it cause it makes me feel so much better about my house. No matter how messy it gets, it will NEVER be as bad as that. YUCK. They also have some good cleaning tips.

Off to do some work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John, put one sneaker in the clothing basket the other one was out.not sure where. Mom