Friday, January 30, 2009

So, no one has come forward to pack my house for me out of the goodness of their hearts. Oh well, guess I'm stuck doing it. Have I mentioned how much I hate doing that?

This house has to be "show" worthy by the 8th. That gives me a week. ho hum. I seem to do much better on the weekends. I'm so tired during the week. I think it's cause I have to wake up at the crack of dawn and then I work out. (that whole theory about working out waking you up is CRAP). I swear, I get nothing done during the day. It's after dinner that I start working. Weird. Guess I'm just a night person. On the weekends, I get to sleep in, and John's home so it motivates me somehow to get shit done.

We're having a birthday party for Callihan on 22nd of February. It's the big "5". It will also most likely be our last birthday party here for any of us, so I expect everyone to come. By then the house should be freaking spotless!

Speaking of parties, we are actually going to a party. All by ourselves, no kids!! How awesome is that? My cousin is coming to stay with the kids for the night since the party is in Weehawken and we'll most likely be VERY late coming home. The party is on my birthday too, so it's like a two-fer! How great is that birthday present! A night out with no kids. AAahhhh, can't beat that! Guitar Hero/Beer Pong, here I come!!

So, Calli has been very observant lately. Last night she was laying with her head in my lap being very cuddly when she starts poking at my "second" chin. She says "Mom, why do you have all this skin down here? Why do you have two chins?" Just cause honey. "You have another chin just like Grandma, you look just like a Grandma Mamma!!" Thanks Honey, you're the best!!

This morning she looked at me and asked "Mamma, why do you have a mustache? Only BOYS have mustaches!! You're so funny Mamma!!" Thanks again Babe! She just likes to find the best in all of us. So sweet. (rolling of the eyes)


Anonymous said...

Just to make you feel better: When Marea was maybe 2 1/2, she said, "Mom - when I grow up I want pretty teeth just like yours. Nice and yellow." -- Margaret

MamaErin said...

Hey - Trevor once asked me really loudly in the checkout line at the grocery store why I had a mustache - yeah, that was fun! LOL! NOT! I can't wait till the day I can embarrass my kids back! LOL!