Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gotta love a snow day - can you hear the sarcasm?

First of all, I have to say this.... Every school day I get up at 6:30 and have to DRAG Nick out of bed to get him ready for school. It's a fight every day. On the weekends, the kid is up by 6am or earlier. Last night I made the mistake of telling him he may not have school today, so when I got up at 6:30 to go check the snow phone line, who do I see sitting on the couch playing the Wii, that's right, my little monster. Arg. It just pisses me off to no end. If he doesn't have school, he up, if he does, it's a contest of wills.

Anyway, so now the kids are both home today and I'm trying very hard not to kill them. It's not like I can even let them go outside and play because the snow has now turned to freezing rain. So they are stuck in the house with me. JOY OF JOYS!! I'm trying very hard to clean and I swear, as soon as I get one thing done and go onto the next, they've destroyed the first thing. I have now banished them to their rooms.

John is out in this crap cause of course there's no rest for the trucker. His stops got messed up too, so his day is even longer. I always worry about him in weather like this. I try not to watch the news or traffic reports afraid to hear that a trucker went off the road or whatever. It's very nerve racking.

So, the mortgage company in FL called today. It seems that our credit is way too sucky and there is no way we'll be able to get a mortgage. I was very disappointed to hear that. I also expected John to be pretty pissed. He surprised me though and said, Oh well, that's ok, we'll just rent for a couple years. Ya know, I think this move is going to be very good for him. Just the thought of it has made him so much happier.

Ya know what my greatest wish right now is..... That we could hire someone to come in and pack up all this crap. That would be sooooo awesome. I could just sit on the couch and watch! Aaaahhhh. But, alas, that is not in the budget. Bah humbug.

Ok, I have to stop stalling and get moving here. And now my beautiful daughter is standing next to me whining in my ear. CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!

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