Friday, January 16, 2009

What a horrible morning. I woke up this morning and it was 50 degrees in here. So I put Nick in the bathroom to change since there's a heater in there and go out to get the fire going. I stop in my tracks when I notice a smell. Ug, the puppy pooped in his kennel and decided to spread it all over. GREAT. So I put him outside and he goes running back in. AAAHHHHH Tracking poo all over the floor, carpet and then jumping on the couch. Mother Fu***** Get him back outside and go to wash my hands that now have poo on them to find that we have no water!!! The freaking pipes froze.

That's it, I'm done. Shelly, take a deep breath and close your eyes. We're outta here. I've called the schools in Florida and got info on what needs to be done for Nick. We have a realtor sending us listings for houses to rent. I called my mom and said good-bye and I'm now looking for truck rentals. I've had it. I'm tired of always being broke, I'm tired of always being cold, worrying about having enough wood, running out of wood, worrying about the pipes freezing, worrying about the kids getting sick. It's all too much. Too Crazy. It's time for a change. Something new. Time to start over. If it doesn't work, oh well, at least we wont freeze to death.

We'll put the house on the market for a short sale and hope someone takes it. If not, it forcloses and we have to wait 10 years to buy. Oh well.


Shell said...

oh, I see how it is. Now that you look hot in a swimsuit you're going south to be a beach bum. I think it is for the best as much as I'd like to disagree for selfish reasons. You'll all get a fresh start. Just make sure you have room for my clan to come visit.

Anonymous said...

YES - now that you have said it, I agree 100%. Take the plunge and move to sunny Florida! - NO INCOME TAX in FLA!!! I'll miss you, but sometimes you see friends more who are far away than those around the corner, right? Okay and the biggest thing you can congratulate yourself for is that you now weigh less than me... CRAP! Donna