Monday, February 9, 2009

Well, the house is finally done! It took FOR - E - VER!!!!! We had our first showing yesterday and it seemed to go well. I had a dream the other night that someone came in with a full price offer as long as we could be out by the weekend. (Shelly didn't like that idea) LOL I doubt that would happen, but a full price offer would be nice. I'll be interested to hear what they thought of the place (Rich, let me know). We can't get it any cleaner than it already is, so it'll just be up to the house now. I'm sure we'll get the same complaints as last time, which mostly revolved around the dormered ceilings in the upstairs bedrooms. Cross your fingers folks!

We had a good weekend (besides all the cleaning). My little cousin came over to watch the kids for us Saturday night so we could go to a party at our friends Mark & Kim's. When I went to pick her up, I actually borrowed clothes from my cousin Valerie to wear to the party. HOW COOL IS THAT??? For those of you that don't know, Val has always been super fit and skinny. One of those really annoying women who don't really have to work to hard on their body because they're born with it. Don't we hate those people!?! But, we love them anyway. Thanks for the duds Val! And thanks for sitting Crystal. You left before I could give you some dough. I'll drop some off to you.

The party was lots of fun. Played a little beer pong. It was so nice to just be out without the kids. And my bestest friend Shelly made me an awesome cake!! (all those that took pictures, please send them to me so I can post them.) Wait until you see it!! If you wish to purchase a cake from Michelle, please let me know and I'll forward on your information to her. She's making Calli's cake for her birthday on the 22nd. Little Mermaid!

I tried to download a couple pics of me before we left for the party, but of course my stupid camera wont cooperate AGAIN!! Piece a crap! Anyway. I'm down to about 170. 13 pounds until I hit the 100 mark. Can you believe I've lost almost 100 pounds in 6 months? How crazy is that. I really thought that at this point I'd be pretty happy with the way I look, but I'm not. I think I could stand to loose another 30-40 pounds. I still have a big tummy and legs. We'll see once I'm down to 150 what I look like. Tummy tuck and boob job are definitely required! Especially the boob job. I'm so sad about the girls. They just aren't there any more. No matter what anyone says, I think your boobs are what makes a woman sexy. Big or small really doesn't matter, but they have to look great in and out of a bra. At this point, mine look crappy in a bra and aren't allowed to be shown without one do to the fact that they look like pancakes. Sad, very very sad.

Speaking of boobs... another Classic Callihan.... Sitting on the couch the other day, she starts flopping my boobs around and going, Mamma, why are your boobies down here. They don't go there, they're supposed to be up here. Why do they do that Mamma? - I don't know honey, just cause - You know what I think Mamma? I think they're sleeping. - I think you're right honey. ROFLMAO

I wonder if there's charities out there that donate money to poor women who desperately need tummy tucks and boob jobs?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

40-50 MORE POUNDS?!?!?!! Seriously, Kaylene - that kind of talk makes me so nervous for you! You look AMAZING - I would think 20 lbs MAX MAX MAX! You'll be TOO skinny at that. I'm not just saying that, Kay - you look INCREDIBLE. You've worked so hard and I am so impressed by you!!!

And PS - at least in a bra, your boobs look great! And you KNOW I was looking... :D -- marg