Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The party went well. Lots of food of course and we really didn't have that many left overs. Calli got lots of much needed clothes and some toys that are now all over. We spent yesterday getting Barbie tattoos and putting on make-up. YAY! LOL

John decided to take the day off Monday to help me clean up in case someone wanted to see the house. Of course, as fate would have it, someone called in the morning wanting to show it in the afternoon. So, John helped me clean everything. I spent most of the day upstairs putting the kids rooms back in order. We got it all done and then the realtor called and said, we're outside, but they said it's too close to the road, so we're not coming in. Bastards. Ya know, I even told her when she called that we had a party the day before and we'd have to do a lot of cleaning. You could have a little common courtesy and at least come in. Idiots!

We're dropping the price of the house $10,000 this week and will do it again next month. Hopefully that will do something. When I did the numbers, we figured we're not going to get anything out of it either way. Knowing what the market is doing and what people will pay, I doubt anyone is going to give us more than $240,000. For us to make any money, we'd need more than that. We were hoping for $250, that would at least get us down there and we would have been able to pay everyone off that we owe. Not gonna happen. So, it's pointless now. Short sale starts the end of April, so I think we'll probably leave the beginning of May and let what will be, be. Ho Hum

Above are a bunch of pics. The ones of her in the brown dress are from her actual birthday and the presents from us. Nick was so cute. He went and got his stuffed snowman and two of his match box cars and wrapped them for her. The rest are from the party. Check out the awesome "Cake by Shelly"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your house has to be worth at least 156,000 even in today's bad market so if you will take this amount post a yes in your blog and i will contact your agent. thanks