Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Aaahhhh, it's so nice out. It's actually sitting around 60! I actually didn't have to wear a coat. NICE!! Of course, as with everything else in my life, it's just a tease. It's supposed to get cold again tomorrow. It'll be back in the 20's and 30's by Friday. YUCK.

Not much going on with the house. We had one showing on Sunday and that was it. Bah humbug. Why can't it be easy for once. Why can't we just get an offer and make it quick and easy. NOOoooooo everything has to be hard! Oh well.

I'd love to go to the park or something today, but everything is going to be sopping wet and muddy. Not that much fun to slide down a muddy, slushy slide. Maybe we'll just go for a walk.

Don't forget Calli's party everyone. Sunday, February 22nd at around say... 1pm?? Sounds good. (Shelly, I found a little mermaid doll!) As for gifts, John is crying about it since we just cleared out a ton of their toys. LOL Anyway, she's in a size 6. She likes Barbie, littlest pest shop, anything with animals, art stuff, pretty much any of that girly crap out there. It will be a Little Mermaid party so feel free to dress as your favorite character!! Any Disney character is fine. It doesn't have to be from that movie. Has anyone noticed that Little Mermaid doesn't have a mother..... come to think of it, not many of the disney characters have mother's (besides evil step ones). The only one I can think of is Sleeping Beauty. Hmmm, interesting. Did good old Walt have abandonment issues??

That's all for now. Enjoy the weather while it lasts!

Oh, below are some pics from the cake Shelly made me. (thanks to Liz and John) They don't do it justice! Tim, send me the ones you took too.

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