Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Over 1000 hits!!

My blog has had over 1000 hits. That's so cool!

Thursday's blog I'd like to do a little different. Another blog I read does a Sunday shout out where she answers questions from her readers. Since I can't blog on the weekends, I figured I would do a Thursday Shout Out.

So throw your questions my way. You can either post it in a comment or send it to my email. flutterbyheaven@gmail.com

We've been watching that new show... hmm can't remember - To tell the truth? Something like that. Where you get hooked up to a lie detector. I would SO win at that. Anyway, my point was, don't be afraid to ask anything. I'll be honest! (maybe) Can't wait to see the questions!


Mira said...

Oh I am evil cousin!
"What have you done in your life that you're most ashamed of?"

Mira said...

Also re: your friend Val--- Arm yourself with http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/ I never try to convince others but it's a good place to help others understand why you might not believe the way they do... and understanding is the way toward center.