Thursday, January 31, 2008

You all SUCK!! I only got one question!

"What have you done in your life that you're most ashamed of?" – Laura

I really don’t think I’m ashamed of anything I’ve done in my life. I’m ashamed of letting my body get this big! That’s about it. I probably could have been nicer to people, even ones I didn’t like. That’s something to be ashamed of I guess. But I try to think before I act, so if I do something it usually isn't something I'll be ashamed of later.

I expect WAY more questions for next week people!

Back at work today. Is it the weekend yet?? I wish. Calli went back to school today. You would still never know the kid was sick. I'm waiting though because all my friends and their kids have a stomach flu. Cross your fingers that it stays out of my house!!

All our tax stuff is in (except for mine of course. Explain to me how my husband gets all the w-2's for all of the 300 freaking jobs he's had this year and I don't get my ONE!) Anyway, so we got MOST of them, so I'm starting that ASAP. We need that money bad. We have to pay back Shell and Tim the money we owe them (that we've owed them for way too long) and I want to get my bills on track. I cleaned up a lot of them when we got the broken ankle money, but there's still a lot sitting. And of course the freaking mortgage is behind again. AARRGGG.

I'm still all boogie-fied. It just wont go away. I bet I'm allergic to the cats. Oh well. My kids would hate me forever if I got rid of them. And I don't want to anyway. They are great entertainment. They're the funniest things ever. They stalk each other - and the dog for that matter. The dog thinks they're great little toys. She's gonna get her eyes scratched out one of these days, but hey, she'll learn her lesson.

What else... I think that's it. Questions folks, don't forget the questions. They can be about anything. Ya gotta help me out here. If I'm gonna write this every day for your entertainment, you can at least supply some of it! Jeeze!


Anonymous said...

Sorry hun, I am the worst friend ever. I somehow forgot to read your blog yesterday so I had no idea about the question thing. I know everything about you though. HMMM, I will think of something for next week. But hey, I AM good. I helped you find your phone with my magical friendship powers and I didn't even know it was lost.

Anonymous said...

I have a great question. What is the worsst lie you ever told your Mother? Hee Hee thats me Mom