Friday, January 18, 2008

Ok, we're going with "the cat killed the bird by scaring it to death".... we think. I checked and there was a little bit of water and seed in there. Plus the fact that my mother (President of a bird club) almost had a heart attack when I said I did it. "My God, what will my bird club members think!" LOL

OOoooooohhhhhhhh... The really good thing... It all panned out!! YAYAYAY. BUT, I still can't say anything yet. Just in case. Just a couple more weeks folks and I promise you'll have the full story. (It's killing you not knowing ... isn't it??!!)

Nick is on his meds!!!! YAY. His teacher sent home a note "Much better behavior today" LOL Of course! I love his teacher. She's just a really cool down to earth chick and she knows how to deal with the kids. She'll have him next year too! She teaches first and second. We love you Ms. Jackson!

Shelly's birthday is on Sunday! Everyone sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!!

We were supposed to go to Atlantic City for her birthday, but we got way too poor. Hopefully we'll be able to go next month after we get our taxes back. I've only been there once, but I really liked it. This time I want to do dinner and a show too. I've always wanted to do that. I REALLY want to go to Vegas. But I think that's a long long way off. I want to take my cruise first.

Things to do before I die:

Take a cruise
Go to Graceland
Go to California
Go to the Grand Canyon
Go to Vegas
Take an African safari
Go to Europe
Take a trip cross country and stop at all those stupid sites like the biggest ball of yarn and worlds largest frying pan. hee hee


Anonymous said...

you are a really big freak and with that list you better hope you live a very long time

Anonymous said...

I think it's hilarious that you put GRACELAND before the Grand Canyon...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the singing, it was beautiful hehehe.

I'm so excited for you I can't even express it.

Vegas is a lot cheaper than a cruise.

Wow, I gots random thoughts today, sorry :)

Mira said...

I'm totally offended that "Go To California" was number 3. I just went to my ex-husband's house to use his computer so I could read your blog for cryin' out loud! I think I (and Mickey Mouse) should rate at least a close second to "all the seafood you can eat on the way to Cancun". Jeez.