Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Wishes (warning - very mushy)

This morning Calli was putting a sticker on her shirt. She said, "I get this sticker because I was a good girl all year" Then she looks at me and says, "I'm just pretending Mamma, cause I've been baaaaaad!" I nearly peed my pants. ROFLMAO She's so sweet.

This will be my last post until next Thursday, so ...

Some Christmas Wishes -

The first is for me - I wish that this really really good thing pans out. I wish for peace and love and money in my life. I wish for less fighting and more loving. I wish for plain old happiness.

John - I wish him calm. Calm in mind and patient in spirit. I wish that he gets hired permanent with UPS. The stress is really getting to him. I know he doesn't want to be out of work. I also wish that he becomes happier with the life he got dealt and not expect so much from the future. Realize that even though we may not have a lot (or any) money, we still have a good life and great kids.

Nick - I wish him comfort with himself. I hope that he can learn the signals that his body and mind give off and can work from that. I wish him lots of friends and nothing but happiness. My baby boy isn't a baby anymore. I wish him a life filled with love and laughter.

Calli - I wish her all the tickles and giggles in the world. She's such a sweet child (when she wants to be). I hope she grows up to be a strong, beautiful, brilliant woman.

Mom - I love you so much. I wish you peace. Peace in mind and body. Peace from the other two. Peace from the stresses of life. Peace from aches and pains. Be who you are and don't worry about what other people want. Because who you are is the best person I know.

My Sisters - I wish you an end to the battle with your demons. I hope some day they find a cure for the diseases you both possess and that you can live happy lives. I wish for you to be happy with your kids the way they are - pain in the ass teenagers who will be on their own all too soon.

John's Family - I wish you love. Unconditional love. To take the bad with the good and not judge someone because your feelings are hurt but to see the bigger picture. To not dwell on what's holding you back, physically or mentally, but to focus on what moves you forward.

Faith (John's Sister) - I wish you happiness. Thank you for being understanding. Thank you for taking the high road. I wish you and John new, fantastic, high paying jobs. I also wish for a new niece or nephew. hee hee - You're both home.. GET BUSY!

The rest of my family - I wish you all hope. You have all given me so much hope in my life. You are there to support me and comfort me. I wish you comfort in your lives. For the lives we have and for lives we've lost.

Donna - I wish you joy. The joy you have brought to my life now (and possibly in the future) is immeasurable. Without you with me at work, I probably would have had my breakdown long before I did. You a such a good friend and I wish you nothing but the best.

My Baby Board Girls - Beth, Sheri and Blythe. I wish you time. I wish for you to savor every moment with those babies. You have all been such a strength to me. I couldn't have gotten through a lot of the things that have hit me in the last 4 years with out you. I wish time to slow down for you so you have your babies as babies for just a little longer.

And last but not least...

Michelle - I wish you the world. If I could wrap it up in a pretty package and give it to you I would. You have been my rock. You are the bestest friend a girl could have. You deal with my shit and put me in my place when I give out to much of it. You are my shoulder to cry on and my shoulder to lean on when I'm laughing to hard to stand. You have been there for me for everything. I can't tell you how much you mean to me. Without you guys, I would be miserable. I would be sitting in the corner of the padded room rocking back and forth. I also wish you balls! Balls to stand up to other people. To put your foot down when the need arises (even if it's to me) The guts to say NO. But I also wish you love, I wish you faith, I wish you joy, I wish you money out the wazoo, I wish you time to love your beautiful kids and wonderful husband, I wish you peace in all you do, I wish you friendship that abounds, I wish you happiness with no end. I wish for you to be my friend forever. I love you.

To all of the other people I know - I wish you the joys of the holiday season. To remember what Christmas is about. And I don't mean the whole God thing (no offence). When I think of Christmas, I think of friends and family. Of nothing but happy, smiling faces as toasts are made, gifts are opened and hugs are shared. I wish each of you a Very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, prosperous New Year.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Kaylene for your last blog.I sure am praying for you that your new suprise comes true.You deserve it all. I know you will get strong and rise above all your debts. This is the season to be jolly and caring. You have loving children and a loving mother.Ha Ha Your Husband Loves you too. I love you and wish the best for you. This next year will be great for you all. Love and big Huggs to all Mom

Unknown said...

Awwww Kaylene! I wish for all the good things you're hoping for you come thorugh for you as well. I can't wait to hear about what your surprise is, and I hope it comes to you quickly! Calli's def a character, and she will def gro wup to be an extraordinary woman...Nick, well, he'll learn to deal with himself in effective ways, and fairly quickly too because he's a very bright boy. You have so many people who love you, I hope you have the calmness in your life to sit back and relish it often! (((HUGS)))

Mira said...

Love Ya Cousin! My computer is broken so now I don't have access. Good thing a good friend of mine is an IT guy. He claims he'll fix it for free. Merry Xmas!!!!