Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas show/House

Last night my little girl had her first Christmas concert. Normally very shy, I expected her to just stand up there with her hands over her mouth smiling, but not singing a note. She was great. She did all the little dances and sung her heart out. I'm so proud.

They had Santa come in to see all the kids. Nick looked at him with a strange expression. Calli's teachers even mentioned to me this morning that they thought Nick was going to blow it last night with the "That's not Santa!" declaration. But he didn't. It makes me wonder if we're getting closer to the end... ho hum. I just can't imagine him not believing in the big man. Boooo hoooooo!!

You have to love the light in a little child's eyes at the thought of Santa coming down the chimney to bring them their hearts desire. The excitement that comes in the few weeks prior. The anticipation. Calli asks me every day if Santa's coming tonight. I keep telling her, soon honey. A couple of weeks. It's funny. All she hears is "soon". She starts jumping up and down... WE HAVE TO MAKE COOKIES NOW!! hee hee too cute (Ha, little side note. That just made me realize. That's the only thing I miss about my in laws. Hearing my father-in-law call Calli TC. He always did from the day she was born. Her name was TC - too cute) Anyway...

Santa is almost done shopping. Actually, Santa needs to return a few things cause Santa forgot about all the things she had ordered on-line and in catalogs. So now there's too much. So this weekend, Santa is going through the stacks of things hidden in his workshop and taking a run back to the store. Damn Elves won't get off their ass to help of course. Santa has to do EVERYTHING.

So, about the house... no deal. It seems that our credit has gotten so bad that there is no way in hell that we're going to get another mortgage. I have resolved myself to that fact and I'm ok with it. Yes, we wanted to be in Rockaway, but my theory is that the market SUCKS right now anyway. It's better just to wait it out. Get our shit together and raise our scores and then in a couple of years try again. Don't cry for me Argentina. We'll be fine. I happen to really love my house. We just wanted to be in Rockaway. Oh well.

It's Wednesday... They're calling for a major storm tomorrow. Well, that's from the weather guy on my morning radio station. He's wrong about 80% of the time. He'll call for 8 inches and we'll get a dusting. Or he'll call for rain and we'll get a foot of snow. Gotta love him. He says major storm Thursday and another on Sunday. I'll have to check NOAA to make sure. But just in case, I plan to actually work all day today so I can get all my crap done.

Here's to prayin for a SNOW DAY!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Calli for a great job at her Christmas pageant, and to Nicki as well, for not blowing the Santa thing. The are both really cute kids and I hope they enjoy all the work "Santa" has done for them this Christmas!!

I am also praying for a much anticipated SNOW DAY!! FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!

Mira said...

You mean YOU are Santa Claus!!! All these years everyone lied to me? I'm crushed.
Snow... isn't that that white stuff that ruins perfectly good winters? Sunny Southern California here. Palm Trees. Beautiful weather. Tis the season to be.... abnoxiously smug and comfortable in balmy weather cousin. LOL Sounds like your holiday is going to be fabulous! In truth I miss a white Christmas. Not the driving in the snow, scraping snow off the windshield, shoveling the driveway freezing your tush off part... but I definitely miss looking out the window after the first snowfall of the season at the pristine landscape. The holidays aren't the same here. Sigh. Keep warm and give everyone a hug for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi I hope Saturday is ok no snow. I need you to come see my Christmas stuff. Glad you are done shopping. I can not waite to be there xmas morning to see the kids open gifts. You are sounding more like Christmas. Sorry I could not see Callie, It would have been fun. Next year.Nick is so good He will belive for a few more yeras if you are careful.Love Mom