Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good news and bad news.

The good news is that it got a little warmer today (32 degrees woo hoo) and the pipes defrosted. We had gotten all the water running except the washer and the kitchen sink. They are all running now.

The bad news.... a pipe burst in the basement. Arg. AND, while John was down there fixing it and I was at the computer I heard the horrible sound of water spraying everywhere. The heater pipe right by the computer burst. Arg, water everywhere. So John drained out all the base boards since we don't use them anyway and fixed the other pipe. Then I packed up all our dirty clothes and the 2 dozen soaking wet towels and went to spend the day at the laundry matt since the washer still wasn't working then.

And you wonder why we want to move???

We went through all the boxes that where in the attic and I got rid of half of the stuff. John brought in a bunch from the garage and I got rid of a lot of that, have some on craigs list, some on ebay, some going to salvation army and some on freecycle. I found a box of about 100 cassette tapes. What the hell am I gonna do with those?? They're on freecycle if anyone wants them. LOL

I have 3 huge boxes to go through tonight and tomorrow that are filled with clothes and toys. It's all gotta go. How the hell did I become such a pack rat? I don't get it. I'm opening boxes of stuff I've had since high school. And not even good stuff. Just stupid shit.

I finally went through my box of pictures too. I threw out half of them. Some where people I didn't even remember anymore, some where people I didn't WANT to remember anymore, and the rest were doubles of doubles of doubles. LOL Oh Shelly, you should see the pics I found of you and Tim. HA LOL Young love! And Beth (Waring), I actually have a bunch of pictures for you that I thought you might like. Let's get together and I'll give them to you.

Ok, off to go through those boxes. I hate ebaying. Well, it's a love/hate relationship really. I love the money, but hate the work involved. I'm so freaking lazy.

Oh, weight check. 179 YAYAYAYAY FINALLY!!! I Lost a stinkin pound!! WOO HOOO!!

Below is a video from the other day when we took the kids out on the ice.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your weight. I have to actually see a DOCTOR tomorrow on my rapid weight gain. They are doing something for me since I can't really diet because of my's a long story but that's part of the reason why I wrecked my car having the seizure I did. I get my car back today and have your party lite stuff in the back of it.

MamaErin said...

Hey hey! I just gave you an award, so come and get it! xoxo Check out my blog! :-)